"#14" Laos



1 year, 11 months ago


Laos [Ambrosius-Bruegel]
"This world will decompose, but we will all decompose together in unity when the time comes. Nature is so beautiful, isn't it?"

The War-Hero Lost to Histronics, the "Stag of Sylvia" , Camelie Bostan
He/Him Autistic
Transylvania, Romania
July 20th, 1590
Wandering actor, Naturalist, Ruru's balloon stand guy
Parasite Void, ???
Yasunori Masutani

He cantillates. A booming war cry echoes into the ears of the people. But, this cry wasn't for his people or his country. Rather, it was a cry for the innocent people, and a cry to let down arms. His people refused, and thus, he became a traitor to his own. He fought on his own, one by one, slaughtering thousands and thousands of men. As his reputation dwindled, so would his life. Now a wandering Void, he roams, lost in his histronics, unknowing of his true impact upon the war. Upon the world.

"Humans, mammals, even insects...We all do the same thing. We all simply live life. How exquisite. I should make a play of such an introspection."

Laos has the polite mannerisms of someone of high class. He uses formalities often, and addresses people with "sir" or "lady," followed by their last name. Ruru gets the full "my lady," as he sees her as a beautiful woman that should be addressed as such. He is ultimately harmless, but he can come off as extremely creepy, odd, and an outcast (and he is indeed all of these things.) He has a good heart, and believes in the good of this world and that the good should work together to preserve all of nature in its glory in any way possible, whether it be through environmental efforts or illustrating it through works of art. Even with his naturalist and humanist disposition, he still is quite existential and realizes that survival is for the fittest, and that all life can't last forever, but in the same vein believes that the fittest are those who have done good for this world and deserve to survive, and that mankind can find satisfaction that once life does end, it'll be united as one. Laos believes that humanity and all living things are meant to be unified and in harmony, and is always doing his part to contribute to such. To him, once that harmony is disrupted, it means a great disaster or great corruption is striking upon the world. His view on humanity and the human realm is one of the most accepting compared to the rest of the Voids; in fact, his humanist views are the most romanticized out of all of them. His inability to live as if he was a regular being makes him idealize and romanticize the cycle of life and death, and for 400 years, has endlessly wished that he too, could live as the Earth intended. Perhaps, when he was still alive, he was stripped of the possibility to live like nature from the very beginning of his birth. When he roamed, he loved soaking in all of mankind's endeavors, but mourned the fact that he could not be part of it.

Laos has a talent for acting (though he acts out...peculiar topics,) and is aware his acts are acquired. While he doesn't mind these traits about himself (someone has to speak up about them,) he is insecure about how he is viewed by others, even feeling guilty that in a different life, he has done something catastrophic. Deep down in his heart he is quite bad at taking rejection or being shunned, after dealing with centuries of such. While he will take it in formally on the surface, if you look hard enough you might see a few tears roll down...Luckily, Laos has the perfect somebody that won't shun him now.

When Laos was still alive as Camelie, he held similar traits as he does now. His appreciation for humanity and nature was strong, and wanted nothing but the best for the people of the village his house ruled over. During his time, his emphasis on "common folk," certain morals, and the environment made him way ahead of his time and was incredibly progressive for the 17th century. Had he not been as high class as he was, it is undeniable that he would be head first in a guillotine. He also seemed to mourn his inability to live as a normal being, and had an extremely romanticized view of common life. This caused him to do actions that were blatantly due to his sheltered life, such as roam the village of Bostan and watch the humans routines at night (BRO?), wandered the forest in hopes of finding the odd lone human, and even...took several humans in to become part of his court, much to his parent's dismay...uh, with varying methods. Though, it is rumored that with these encounters a bloodlust could sometimes take him over as well. It seems like a common trait with his entire family too..ah, it'd be best not to not invade the Bostan House's privacy, though. While much more affable than his family, he still had his demanding moments. ahhh high class people amiright

Camelie had odd tendencies just like Laos, but he seemed to be berated for it by high class folk rather than accepted as Laos is now. Though, his family would often begrudgingly spoil him to quell his strange desires, such as giving him his own courtyard filled with all the peculiar species he so lovingly adored. Due to his sheltered nature, he seemed to be obliviously accepting of everything his parents did believing they were contributing for the greater good, though he found himself questioning why he was constantly at a conflict with them when he expressed his ideologies. It was until the Strigoi War on Greece that he would realize their intentions are not for humanity, but for imperialistic desires.


