Lagopus (Artic Fox) (Aleutain Amery)



1 year, 2 months ago


Basic Backstory

Aleutain is a shop vendor who spends most of his time in the north. He can be found in Stormcrest during their large winter festival selling his assorted clothing. When the festival is done, he will pack up his things and head to a new town or event to see what he can sell.

Full Backstory

When Aletain was a young pup, his mother taught him how to sew. Despite his father's best efforts to turn him into a hunter, Aletain was more attracted to sewing. Over time as his skill, talent, and hard work started to bloom, even his father became impressed by what he could make.

Before to long, he had even surpassed his mother, and wanting him to learn more and become the best he could be, his parents scraped together enough funds to allow him to travel to a faraway town and learn under a true master of the trade.

At first, Aletain was excited. He was getting to go to a new place and learn new techniques that he would never have dreamed of, but after being an apprentice for a few months, he found his mind wandering. His teacher was smart and fairly nice, but unlike learning under his mother, he was not allowed to make whatever he wished, but rather had to make what his teacher told him to make.

As he made yet another gambeson with embroidered edges, he found himself wondering if he really even liked to sew anymore. Was he just doing it because he was expected to or because he enjoyed it?

Figuring that a small break to do something for himself was all he needed to get back into things, he asked his teacher if he could take some times to himself and was sternly told 'No', after all, his teacher had 100's of students wishing to tutor under him, if Aletain couldn't keep up with the course then he could leave as someone else would be happy to take his place.

So Aletain tried to tough it out, but the more and more he tried to push through it, the more and more he felt as if he was losing his soul. Then one day he snapped. Unable to take any more he packed up his things and his tools and ran away. He couldn't go home and face his family as they had done so much to try to help him become a better Taylor, but he couldn't take having the fun of his craft sucked out of him. Sewing to him was the love of his mother and the joy of making others happy but for his teacher, it was a way to make coin and control those less skilled then him.

He didn't return home as he feared he would disappoint his parents who had worked so hard to give him the opportunity to learn under his teacher. Not wanting this to all be for naught he decided that he would travel around and learn new techniques from different Animalian. This way he could learn new things without having to work for someone else. He still had to do work as the only way for him to make sides was for him to sell his wears, but he could choose what he wanted to make. 

For a while his strategy worked, but eventually, he ran out of sides and had to either return home or starve.

call to adventure


more info

Ideas for what you could draw him doing:
-sewing something
-selling clothing or fabric armor out of a stall
-learning a new sewing technique or how to make clothing from someone
-teaching someone how to sew
-sewing with his mother


a song about how he is always traveling and loves to do so. Wouldn't be surprised if he sang this on the road to himself