Lagopus (Artic Fox) (Tatyana Irkutsk)



10 months, 4 days ago


Basic backstory

Tatyana is the younger sister to Barents who has always had a dream to be the leader of the Lagopus. She has done many less then moral things to get close to the position but when the time came for her to be part of the vote to become it, she lost. She now spends most her days locked in her room, her dreams shattered.

full backstory

Tatyana is a blue morph lagopus who was born without parents, her older brother instead raised her. Due to this situation, they didn't have to much money as the only jobs her brother could get didn't pay well. But they had each other, a roof over their heads, and food on the table, so despite their condition, she was content most days.

She would often spend much of her childhood daydreaming and lost in her imagination leading others to think she was a bit slow and lacked focus.

One day there was a brilliant parade in town that her brother took her to. There were many pretty sites, great music and good-smelling food. She almost felt as if she was in one of her daydreams.

At the end of the parade she spotted the most beautiful float yet. Sitting upon it was the current lagopus leader adorned in magnificent robes. As soon as she laid her eyes on them a desire quickly formed in her chest much stronger than any she had, had before. That was to become the lagopus leader and live in the magical world that seemed to revolve around them.

From that day on she did anything and everything she could to make her dream of becoming the Lagopus leader true. Her brother being the caring and supportive guy he was did his best to help as well. Slowly but surely Tatyana was able to gain notoriety from those around her, she was known to be quiet and smart, able to see through deceit from others easily. In the background, Barentus would make sure that everything went her way. He would do anything and everything for her and before to long the two found themselves brushing with many elite Lagopus. She made a number of allies along the way (such as Amadeus) due to her suave nature and a strong desire to reach her goals.

Once Tatyana became an adult the possibility of actually reaching her dream of becoming the Lagopus leader was in sight. The old leader was old and would soon die and she had brown-nosed enough people and she and Barentus had done some rather unspeakable acts to gain favor for the others, there was no way that she wouldn't be voted as the next leader.  

However, the day of the voting came and she lost to Cole Fallon due to a number of Lagopus that she had done favors for backing out and not voting for her. Distraught at the outcome and knowing there would never really be a chance for her to become the leader she shut herself away and would not leave her room for years. She only ate when her brother begged her to and quickly became a hollow shell of herself. Her dream she had been fighting for her whole life was now gone and so there was little left to motivate her to keep going.

call to adventure

Tatyana is one of the main characters in 'the story of the artic fox' one shot and should not be used as a character if a player is taking part in that one shot. In any other game-

1) if a player wishes to play Tatyana she could be convinced by her brother Barentus to go out in the world and try to find something new to live for and so she joins some adventures to try to find out what could possibly fill the hole in her life and soul.

2) alternatively her brother could be killed trying to take out Cole in an attempt to give her another shot to power. Not wanting to have his death to be in vein she goes out and tries to live for both of them (or get revenge depending on if the player wants to play a bad guy)


more info

Ideas for what you could draw her doing:

-laying in bed/ crying after loosing
-talking with higher-ups
-doing some nasty things for favors for those in power (such as stealing things, backstabbing others or sleeping with them)
-watching a parade with stary eyes
-being in a parade
- talking late at night with Barentus about plans/ how the day went
-walking down the busy road her head held high while Barentus watches her from the shadows/ beats up someone who was going to attack her
-Barentus being her bodyguard.