  • Laos's native tongue is of course Romanian, but he also knows German, Dutch and can recognize some bits of Bulgarian. Japanese was something he had to learn through roaming.
  • His favorite foods are casu marzu and haggis. He also likes this worm and mushroom soup Ruru prepares.
  • Of course, as a #european, he enjoys the thousands of sweets the entire continent of Europe alone has made. Europe has got to stop making 500 variations of the same fucking chocolate cake
  • At Ruru's job, he's the balloon stand guy.
  • He takes a liking to Japanese dubbed movies from overseas, especially old movies.
  • (Don't tell anybody, but he gets a bit jealous if Ruru holds Tsukumo for too long. Ruru knows this. Hehe.)
  • He fucking sleeps like he's bundled in a cocoon if he isn't holding Ruru (or Ruru isn't holding him godspeed Ruru.) What a disaster.
  • His raw EXS substance actually has no effect on anyone. It just tastes and smells sweet (like a fruit kind of sweet) to lure prey in.
  • He remembers a few formal dances and somehow also knows of every painting and sculpture from specifically the Baroque era from his days of roaming. And like nothing else.
  • By all means, he would be good at cooking (as would Ruru,) but they just. They just don't cook pleasant and edible foods. So he looks like he's terrible at it. Once they make something normal though Laos's natural talent shines.
  • Laos's uh. "Favorite living entities," (ME WHEN I'M AUTISTIC DON'T WORD IT LIKE THAT!!!) are Ruru, millipedes, coconut worms, chrysanthemums, cuttlefish, rain frogs, and this one random washed up eel he helped Aoki restore back to health with Ruru.
  • Laos's ooze helps frog skin if anything and doesn't irritate it, so he's able to handle them extensively compared to Ruru (who can only handle for transfers and checkups broken heart.) They often jump on his face and just enjoy the wetness. Laos is completely fine with this.
  • Laos often daydreams about having carrier pigeons...and carrier frogs?
  • men who just really likes his wife's froggies
  • He and Ruru went to a Renaissance Fair once. He was really excited at first (like very excited) but when he realized it was all primarily British central shit he just dislikes them now. He was really expecting the other countries. you know british people suck dick when other europeans just think your existence getting dickrode is annoying
  • Laos will just. Touch anything. Just to know how something feels. And to remember what it feels like. (This includes touching Ruru as well. Laos...??? Is there something you want to say to the class?)
  • Laos is pretty good at making bouquets. But he should stop using flowers that symbolize death maybe...
  • His other hobbies include: beekeeping, Dutch-style aquascaping, flower pressing, quilting (with Ruru,) tea making (typically a full afternoon tea,) poetry (no duh,) croquet, stone skipping, swordplay, topiary, visiting museums, playing darts, dancing (NO DUH,) "dressing up," sand art, and unexpectedly...metal detecting? holy shit ill tell you what laos is definitely never bored out his mind
  • Laos's name isn't actually gobbilty gook. His first name is derived from the Loes Hundred, and his last name is taken right from the Bruegel family, whom heavily influenced the Dutch-Flemish Renaissance. now if this is a legitimate name in the real world...hell no
  • if it somehow was not obvious by some stroke of obliviousness. Canonically autistic. yay husband and wife autism marriage
  • Kill count is ~100,000.
  • Laos has an aversion to fire, garlic, and mirrors. I wonder why...how odd.
  • While not as bad as Ruru, Laos is very specifically terrified of dogs and pandas. He has also legitimately had a sobbing breakdown over tarsiers. Laos thinks they're miserable to look at. Their lifestyle is so sad, too.
  • He's the only Parasite Void that can technically bite, for "reasons unknown," but it has no effect to the target and doesn't cause any transformation or corruption, it just, well, hurts and can make them bleed if it's too hard. Like normal biting. It's more of an offensive tool to harm his target, rather than for the purpose of gaining EXS.
  • Cultural icon in Greece.
  • The Bostan House has been rumored to be inhuman, but these are just rumors...I'm sure.
"What would I even need in this world..."


