Lagopus (Artic Fox) (Douglas Fallon)



1 year, 6 months ago


apparently i struggle sculpting young characters


Albus's 5-year-old son. His dad spends most his time trying to unify their subspecies leaving plenty of time for Douglas to do whatever he likes as long as he can slip out of his mother's grasp. His favorite thing to do when he slips away is to run around in the nearby snowy woods with no shoes or shirt on, rushing through the trees on all fours pretending to be one of the wild creatures that live there.


When Douglas was born it was almost fate that he had a blue morph coat. With his sister being a white morph the Fallon family was now a perfect mix of the two Lagpous variations. Although his dad tries not to make the fact that Douglas is basically an embasitor for his morph take up all his life, it does play a big part even if Douglas doesn't care to much for it. Even though he is young, he still knows he needs to be serious sometimes, so he lives by his mom saying, 'when the shirt goes on then you need to behave, till then you can let all the wiggles out.'

Although one might think he doesn't like his parents due to his habit of sneaking away, he actually does really care for them. He is just a little child and relies on them to do most of the necessary things in his life. When his legs get tired from a day's events his father will place him on his shoulders and when he is feeling scared he runs to hide under his mother's tail.

However, when he sneaks off and is on his own a strange sensation rushes over him. He feels a strong connection with the wild and can't hold back the urge to run barefoot through the snow, dashing in and out of the trees and finding hidden caves and watching the wild creatures. Shirt and feet free of clothing he can sometimes be found running through the forest with the creatures almost feeling like he is part of their pack.

But when night falls and he hears his mother calling him he will say goodbye to the forest, put his shirt in his pocket, and return home. The forest may feel magical, but with his family is his home.

Although he tries to understand and learn the traditions of his father, he feels a closer connection to his mother due to both of them being blue morph Lagopus.


1) if a PC (player character) wishes to play as Douglas in their game his call to adventure could consist of him running off after his father dies and trying to figure out where he belongs in the big wide world, or perhaps with the wild creatures is better suited for him.

2) alternatively he could get kidnaped by Barents in an attempt to get at his uncle Cole. He could be taken across the world but happen to slip away and escape and now has to figure out where he is. But finding a way back home may be difficult as he needs to make sure that he doesn't tell anyone in Barents gang who he is or where he is going.

if no call to adventure is heeded then after Ablus's death Douglas will start to spend most his childhood in the forest trying to escape the memory of his father laying dead on the ground. Eventually, he will become 'the Creature Assasian', a Lagopus that is more wild creature than Animalian. It is said that he sneaks into the houses of traitors and tears them apart with his teeth before disappearing back into the woods.


Main outfit | when his father picks his outfit, you know it with be white morph themed. He wears a pair of light grey pants with rolled-up cuffs and refuses to wear any shoes. He also has a smile white suit jacket with tailcoats, long rolled-up sleeves, and a collar. keeping his sleeve rolled up are a pair of gold cufflinks and a brown cumberbund can be found on the outside of his jacket around his waist. He also will often wear a brown tie, however as soon as he is free from his dad's view that thing is coming off. His fur in general is scruffy and refuses to stay put causing his ears and the top of his head to often look a bit ratty.

he is a blue morph Lagopus with golden ancient eyes. Basic species reference sheet can be found here. Please look at this for common details people miss when drawing this species.


Ideas for what you could draw him doing:

-running through a snowy forest on all fours with no shoes and no shirt (possibly alongside other creatures)
-sitting on his dads shoulders
-Finding candy that 
Drago left for him
-sleeping with the Drago doll
-trying to comb his fur but it refusing
-being chased by his mom around the house as she attempts to catch him and put a shirt on him


How he feels when he is running free