Julia Underwood



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Juli (Abigail, Fiona, Damien)


Human (Seer)

Cause of Death

Blunt Force Trauma


November 30th








Goes into bars and asks big manly men to fight her. If she wins she gets 20 bucks. She wins a lot.




Gray Asexual (There is no other way to put this: she loves monsters very much).


Stuffed animals, pop music, bubblegum, fighting, Queue.


Bananas, losing, sounds of crunching metal, someone hurting her brother, hesitation.


Hot-blooded and reckless, Julia Underwood is a Seer who, along with her older brother, Damien, travels with Fiona Croft.

Taken in by the woman when she was just a child, Julia trusts and idolizes Fiona--in stark contrast to her brother. She's high-energy, fiesty and often picks fights in order to prove herself. Sometimes she makes money off bets.


Physical Description:


Julia is a spry young girl with a muscular build. She dresses sporty and hits the gym daily, but she LOVES girly things and would die for cute things.

She has long black hair and strangly vacant dark green eyes. She is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Southeast Asian and White).

In her life, Juli has come very close to death. Due to her experience, and her subsequent return to the living, Juli has become a Seer. Her dark green eyes have become empty, and lack pupils. She can see and interact with the souls of the dead, and has the ability to remove them from this plane--destroying the soul and sending them to Oblivion. Juli enjoys doing this, and does it for her own enjoyment and also to impress Fi with the amount of souls she can remove in one day. This sometimes disappoints Dami, but Juli thinks he's a little too soft anyhow.

She has a tattoo of a bullseye on her right shoulder.




Energetic and boisterious, Julia is a character to which actions speak louder than words.

She's hot-blooded by nature, consistently hyped and often in fight mode. Everything she does, she does agressively. She cares about you with amazing fervor, is incredibly restless and is incapable of being stationary. This can be to the annoyance of her brother, Damien, but Dami can't complain too much when it's her actions that keep him from getting into trouble.

Much unlike her brother, Juli loves the adrenaline that comes with fighting and the chase itself. Fi's mission excites her, and whenever a spirit is around Juli's first reaction is to chase it down and beat it--both out of personal enjoyment and to make Fi proud of her. Fighting is like catharsis for her, and helps her get out pent up emotions. Juli's gotten so good at fighting that she'll go into bars and challenge grown men to fights, taking the winnings bet against her after she wipes the floor with them.

It goes without saying that Juli can be a bit much. Her feverish attitude and strength can be both intimidating and off-putting. Juli's obsession with fighting and strength stems back to a traumatic event both her and her brother share, and ever since that day she's striven to become a stronger person. She wants to be able to protect the people she loves from danger--but unlike Damien, she's willing to shed blood to do that.

With her ability to see the dead, Juli aids Fi's in her quest to find her mysterious mark, oblivious and uncaring of her mysterious motives. Juli idolizes Fi, enjoys the hunt, and although she sees her brothers trepedation she cannot understand it. Fi has taught her much about being a Seer, something that Juli will never foresake! But after meeting Abigail McCrae, everything changes...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Juli's strengths lie in her muscles; Juli is an amazing fighter. Proficient at fighting men and souls, Juli's need and thirst for adrenaline makes her a good backbone for the group. Not only does she use her skills for money, but for peace of mind that her and Dami can both share. As a Seer, Juli removes infestations of lingering souls that pollute New Earth. Juli loves this, and often treats it as a game. If Fi wants a soul taken care of, Juli will do it without hesitation, enjoying the hunt and chase aspects of it all. It's almost as if she doesn't view the souls at beings who existed once.

Juli's weakness shows in her lack of foresight. She's a follower by nature, and her loyalty can be misplaced easily. She doesn't ask questions, and is often on autopilot when told what to do. There are no second thoughts, she just, does, and doesn't think about the why's and the who's and the what's. She can be easily manipulated because of that. 


Bonus Facts:


- Juli's favorite artists are Kesha, Brittney Spears, and Sia

- Is obsessed with a certain godling of death. After encountering them when she was younger, she would kill for the opportunity to meet them again. It's a twisted, one-sided love. It takes a weird person to love death.

- Is claustrophobic after a traumatic past event. The sounds of crunching metal sometimes make her hesitate, but not as badly as her brother.