
To create a Felorn with rare, ultra rare, or legendary traits, you need an MYO! 

Felorn are cat-like descendants of Unicorns. They are extremely flexible with their adaptations and can survive in a number of different environments. (Name comes from feline and unicorn) 

Felorn are cat-like in appearance, but are notable for the horn on the center of their foreheads, the horse-like mane that runs along their neck, and their unicorn-like tails.  

Despite looking like cats, Felorn are almost dog-like in their behavior. They live in groups, hunt together, and are extremely social.  

omnivore: preferred foods are small rodents and fruits 

Food Chain Rank: 
Mid: prey on plenty of things, but can be predated on by other species such as Aviasaurs. They can take down anything of their own size.  

Typical Personality: 
Friendly, felorn live in small groups and maintain close bonds within their groups 

Language and Body Language: 
When uncomfortable, upset, or angry, a Felorn will puff up its fur (not unlike a Skivet) and will growl deeply. While capable of purring, it is very uncommon, and they are more likely to chirp and yelp instead.  

Social Life: 
Felorn live in groups, and are very close with each other. They are communal breeders and form close bonds with each member of their group, and practice alloparenting within the group. 

Felorn hunt in their family groups, and use magical symbols to communicate with each other while still hiding from their prey.  

Felorn can use their magic to telekinetically lift and move objects (must be smaller than their body weight). They often throw nearby objects at predators.  

Almost every Felorn is part of a group, and if they aren’t they can become depressed and hostile.  

Average Life Span: 
90+ years 

Average Body Size: 
The average adult is about 170 pounds. They are about the size of miniature horses.

Felorn Variations

Woodland Felorn

Their horns are often branched and can be covered in vine-like growths. Their manes and tails tend to have flowers and twigs caught in them.
City Felorn

(aka Standard) The smallest subtype. These felorn have made their home in cities, and are often kept as pets or familiars by others. They are the friendliest subtype and have the dullest paw spikes. 

Sky Felorn

These felorn have the shortest horns and smallest ears, making them more aerodynamic and adept at flying. The most notable difference from the other types is their large wings, which are as large as the rest of their body. They have shorter manes and tails as well.  

Sand Felorn

They have the largest paws, along with the most pronounced paw spikes. These have a smaller body size and thinner fur as well. Rarely, they can be found with no fur at all. These are the least social subtype, and despite still living in groups, their groups are smaller and individuals spend more time at a greater distance from others. 

Ice Felorn

Ice Felorn have the longest and sharpest paw spikes and horns and are known for having the lightest colors of all the variants. These are the most social subtype, and their groups tend to be exceedingly large, and an Ice Felorn is almost never found alone. 

Water Felorn

These felorn have the longest tails and largest size overall. They are known for having the darkest colors of any type, and their tails are often rudder-shaped and vertically flattened. They can have a stiff mane that runs from their ears to the end of their tail which acts like a fin to aid in their swimming. They also have short legs and dense fur to protect them from the cold waters they live in. They are also the heaviest and can get to upwards of 380 pounds.