Whenever she manifests her human form through Nao's hair, she always seems to form a pair of scissors in her hand along with it, despite it having no actual use. Surely that must mean something...?


Short subtitle.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Faucibus scelerisque eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis. Nunc sed id semper risus in hendrerit.

Spell Name nth Level (Spell Tag • Component(s))

Casting Time

Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at elementum. Porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non. In vitae turpis massa sed. Faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor.

"My lady...We really are not all that different. I am so happy I'm not the only one."


Just look at the gallery


Laos was a man(?) born in Romania, and his real name was Camelie Bostan. He was the son of two aristocrats and was an important asset to an important war between Romania and Greece that would change the Balkans, in which the latter was filled also with vampires in high political and economic status. Camelie, unlike his peers and relatives, cared and constantly protected his citizens and was considered a hero to the average villager, but was called a "commoner obsessed man" to those of higher status. He would go on to be considered a war hero for his efforts in the future. However, the 30-something at the time Camelie also loved nature and the happiness that mankind could possess. While he believes in survival of the fittest, he eventually saw how the war tore many families apart, wrongly cleansed those living in Greece, and perpetually dirtied the environment around him. At this point, he saw war was no longer for survivability or the people's best interest; it was for mere competition between countries. There was no love or attempt to rid of the bad. Thus, he defected from the war. He commanded his team to stand down and drop arms, but his team thought of it as foolish and heresy. They refused, and thus, Camelie, only as one man, slaughtered his entire army by himself. Thousands and thousands were dead, and only he remained, victorious in his goal. Afterwards, he slayed every other militia that contributed to the cause. His status quickly went down the drain from the treachery. He went from an honored and beloved war-hero to a "useless, pathetic traitor of Romania," and was even dismissed by his parents for his betrayal. He was eventually a wanted man, and to evade prison, he exiled to the Netherlands and went by a new name: Laos Ambrosius-Bruegel.

He became an actor and playwright, with often existential, naturalist, and anti-war themes. While he was considered quite bad, there wasnt enough actors in the Netherlands to, like, find mega good playwrights for cheap (as all the good ones were a penny and a half to even see,) so they kinda just took what they could get and went with the best of the worst at the very least. After his awkward underground rise, two other playwrights, Noe his wife Leonie Lavalette stood up to the plate, envious of Laos taking their spot as "best of the worst." Nothing they tried worked, so they eventually tried to sabotage the man. However, in an effort to do this, they find out that Laos is actually Camelie. Thus, they do something even more upsetting: humiliate him by revealing his true identity. They also turn him in to Romania to prison, receiving a handsome reward. Laos felt like an utterly broken man. He was already aware that nobody truly enjoyed his plays and were only something for mindless entertainment to the average citizen. Now, he was locked up for being against the destructive war. He was lonely, stripped of any possible good in his life, starved for attention, and starved for someone to actually understand the nature of mankind like he did. He just wanted someone like him to be in his life. He eventually died in his cellar to the Hollow Night, and became a Parasite Void that roamed for centuries, with only one tale in his mind: the story of a beetle with a short lifespan and the mushroom it frequented to. its as corny as it sounds

