Jay Byrd



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info




Jailbird (Heron, other inmates)


Human (Mutant)

Mutant Ability

Pathokinesis (The ability to sense and/or manipulate the emotions of others around him.)


February 24th








Before prison, he had no job. He was completely dependent on his (then) boyfriend.






White-noise, water, dry air, cute clothes (mostly with stripes), corners


Not much. He passively tolerates everything that happens to him. Even if it's terrible.


The world of New Earth is no stranger to war. From the struggle within Tiene Hills, to the terror of the Robotic Revolution, conflict and strife have existed on the planet for centuries. The Scripture itself, the basis of the world religion, is built on conflict between the Three Deities and the Two-Toned Devil. War is built into the blood of the universe and exists on every planet at some point or another. And on New Earth, war has begun again. After one mutants attempt to rewrite the universe, humanity realized the danger these powerful creatures posed to their survival. Fearing another attempted culling, as the robotic Lord Noir had attempted years prior, humans turned on the mutant counterparts--thus beginning the First Awakening. Lines were drawn, ties were severed, and New Earth entered an exhausting war that would last for decades to come...

But during war, life goes on, whether you're a mutant or a human. In a world divided, there are neutral zones in which both parties live in an uneasy, military mandated truce. In Cell Block 18 of the city prison, a lone prisoner sits on his top bunk, tracing the cracks in the ceiling above him with slow, steady finger. His name is Jay Byrd. Being a mutant, he's kept in a separate sector of the prison, where the human guards are cruel and prejudiced against their inmates. He wants to get out of his cell, get out of his sector, his prison, and look for the one he cares about most...but it'd be selfish to act on his own. There must be a cause, a reason, and in the human sector he senses a rising discontent that can act as his meal-ticket out of imprisonment... 

Physical Description:

Jay is a small man with a stick-like, lanky build. He has many bruises that cover his body; he's very clumsy and gets hurt easily because of this.

He has short, messy two-toned hair blonde/black hair. He has light brown eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of White.

Jay's mutant ability awakened when he was a child, and he doesn't remember life before it. He has the ability to read the emotions of those around him perfectly, and can even manipulate them to suit his needs. At all hours of the day, and night, Jay is bombarded by the emotions of others. This is advantageous when it comes to understanding people's intentions, and helping them through hard times. But in a world where Mutants and Humans are engaged in war, it makes Jay a target.

Because of his mutant ability, Jay doesn't get a lot of sleep. He can't turn off his powers, so when he's trying to sleep he's often awoken by the emotions of those around him flaring up. He's very sensitive to all of it, so there are seemingly permanent bags underneath his eyes.


Jay Byrd has survived solely on the actions of others. From birth to adulthood, Jay has lived a life dependent on other's use for him. He views himself as an empty vessel, a construct for others to pour their heart and souls into; something to be used, and he's been used by many. His father, his first boyfriend, his second, his third, and still he offers his services. He's highly aware of how others feel around him. He knows their disgust when they look at him, he knows their malcontent, their sadness, but still he puts himself out there as a resource to be used. He can listen to these people's problems, take in their emotions if that will help. But when it comes to himself, Jay knows nothing, and he operates under a delusion of happiness. 

Serene-looking and quiet, Jay has a passive face that looks often contented and never troubled. Incredibly withdrawn, Jay normally doesn't speak unless spoken too (unless someone is repressing an emotion; then he'll speak up). He's incredibly perceptive because of both his power and his keen eyes. He always searches for the good in others, and seeks out positive feelings. Jay isn't as in touch with his own emotions as if he with others, but what he wants is to make everyone who needs him feel good. He will help others to the point of being self-sacrificing. He easily gives himself away, and doesn't have much respect or recognition for himself--body and soul.

When he's on his own, he's a kind and empathetic soul who has a real appreciation for life and all the complex emotions it possesses. He's very altruistic, and does nice things just because he can. Whether it's helping a lady cross the street, or donating money to a good cause, Jay will do it just because it create such a positive energy. He has no real interest in controlling the emotions of others anymore, since it's proven to create negativity, so instead he would rather spend his days being kind and creating kindness wherever he goes. He feels needed, then. He feels wanted, and feels what he can assume is 'love'. 

Jay has no concept of self-preservation. If he was crossing the street and a car was coming, he'd just keep walking slowly and not at all quicken his pace. His life is a haze, and he is a vessel--he must keep his own emotions in so he can intake the feelings of others. Jay will not shy away from reading others emotions, even if the time is wrong, even if it gets him hurt by the end or worse. It's like he can't help but be a lie-detector. If someone is being untruthful about how they feel, he will call it out with accuracy, no matter the situation. Jay also has a habit to cling to others and cling to the emotions they gave him, even if these people were abusive to him. Jay has returned to his ex-boyfriend's many times because they "loved" him, and "needed" him. He is easily used, and if it's to make someone happy Jay will do anything they ask of him.

Is that how he ended up in prison? Jay doesn't like to talk about the event that got him jailed; it invokes shock in people and it's such an unpleasant emotion. Behind bars, Jay keeps to himself. Being in such a crowded place with so many emotions...it stresses him out. To reduce the noise in his head he stays as isolated as he can. But alone with his thoughts, his own emotions flare to life within him. He misses someone dearly. He wants to know if that person is okay, if they're doing well emotionally; if they still need him...day and night these thoughts consume Jay. If he could get out of prison for one day, he would check, but he can't escape for himself. How selfish that would be! He has to wait for the right moment...and luckily for Jay that moment is just on the horizon...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Jay's biggest strength is his mutant ability. He can read and manipulate the emotions of others with absolute accuracy. If he wants you to double over laughing, you will. If he wants you to cry until you can't see, you will. If used malicious, the power can be debilitating and dangerous. But Jay isn't dangerous. He's a kind soul who only wants to help others. At all hours of the day, he knows what others are feeling. Can you imagine that burden? He wants to do good with his mutant ability and help others feel better.

Despite his mutant ability's strengths, it has one major downside. Jay can't turn it off. He's extraordinarily sensitive to how others feel, and is completely overwhelmed when placed in crowded areas by the amount of emotion people are feeling. It tires him immensely, and robs him of sleep. Jay's lack of self-preservation gets him in trouble. He will not shy away from reading others, even if it gets him hit. He wants to do good with his ability, but sometimes manipulating the emotions of others against their will can cause major problems...

Bonus Facts:

- A sleepy drunk. He'll be over-affectionate and more open if he's a few drinks in, but it only lasts a couple minutes. He'll fall asleep standing up.

- Jay enjoys wearing stripes and loose clothing! Has a tendency to show skin, but he likes that. He feels free.

- What put him in jail? It was an open and shut case against him, and apparently it was pretty bad. Jay's sentence is a life sentence.