


Species name and how to pronounce it.



Pronounced Sloo-Tar-Gon






Where do they live?


Semitropical and tropical oceans! They're saltwater creatures. They love Reefs and kelp forests.


How big do they get ?



Height- 5 inches tall laying down flat

Length- 1'6ft - 2ft


Height- 5 inches tall laying down flat

Length- 1'10ft - 3ft

Note- both start on the minimum end of their length when they're juveniles and grow to the maximum when they're old.




They  have fangs that are used for holding prey which include small fish,  small crabs(they find ways to break their carapace), and other small  creatures.  They could probably eat jellyfish. During starvation they  could potentially eat another member of their species. If you give them  fruit, they may eat it but they prefer meat.




They  have slimy skin and like I mentioned before, they're aquatic, meaning  if you remove them from the sea and leave them exposed to dry air, they  will dry up and die. They breathe though their skin.




Like  tardigrades, they can have up to 8 arm nubs, but are required 4. They  use these to crawl and move around since they cannot swim. They're not  super fast on em of course.




Some  (neon patterned ones) can have toxic slime on their bodies. If a  predator decides to bite them however, it'll experience an intense  metallic taste and burning sensation in it's mouth, and to add,  ingesting it can lead to burning in the throat, vomiting, sweating, and  burning insides. It differs a bit species to species but it's more of  the same. It will not kill the creature but it will harm them and give a  bad experience with the Slutargons. Depending on the species and health  of the victim, they can have a less severe to more severe reaction to  the toxin.

The toxin may be called Dragon's breath.




Like  nudibranchs/sea slugs, they have rhinophores which function the same  way. Sense chemicals in the water, find food, and avoid predators. They  can be short or long, but never reached half the critter's length.




Their  pupils take up the entire eye so it looks like their eyes are black and  shiny, which unfortunately means that light hurts their eyes so they  are nocturnal.

Slutargons do have eyelids.




They have an intelligence similar to that of a corvid (crows/ravens/etc).

They can solve little puzzles and learn tricks. They also may bring occasional gifts to the individual they like.


Other defense


They only have their two fangs if they don't possess the toxin. They may try to escape or if brave enough, bite.


Life span


Both sexes live different lifespans.

Males- 7-11yrs

Females- 10-17yrs

Males are adults at 4 yrs

Females are adults at 6 yrs


Mates and eggs


They can be naturally polyamorous so they may have more than one mate by em.

A  female can lay up to 50 round translucent light green eggs, but only a  few live. The female buries them in sand or hides them, and leaves them  be so she doesn't attract predators.




Unlike slugs, they aren't hermaphrodites.




They have soft squishy bodies covered in slime/mucus. They only have a skull, other than that, no other bones.


Communication (some)


Slutargons  are social critters and will show emotions in one way or another. This  is not all the ways that they could react, each Slutar may react  differently depending on their mood.

To other Slutars/friendly- They chirp and squeak. They relax by each other or chirp as they pass by each other

To their mates- Sharing food and making a sound that resembles a purr. They cuddle up with each other.

Threaten- Open mouth and threaten to chomp.

Fear- Squeak and frantic attempt at getting away with those nubs or flattening of their rhinophores against their heads.




Short and round.




Old evolution trait that's completely useless now. They don't use their noses.


Other name + neat ability


They are also called "Luck dragons" as they bring you literal good luck as long as they're happy.


Where do they sleep?


They sleep in kelp or in sea anemones! They're immune to the stings like a clownfish is.





Feel free to stack mutations

Feelers➨To feel around. Have as many as you want.

Cobra Nudibranch➨ A fancy mutation just for attraction of other Slutar's and maybe to scare predators.

Toxin Slime coat➨ The slime that is the Toxin mentioned before. Yes, it's a mutation.

Feather Rhinophores➨ Just a different appearance. They work just the same.

Bioluminescence➨  This mutation works against them most of the time but it does scare  things that don't like bright light, like their own kind. Good thing  they can glow when they want to.



Talks about their past appearance and

how they ended up where they are now.



Past  appearance/environment/ some behavior - They were once land dwelling  critters, having shells much like snails do and staying moist. They were  not toxic or as intelligent. They had flatter heads and longer snouts  and no rhinophores. They used their noses to find food instead. Their  eyes were the same as modern Slutargons meaning they were nocturnal then  too. These guys stayed in tropical rainy environments. They had 6  limbs, each including 3 claws for digging up underground critters and  eggs of other species.  They were mostly omnivores while modern  Slutargons are leaning towards carnivorous (they can still digest plant  matter). Past Slutargons were larger, being 5-6ft in length. They  were  mostly loners and only socializing when crossing paths with another one  of it's kind..

How did they end up  here- As you can guess, Environmental changes, Evolution with time, and  predators forced them to be fully aquatic and have these changes to em.  They lost the shell as it was too heavy to carry on their backs.