He was eventually caught by the Lab Committee after roaming to Sado, along with a little child named Kirai, known as #0 within the lab. Though the two were used to be reprogrammed into genocidal voids that were meant to eradicate their own kind, Kirai and Laos used any time they had together to build a brother/sister friendship. Laos's age, stronger nerves and experience as a Parasite Void made him almost immune to most attempts of reprogramming, and would only result in small moments of personality trait changes. However, Kirai's younger age and more recent rise as a Parasite Void made her easier to experiement on, and thus easier to reach the goal of a genocidal Void. Laos heard the young girl scream out his name and for help when she was taken away from the Hollow Night simulation room, never to be seen again. Laos was alone in captivity yet again, now worried of Kirai's fate. However, Kirai denied her reconstruction and realized she was about to kill her own. She betrayed her new purpose and instead focused on human genocide, but action from the Lab Committee took place before anything dire occured. She was captured in a strong vial she could never escape. Laos's memories of Kirai were also wiped to prevent any possibilities of helping her escape.

Eventually, Nodoka would rediscover both of them. Kirai got a host quite quickly, but when it came to Laos fully manifesting, he was definitely quite. Uh. Odd. The first thing he did was go to the front porch of Nodoka's house and just. Reanimated dead bugs and act out a play to INTRODUCE HIMSELF. Nodoka and Hitoki fearfully watched. When he was done, he spoke in a monotone voice, "No one has watched me perform a play in full like that in 300 years. Thank you," with a very offputting and almost disturbing smile. Laos took an interest into Hitoki instead of Nodoka instead, saying that he thinks Hitoki has the potential to act. Hitoki (completely creeped out,) humors him for a while but he eventually gets too freaked out his mind and cracks, saying this isn't his thing. Laos is clearly upset, but proceeds to say he understands. While he is fine being the way he is, he has always been considered acquired among the Lab Committee. He tears up a little, but doesn't full on sob. This rejected feeling almost is nostalgic to him, but doesn't know why. Hitoki proceeds to tell him that even if he isnt fond of...all of what he does, he still cares about him as a person. Humanity is...stupid and unoptimal sometimes, but if you surround yourself in the good people of the world, you're going to find someone who is just like you or will love you as you are. There's 13 Voids who have already found their people to be and relate with and all the Voids have a close bond with each other, and another just went to go find her own calling. Laos will definitely be able to find his own as well after centuries, now being in the outside world for real. Laos thanks the grouchy man for his words and pulls him into a gentle hug, before leaving and saying he is going to find that calling. He stops him however because, uhm, he would die without a host!

Nodoka (after commending Hitoki for taking care of Laos this time around,) attempts to find a host that meets Laos's interests. She scouts out Ruru, who seemed like an average plant lover over text, but then when she actually came to their home. Uhm. Well. Ruru clearly looks off to the average person, and has an extremely unconventional appearance. Nodoka and Hitoki were a bit. Concerned. Maybe even. A bit afraid for Laos. She looks unemployed. And kind of looks terrifying! However, Laos was completely astonished at her natural beauty. It was love at first sight. She looked like a woman straight out the Renaissance to him. Ruru talks to him and says that she heard Laos is into plants and insect related interests, and then cackles, saying that she has a lot of those at home if he wants to see. He is charmed by her quote on quote "bewitching voice and equally bewitching offer," and of course accepts. At first he addresses by her last name, Orikasa, but fixes his self and opts for "my lady" instead. Ruru questions the sudden change, and Laos simply states that "It's a title that a beautiful woman deserves." Ruru probably also falls quite hard right there herself. Ruru excitedly pulls him out Nodoka's house to take him to her own, and Laos simply follows in kind, also just as excited for what his host might hold. After centuries, he finally thinks he got what he desired for the first time. Nodoka and Hitoki are just like ?!?!?! at everything that just happened btw

Laos also eventually remembers Kirai again but it's quite a slow process, and remembers that she was modified to be genocidal. Once it all becomes clear to him he fucking bolts to Nodoka's house (with Ruru) at like 2 in the morning. Also since this guy is a literal war hero turned war traitor hes quite well documented on Wikipedia which everyone finds out. Ruru thinks he's a hero for doing what he thought was right and is a hero for doing all that he does now.

