Lucy Pending



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Lucy-Goosey (Kim), Lucy-Baby (Kim), Luce (Drake, Kim), Pending (Jade)


Human (Mutant)

Mutant Ability

Molecular Acceleration/Detonation


June 28th








A member of the Adela Mutant Group: a travelling band of castaways that seek isolated mutants in order to give them a home. Lucy is an enforcer and a deadly combatant, and she's taking everything a little too far...






Fighting, causing conflict, explosions, the smell of cooking meat, fear in the eyes of others, being an overall agent of chaos


Being restrained or bound, being ineffective, being pitied, direction, being beaten in a fight


It doesn't matter who you talk to, and how close they were to her. If you ask about Lucy Pending, everyone will tell you that she's a toxic person to be around.

A volatile and thrill-seeking woman, Lucy Pending has one purpose and one purpose only--to be an agent of chaos. A member of the Adela Group by association alone, it is her dream to cause the pain of others, and her natural want to ruin things good. A master of sabotage, and an inciter of anarchy, Lucy Pending is someone you absolutely cannot trust. If you see her, it's best to run away...

Physical Description:


Lucy is a small woman with a fit build. As she lives in the wasteland, she wears clothing to protect herself from the sun and elements around her. 

She has dark green hair that billows around her shoulders, and piercing amber eyes that border on straight orange. She is the NE Equivalent of Southeast Asian (Cambodian).

Lucy is a mutant, with the ability to manipulate the construction/acceleration of molecules in all things. Using the ability, Lucy can both melt matter at a speed she sees fit, and cause it to detonate--all just by touch. Considering her imbalanced and highly volatile personality, this is a very dangerous ability for Lucy to have. She doesn't use it for good things either, and has killed both people and mutants in her day. She is the epitome of a "bad mutant"; the ones that humans fear the most.

Depending on what she's melting, Lucy can occasionally be harmed by the fumes. To prevent herself from being poisoned or worse, she tends to wear a gas mask when fighting. 




Lucy, for lack of a better term, is hot-blooded to the maximum. She loves to fight, she loves to insult, she loves to win and most of all--she loves to destroy.

Cocky and arrogant, Lucy is convinced she is unbeatable. She practically bleeds pride, and goes into murderous rages when she feels its been insulted. Confident that she can get herself out of any situations (physical or verbal) she walks into them with absolutely no tact, and thinks she'll either leave unscathed or with the blood of her enemies on her clothing.

While some mutants are ashamed of their abilities, fearing the repercussions of their activation and repressing it due to their various traumas, Lucy has no shame. She's never been careful when using her ability, and will always jump at the chance to destroy something good. She loves to banter with enemies, and touts mutant superiority over humans every time she has one at her mercy. She's a firm believer that mutants should retake the human settlements--and take revenge. She's got a black heart, that one. She can't stand humans.

Lucy gets a kick out of picking on others, and getting a rise out of them. Her doing cruel pranks is her at her tamest! She'll lie, cheat, and steal to make others uncomfortable if their reaction is hilarious enough. She can be a downright toxic (ahyuck) person to be around, and she has a knack for driving away anyone who has ever actually cared about her well-being. She doesn't seem to care about that, though...or does she...? Maybe she's not as invincible as she thinks.

Humans and mutants have been at odds with one another for years now, all stemming to the end of the Robotic Revolution a couple of decades prior. Fearing for their own survival, mutants were cast out into the wasteland from whence the humans migrated, left to their own devices as humans "repopulated" their once fallen cities. Lucy is of the belief that the thin line that keeps humans and mutants from all our war is a thin one, and that she can't wait to get it started. She wants to show those humans the true meaning of chaos...

Strengths & Weaknesses:


Lucy's biggest strength is her mutant ability. With just a touch, she can change the acceleration of molecules, causing whatever she is touching to either melt or explode on prolonged contact. In close quarters, she is exceedingly dangerous, and must be avoided at all cost if one is to survive an encounter. She's nimble, strong, and isn't afraid to get in someone's face if it means killing them quickly. She also has a sharp mouth, and likes to get under people's skin--bantering and picking at others until they get upset and lose their cool. Lucy loves to see things break and crumble.

However, Lucy's biggest strength is also her biggest problem. Unless she's in close quarters with someone, she usually can't do anything to fight back. Keeping her at a distance is the best way to deal with her, both physically and mentally. She hates being ineffective, and it will normally send her into a frustrated rage. She's very much of an "attack, attack, attack" mindset when fighting, and will try to reach someone in order to hurt them--even if they're miles away from her. She doesn't think when she fights, nor does she care. She just wants to win, and she knows she can, too.

Bonus Facts:


Was once in a relationship with Kim Kotone, and they were together for about a year or so. It fell apart in the end, of course, but the two still have unresolved romantic feelings towards each other. Kim has seen a side of Lucy no one else sees, and Lucy lost likely the first and only friend she'd ever had.

- Is still in the group because she used to be a close friend with Jade Adela. Lucy was one of the first to join her group, and Jade saw her when she was weaker and more helpless. Lucy hates this, and that thought process slowly turned bitter in her mind. Now, she can't stand Jade.

- Seems to do whatever it takes to make the world realize how monstrous she is...