Damien Underwood



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Dami (Abigail, Fiona, Julia)


Human (Seer)

Cause of Death



January 22nd








Takes on small jobs in order to at least get a little bit of money for the group. Sometimes he's employed for months, sometimes a day.






Cinnamon, documentaries, obscure history facts that he can spring out to impress people, being informed, cooking.


Bananas, sports, riddles and problems he can't solve, jokes that make no sense, enclosed spaces.


Intellegent, but a bit high-strung, Damien Underwood is a Seer who, along with his sister, Julia, travels with Fiona Croft.

Taken in by the woman when he was just a child, Dami harbors suspicion and distrust for Fiona that has only grown over the years. He appears to me more in touch with strangers than his own group, and would rather be anything but a Seer... 


Physical Description:


Damien is a skinny young man with a lanky build. He's not stretching for perfection with his fashion, here. He's not the best dresser, but there are more important things to worry about!

He has curly black hair and strangly vacant dark green eyes. He is of mixed race (NE Equivalent of Southeast Asian and White).

In his life, Dami has come very close to death. Due to his experience, and his subsequent return to the living, Dami has become a Seer. His dark green eyes have become vacant, and lack pupils. He can see and interact with the souls of the dead, and has the ability to remove them from this plane--destroying the soul and sending them to Oblivion. Dami doesn't normally do this, though, unless a soul has proven itself evil! They're just people like him...well...dead people...but that's besides the point! He has no real want or will to get rid of them.

He has a mole on his left cheek.




Smart, but a bit paranoid in his own right, Damien is just trying his best to keep everyone together.

He's kind, and a good conversationalist, but Dami can't help but be a bit high-strung and stressed to the brink at times. He sees so many possible worst-case scenarios, and often is the only one who cares or worries about them. Sometimes, he feels like he's playing parent not only to his sister, but to Fi as well. It annoys him, and he'll complain about it to the first person who'll listen.

Dami is a hardworker, and is the main bread-winner for the group. He actually works to find employment while the group travels, and pieces together another funds from the odd jobs to take care of everyone. Dami's true tie to life is his sister, and he cares deeply for her. He's been her primary caretaker since they were kids, and he'd do anything for her.

It's no doubt that Dami cares deeply for the people who have eanrned his trust, but that amount of people is few. He's a nice person, and can hold a conversation, but he's hard to get to know due to her standoffish disposition and distant aura. It often feels like he's much too busy working to do anything else, and he burns himself out constantly.

With his ability to see the dead, Dami aids Fi in her quest to find her mysterious mark--only out of obligation and duty at this point. Dami doesn't trust her, but knows that Fi took them off the street and acknowledges her contribution to his development as a Seer and overall knowledge as well. He works for her and his sister, branching out whenever he can and keeping the group afloat, but one chance meeting with Abigail McCrae changes everything... 


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Dami's strengths lie in his good heart and responsible head on his shoulders. He's smart and often keeps the group out of trouble. He works hard to get a little cash for a group while he can, he cares about his sister and although he doesn't trust Fi he wouldn't let her die or anything. He pulls his weight.

As a Seer, Dami removes infestations of lingering souls that pollute New Earth. Normally, he only does it when Fi tells him too. Otherwise, Dami is pacifistic with the souls and doesn't mess with them much. Only when they mess with him is when he strikes back...

That pacifistic nature is Dami's overall weakness. He /never/ wants to fight, doesn't do well with violence. In arguments both physical and verbal, Juli will step forward and protect him a lot, and Dami will be the first to back out of an arguement--even if he's making a good point.


Bonus Facts:


- Dami's favorite artists are Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy and Paramore

- Has the belief that if Juli is hurt on Fi's watch that he will abandon the group with his sister.

- Dami has intense scars, slight scoliosis, and has intense claustrophobia: all results of a certain traumatic event. The sounds of crushing metal makes him hesitate...