"Harmony is such a wonder. I should cultivate more acquaintances. (I am a bit nervous to, though. I'm...different.)"


"my lady..."

"My lady, never did I think I would find someone similar to me. You're a beautiful, eccentric, strong woman. It's like I'm looking right at a painting, with beauty beyond belief. Mikadzuki truly was right."

Laos was fixated on her by appearance at first sight. Already stunned by her beauty, once he heard Ruru's voice was when everything was set in stone. He fell deeply in love, and he could tell by her demeanor that she was the one for him. Ruru also felt that same click, and was almost immediately physically affectionate and talkative about her passions to him on the first day they met; Laos loved the feeling of her arms coiling around one of his, and her hasty speech sealed everything. If he had one, his heart rate would have skyrocketed. He desperately needed her as his host, and no one else. When he didn't think he could fall any more for her, once Laos was in her home and saw her dedication to nature he did exactly that. Ruru and Laos are an incredibly connected pair, who see nature, the necessity of survival of the fittest, and how mankind has both good and evil traits and how mankind should always strive to become a better self. They also love eating. uh. new critters they discover. And taking care of them too, of course. Laos also likes to preserve any mushrooms of Ruru's that dies and use them for impromptu plays to entertain her (and to make them feel more alive.) Ruru loves all he does for her. Tsukumo also really takes a liking to Laos.

Ruru also made him plushes of the beetle and mushroom (spoiler: they look very not good) from the only play he remembered after he died and he just flat out cried and hugged her. They also had their first kiss as well. Ruru went to make her entire basement a budget DIY theater too...they really do love each other. So romantic, bugs and all. ♡ They are just the epitome of the weird old couple who always seem to have so much to do together.



"Sir Mikadzuki, I appreciate all you and Lady Watatsumi have done for me. I've found peace, and thus am forever in your debt."

They talk occasionally after releasing Laos with a host, but it's never much, since Hitoki really keeps his distance, though they do see each other often due to the relationships of the heroines. Laos is forever greatful to him (and Nodoka) for helping him connect with Ruru, for entertaining his acts, and for telling him that someone out there will enjoy what he does. Hitoki is fine with Laos as a person, but even someone as eccentric as him gets bugged by what Laos does. Heh. Bugged.



"(Ah, is this...supposed to imitate prehistoric cave art? Or is this Medieval art? I'm not sure. But the landscaping is almost Renaissance like, I'm confused...)"

They are friends that bond over the world of art. While they enjoy each other's company when they actually get the chance to interact, both are completely confused at how they execute their artistic endeavors. The talent is there for them both, but...the execution. It sure is something, alright.



"A nice child, I am glad that someone like him is friends with Lady Kirai. I think his opinion on me...changes sometimes, though."

Hotaru and Laos are generally on good terms, but that's only if the two hang around each other ANYWHERE ELSE THAT ISN'T LAOS'S AND RURU'S HOME. He got so paranoid of everything he started swearing in his native language and Laos just gasped in shock. They both have conservations in German sometimes just so Hotaru can feel comfortable with the knowledge that Laos is willing to hear him out in his native tongue as well. Laos appreciates that Kirai also made a friend with someone her age, and that it's a boy as sweet as Hotaru.


good friends

"There is no need to thank me every time we talk, Lady Aoki, it's mankind's duty to help those in need to keep harmony."

While Aoki is not as close to Laos as Hime and Ouka are to him (she finds more solace in Ruru, surprisingly,) Aoki absolutely can't ignore all Laos has done for her. From pumping her stomach, warning her about electric eels in bodies of water, and even saving a washed up one just for her (and for the eel's sake,) Laos truly is a team player for Aoki's safety.


old people quartet

"She's very old, and very wise. Lady Shinonome definitely has a lot of notches on her belt when it comes to intricacies only people like me or her could possibly fathom. The way she carries herself though, ahem, if I may...It's interesting."

