Xelha Kalsel



8 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info


Xelha Kalsel




Dalindran Insecta Skydric Twiva


Ayr, Reverb





Creation Year


Soul Tune

Reflecting Shard


Xel Kalsel (alter), Efnyr Kalsel (mother), Aryke Kalsel (father), Cyrase Kalsel (older sibling), Marelle and Tymus Kalsel (grandparents)


Daldrian Fey - Dalindra

Current Home



Physical Appearance

  • Shoulder-length pale green hair
  • Purple eyes
  • Purple marking under left eye that was on her skin since birth
  • Numerous purple scars across skin, notably across the bridge of his nose
  • Short in height; slightly below 5 feet tall
  • Physically fit with a slender by athletic build
  • Fair skinned with a thorough tan
  • Has 6 royal style dragonfly wings with a green and purple stained-glass appearance
  • 3 piercings per ear

Clothing Style

Xelha tends to dress for warm weather since she's moved to Skacastavelle. While flying she most commonly wears a traditional Daldrian Fey styled outfit consisting of a green skort with some brown leather straps across the edges and a green and yellow tank tube, which has an open back held together with study wire-like strings. The opening allows her wings to comfortably grow out from her back at will. She also wears as footwear a collection of crossing wire/strings from her knees down to her feet, like roman sandals but not sandals at all. Across her arms she has a few other brown leather straps for resistance training. She also wears a green hairband that ties back behind her left ear and trails slightly past her shoulder level. The earrings she wears are green.

Normal Skacastavelle outfit TBD


Xelha is a rather mild mannered and docile girl who prefers to take a diplomatic approach, although she's quite capable of holding her own in battle. Xelha can come off as a little demure at times, and she enjoys having a rather simple and pleasant life. She was trained to be a warrior of Daldrian Fey in her youth though, so she is by no means weak or helpless, yet she dislikes resorting to violence unless absolutely necessary. Xelha enjoys being outdoors in warm weather, and she's very much a country girl considering she's from the Daldrian Fey valley. She's not terribly fond of technology, and she feels most at home around cultures that value tight knit communities of people passionate about their crafts. She enjoys her new environment of Skacastavelle, which is a warm city with many outdoor markets to peruse. Her demeanor is very warm hearted and she tends to look after those around her, and she has a selfless streak since she believes the needs of everyone as a community are more important than any particular ambition she may have.


  • Reverb rifting - rank 2/5
  • Ayr rifting - rank 3/5
  • Flight by wings, higher speeds and higher Reverb frequently the more of her 6 wings she's using
  • Can remove pairs of wings to use as weapons (all pairs default to one-handed swords; combining multiple pairs improves the weapons but lowers or completely removes flight ability)
  • Wings can phase through solid objects while in motion
  • Can channel energy to and from her alter


  • Compassionate, patient, and selfless
  • Optimistic, open minded, and easy to approach/talk to
  • Protective, loyal, and tends to look after/be considerate toward those around her
  • Hard working, honest, and a good team player


  • A little shy, tends to be a follower, and hesitant to confront others
  • Works best around others and tends to get listless and down when left alone for too long
  • A touch idealistic, somwhat naive, and a little overly trusting at times
  • Not terribly fond of drama or complex issues and tends to simply stay out of those matters or remove herself from those situations


Xelha's alter is the son of Daldrian Fey's most respected warrior and leader, Marek Kalsel. Unfortunately her father, Marek's alter, is also a powerful warrior but far less respected and disliked among the tribe. Her father, Aryke, was a cruel and callous man, and she spent more time with her alter's family since he paid her no mind at all. Xelha seldom saw her own mother or older brother since they were kept hidden away from the rest of the tribe, so she ended up feeling much more at home with Xel and his parents. Xel's older sister, Rem, was just as cruel as Aryke though at times, and the two basically switched families.

She was born with a set of eight royal wings, which Rem grew jealous of, although she was more directly jealous of Xel than of Xelha. Rem tended to ignore Xelha entirely just like Aryke. Xelha grew up learning to be kind but strong like Xel's mother, Zyren, in hopes to not let her family's poor example spread to her. She trained as a warrior like many of her peers, and although she attained solid proficiency in combat, she viewed it more as a means to protect herself and those she cares about rather than a passion to fight. She was more interested in helping those in the community with domestic tasks and various crafts.

At some point, Rem's jealousy of Xel peaked and she ripped two of his wings out for herself, causing Xelha to also lose two of her wings. Rem also managed to convince their tribe that he was a traitor and had disturbed a relic in the mountains that allowed the Ariacs to roam unchecked, leading to more attacks than ever. Xel was forced to flee their home to avoid being executed, and Xelha followed him into exile. Although Xelha would've preferred for them to stick together, Xel was more focused on preparing for his revenge on Rem while Xelha simply wanted to have a fresh start. The two split up, and in her travels Xelha ended up in Skacastavelle and has settle there ever since. She enjoys a simple and unassuming life in the market city, although she wonders about Xel and his wellbeing regularly.


  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "After her alter was branded a traitor by their tribe, she lives in hiding in the distant land of Skacastavelle."