Dr. Roderick Blip



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Rick (Dr. Align), Ricky (don't do this you'll die)



Magic Status

M.I (Magically-Inclined, although he is non-practicing, and therefore has no skill whatsoever).


January 20th


Capricorn/Aquarius cusp






Scientist (specializing in robotics).






Tapioca, fancy restaurants, his children, candy, hot coffee (black), the color red


The color green, carpeted flooring, dark rooms, crunch time, cars


Since the creation of the universe, magic has been a source of energy on the planet of Chrome Core. Due to the presence of the material, society flourished, and Chrome Core became a metropolis of scientific ingenuity and magical energy. However, 99% of magic on the planet is non-renewable. It can be used, lost, and humanity has been getting dangerously close to the point of no return...

Or, it was, until Dr. Roderick Blip entered the scene. A man born with prodigious genius, Dr. Blip spent 18 years working on a method of recycling magical energy. He unveiled the Magic Absorption Device, (or M.A.D for short)--a creation capable of absorbing and using magic WITHOUT depleting it. This discovery had the power to change the course of the world...if it wasn't shrouded in scandal. Dr. Blip's partner, Dr. Arthur Align, was left un-credited as a co-creator of the M.A.D, and this slight was enough to send the scientist into an uncontrollable rage. Dr. Align stole away the eight Energy Resources (ER's) that power Chrome Core, and placed them in his secret facilities around the globe. Without the ER's, Chrome Core will wither and die...but Dr. Align doesn't care. He wants that credit, and will destroy the world in order to get it. Dr. Blip seems all-too-fine with this at first, and refuses to give in to Align's demands. But, the words of his robotic daughter, Run, offers a change of heart...and another opportunity to stop this mess. She takes on the burden, outfits herself with the M.A.D and rushes off to save the world...but it would be downright irresponsible of Dr. Blip to just let her go without help! If she's going to do this, he has to at least be involved to keep her on track. Directing her through Dr. Align's dangerous factories, Dr. Blip assists his young daughter in fixing the mess he in part helped to create...

Physical Description:

Dr. Roderick Blip is a tall man with a pencil build. He has been near-sighted since he was twelve, and wears glasses in order to make it in the world. He's outright blind without them.

He has long black hair tied up into a high ponytail; it's slightly greying due to stress. He has heterochromatic eyes, with one blue and the other brown. He is the CC Equivalent of Moroccan. 

After the death of his beloved husband, Rodger, Dr. Blip entered a deep depression that almost cost him his life. Hit with hardship after hardship, this loss was devastating for the young scientist. He stopped caring for himself, shut himself away from what little social connection he had, and allowed himself to waste away. Days would pass and he wouldn't eat; he'd scarcely drink, and his hypoglycemic episodes were so severe that he nearly fainted multiple times. Near the end of his rope, Dr. Blip thought he had nothing...until he dug up some old plans from his husband's work desk--something very important he'd forgot about. The duo always wanted children of their own, and the plans were all here...surely he had to do something right by his husband. Dr. Blip worked day and night, and during the span of a couple months he built two robotic androids in memory of Rodger; and also to be aids around the house. Since the day he activated them, Dr. Blip has raised them as his own children. They've lifted his spirits, taken care of him, and the love they've shown him has legitimately saved his life. He's beyond happy around his children, and they are his heart and soul.

When Dr. Blip was eight years old, he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. To handle his condition, he wears an insulin pump--it's always on his right hip.


There is no way for you to become Dr. Blip's friend. It's a shame, but it's the reality of the matter. Even before loss tainted his life, the brilliant scientist has been cold and quiet around those he's unfamiliar with. Nowadays, this inherent frigidity is a toxicity that actively tries to push people away. If you're anyone other than his kids, Dr. Blip hates you, and doesn't think you're worth his time. He will not give you the time of day, or hear you out on your grand ideas. Unless you make one HELL of a good first impression, you'll never get close enough to have Dr. Blip notice you.

Difficult and deliberately terse, Dr. Blip is tired with human interaction and is tired of you. Cold and perverse, he doesn't care how rude he's being to anyone, and will do what he wants in spite of consequences. If one could get on his good side, they could see a different side of him...but Dr. Blip makes this virtually impossible. He ignores fans, reporters, anyone who he views as not worth his time--which is most people. The only people who have seen him smile are his children and Dr. Align; he is only soft on his kids. Anyone else, though? He hates you, and will scarcely acknowledge you.

In spite of all of his shortcomings, Dr. Blip has a passionate heart in which he pours it all into his work. When it comes to science, and his children, Dr. Blip gives 110%; it's all he really cares about these days! He cares deeply for his children and doesn't want to see them come to harm; he teaches them about the world and nurtures them like a loving (albeit distant at times) father. He works so hard to create a better world, so much so it seems contradictory. Dr. Blip spends so much time hating the people of Chrome Core...yet he, at the same, has created a device to save their future. Perhaps there's more to him than what he seems? Dr. Blip will never let you see through him, though. His secrets are his, and he wouldn't even tell his own children. 

If only he wasn't such a jerk! He'd be well-liked, he'd have a platform to incite real change, he'd have fans...but Dr. Blip seems to spit at this idea given how he acts. Sometimes it seems like he goes out of his way to polarize the public, be it telling reporters to piss-off or slamming doors in people's faces. He wants nothing to do with the sensation behind his name, and the people who live on Chrome Core. He's tired of relationships, and closes himself off to a point where he only lets his kids in. It's not healthy, but after all the loss he's suffered through, he doesn't want to lose anyone else.

And due to his stubbornness, he may lose much more than just a few contacts. His old lab partner, Dr. Align, has gone mad with jealousy. Infuriated that Dr. Blip didn't credit him with co-creation of the M.A.D, the nefarious doctor has stolen away Chrome Core's eight ER's; dooming the planet to a slow death. Despite this, Dr. Blip sticks to his guns. After a certain point, Dr. Align became unreachable, despondent, useless...why should he get credit for something he doesn't deserve? He refuses to give in to the evil doctors demands...but his daughter has bigger ideas. After hours of pleading and pleading, Dr. Blip finally bends and outfits his daughter with the M.A.D...but he won't just let her go. From his lab he and his son, Ran, will watch over Run's progress as she rushes off to reclaim the lost ER's and save the world!

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Dr. Blip is, quite possibly, the smartest man alive on Chrome Core. He is a man with a true passion for all types of science, and his massive intellect is downright astounding. There is so much that he knows, and so many problems he can solve. When it comes to anything logistical, he's a force to be reckoned with, and he's not one to challenge in a battle of the minds. Another strength of Blip's is his tenacity. He rarely, if ever, gives up. If it's something he cares about, Dr. Blip won't ever let it go.

He's very smart, but Dr. Blip is far from the pinnacle of health. He has T1D, and while normally this would be fine, he does not take care of himself at all. If it weren't for Ran, it's likely he'd be dead--he rarely checks his sugars and often forgets to eat. When he does eat, it's high-carb garbage, and because of this his sugars are high. He's often tired and weak because of his disease. His personality also doesn't earn him any favors. Dr. Blip is a notoriously cold individual. He lets no one in, and easily turns people away with his nature.

Bonus Facts:

- Dr. Blip does not like cars. He avoid them however he can.

- His A1C is normally at at least 8.2, which is decent but...not good. It's better than it used to be, thanks to Ran's help, but it could always be better.

- Due to his vast intellect, Dr. Blip entered a prestigious college when he was 17 years old. Soon after admission, he met Dr. Align, and the two became fast friends. How did it all go so wrong between them...?