They naturally gravitate to each other due to being among the first parasites and also being quite experienced in the realm of Void activity. They get along well, although Laos is concerned about how Wakadori can act...Surely, drinking until passing out on the street and demanding things as a queen doesn't make her look good in the public eye.


old people quartet

"Another one who has went through a lot of mire...He is quite friendly for someone with such an intimidating appearance. The clash is quite poetic."

Naturally connects to him due to old age and both their experiences bearing similarities. They are friends and get along well, but Laos sees that while Taka carries himself better than his technical superior, he is a tad less wise in comparison.


old people quartet

"Very homely and welcoming. Expected of a prophet that loved her people to the end...She is the embodiment of a bittersweet tale of martyrdom. I can tell that love will stick to her for as long as her days go by. (I do wonder how taking care of a baby is like. I-I think I'm thinking too hard. /blush/)"

They naturally gravitate to each other due to--I'm sure you get it by now. Nothing too spectacular about these two individually as friends compared to their relationship with the other two, though Suzume has given pointers to Laos about love related activities and other ways to show it. Some marriage advice thrown in there too, to tease a little. However, Suzume's predicament with her child makes Laos think to himself. Maybe Ruru and him should...N-no, he's getting quite ahead of himself, here.


little sister/"family"

"Lady Kirai...what a very lovely child. I'm sure she will grow into something extraordinary, becoming harmonized with the world. I'm nothing more than happy that she has given humanity one more chance. So strong for all she has went through."

His feelings say it all. Laos just believes in her growth and wants her to have a great time, soaking in all of humanity's greatness that the world offers.


close friends

"Very, very grounded into reality. Unexpectedly, we make quite the pair. Certainly, he is a man you can sit down with for a drink, and talk about whatever comes to mind. The weather, the people you love, the course of your day, ideas for activities, or just sitting in complete quiet...his aloof expression does not reflect who he is, he instead is a great, caring companion who contributes to mankind's harmony."

Laos and Kougami, though it makes sense for them to be around each and talk here and there since Ruru and Tsujino hang around each other, it is almost unexpected how close they seem to be. Sitting in solitude, talking about any plans, ideas, or even the mundane, sharing a cup of tea or coffee amongst each other, both seem to enjoy their company no matter what it is. Kougami also helps with Laos's knowledge on bees, since he tends to go down rabbit holes on the internet about them after they met. Both care about each other strongly, and both would do anything to protect each other and their hosts in a heartbeat.



"...I'm sorry. It is the only way we can live...I hope somewhere in that heart of yours, you can understand that it is just circumstance."

Nothing he could say could possibly reach Noriko. She has already began her descent.


old allies, close friends

"Lady Mirabilis...It is unfortunate that I cannot remember anything about you, or anything about our past. I hope you can forgive it, seeing that you have done much for the former me, but I assure you it wasn't in vain. Regardless, it is nice to have the opportunity to meet with you...again. You are a delight, and...it feels good to fully embrace this other side of me. Thank you for keeping me in high regards after all these centuries."

Though Laos doesn't remember anything about the Mirabilis Court, he still appreciates Bernie and her family, memories or none at all, and is happy to have Bernie as someone he can chat with and hang around. He is admittedly quite excited to find that a vampire still holds him in high regards, especially after the catastrophe of his family reunion. He wonders if there are others out there that would be happy upon his bittersweet return as she was. Though Bernie is egotistical, and Laos is more existential and natural, both still have this click that instantly connects them as companions, and both support their newfound paths. I wonder if Laos has more going on than what meets the eye? Ah, nonetheless, Bernie and her siblings is the closest he'll ever have to considering someone family, outside of, well, his lovely wife. Not that the Voids aren't family enough to him, there's just more of a...blatant cultural tie. It's nice.

Bernie is the only person that can call him Camelie without him physically and mentally cringing. He knows there's no pettiness nor ill will, and knows well she respects the current him, and doesn't hang on to the past that bad. Camelie is just natural for her (and his full name pisses her off so bad. Seriously, Ambrosius-Bruegel!?) She interchangably uses both Laos and Camelie though, depending on how she feels.

. .