Aaron Vutan



8 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Aaron Vutan


14 at start of main story arc, can range from 14 to late teens depending on timeline




Capable of manipulating almost all Elements minorly, but he is most skilled with Ayr







Creation Year


Soul Tune

Airisina Storm


Kyle Arkvynd (stepbrother), Glen Arkvynd (stepfather), Belle Vutan (mother, deceased), Vaughn Vutan (father, deceased), Madoc Vutan (uncle)


Des Moines, IA, USA - Taliac

Current Home

Bellevue, NE, USA - Taliac


Physical Appearance

  • Medium-length chocolate brown hair
  • Brown eyes
  • Fair skinned with a mild tan
  • Medium height
  • Physically fit with an athletic build

Clothing Style

Aaron tends to dress rather simply and typically for an active boy in middle school. He tends to wear mostly T-shirt or hoodies with jeans and tennis shoes, usually preferring cooler colors or duller/more earthy shades, with most warm colors being more muted than vibrant. Oddly enough he usually tends to wear warmer colors only in the winter, mostly just because of the play on words. He has a mildly sporty vibe to his outfits, but some of his outfits are a touch nerdy as well with referential shirts to certain games or movies. He wouldn't say his look is particularly striking in any sense, but that might be a good thing considering how noticeable his personality is.


Aaron is a social and energetic boy who always looks on the bright side and could be described as a bit of an oddball. Most people who encounter him find him to be a little weird or quirky, but he tends to just have a lot of energy while also being intelligent, a critical thinker, and very curious. He's normally pretty mellow during standard conversations and is capable of behaving himself well around authority figures or people he respects, but otherwise he tends to seem a little weird since he typically blurts out whatever is on his mind and asks a lot of unusual questions. Peers in his age group can either find him funny or weird and annoying, but most adults tend to just see him as a typical young teen with a clever but somewhat overactive mind and imagination. He especially loves riddles and getting to work out complicated solutions rather than always getting instant gratification without applying any effort. He has an optimistic view on how he approaches his problems and on life in general, which makes him a pretty resilient and hardy boy. He tries his best to not let things get him down, but this also means he sometimes puts up with a lot of crap because he usually doesn't call out other people when they become a persistent problem for him. He can be a little too stubborn in trying to tough things out, and he at times feels he shouldn't take his troubles too seriously. Most people see him as a funny and cheerful guy, so he tries not to break that persona and risk disappointing others.


  • Ayr rifting - rank 3/5
  • Rifting skills in many other elements - rank 1/5
  • Can tap into the spirit of the Airisina Storm, which enhances his rifting and firearms mastery
  • Skilled at playing trombone


  • Confident, eager, and self motivated
  • Picks up on new things quickly and is a good listener
  • Clever, spontaneous, and good at improvising
  • Persistent and a great problem solver, especially with puzzles


  • A bit of a pushover and hesitates during confrontation
  • Tends to submit to the Airisina Storm's spirit when pressured
  • A little irresponsible and too laid back
  • Usually avoids heavy topics or situations rather than facing them


Aaron was accepted into the Hateulots private school system at a relatively young age, and upon rifting testing he realized he had potential for multiple rifting divisions. Before moving to the Hateulots community though, his father passed away from cancer, an issue both of his parents have been dealing with for years now. After a few years his mother remarried, and the son of his new stepfather, Kyle Arkvynd, was also a student at Hateulots. They generally got along as stepbrothers and classmates, but their differing personalities could also cause some friction between them. Unfortunately a few years later after gradually settling into the new family dynamic, Aaron's mother also lost her battle to cancer, leaving Aaron with Kyle and his father.

Aaron, now in his last year of middle school, is torn between staying in the community with his stepfather and stepbrother or going to live with his biological uncle's family that currently lives in Japan. He enjoys the community he is currently in and learning rifting, but he feels somewhat alienated in his own home with his stepfather now gravitating back toward his ex-wife and Kyle becoming even more moody from the stress of the situation.


  • Aaron was based very loosely on a friend of the same name from 5th-6th grade, and he picked out his character's general abilities of wind magic and using guns for my stories. I eventually lost contact with this friend some time in middle school after he moved to Japan, I think (it was a long while ago, and I don't exactly remember the specific details anymore), which is referenced in the character's story a bit. I always had free rein to develop the character for my story however I wanted, and I typically based some minor things off the friend and asked him for input occasionally.
  • Aaron’s favorite subjects involve geography and music, along with hands-on classes or projects. He enjoys tasks that allow for creativity and critical thinking along with solving challenging puzzles.
  • Along with playing in regular band class, Aaron also plays trombone in the extracurricular jazz band at school.
  • He loves the outdoors and physical activity to keep himself occupied. He tends to have a lot of energy in general, so he either needs to channel it into physical activity or challenging puzzles or mental exercises, otherwise he gets jittery and has a hard time holding still.
  • Aaron has potential for a lot of different elements, but for the most part he's only capable of manipulating these elements aside from Ayr in very mundane ways. He usually has to focus very hard to do such things to the other elements too, like cause a small flame to flicker in a particular way or causing some water to swish around. Ayr is the only element that he can manipulate in a more meaningful way, so he considers it the only rifting element of his that actually counts.
  • Aaron plays football at school, both because he was already somewhat interested in trying it and also because almost all the trombone players at school are also football players, so he figured it would be an easy way to get to know those peers better. He's not super passionate about football, but he enjoys playing it for now.
    • This is one of the few activities that he and Kyle do together, although it wasn't an intentional choice. It does give them more opportunities to spend time together though, whether that's a good thing or not.
  • Eye color was originally green. I changed it at some point to be brown, but I'm not sure if I'll keep it that way or if I'll change it back.
  • Apparently Airisina used to be a community of Udrika rather than Skydric. Maybe they were supposed to be like angels, but I just remembered the winged-humanoid part. Oops. I guess it's a good thing I wrote it on Aaron's paper profile then.
  • Original file number: 10 (8)
    • New file number: 178