Kong Kejian



8 months, 21 days ago


Kong Kejian (孔珂箭)

NAME Kong Kejian
TITLE(S) the team wallet, sneaky bastard
AGE 20
REGION Shanjin
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
OCCUPATION Bounty hunter

Kejian is a hot-headed rebel. He is impulsive and jumps especially quickly towards ways to prove his strength or worth. He also has a terrible sense of self-preservation, which is exacerbated by his protective blessing bestowed by his patron.

His impulsivity and tendency to "act before thinking" often leads people to find him to be an undesireable friend or perceieve him as an asshole, which wouldn't be entirely false. However, his combat skills are truly extraordinary, which ends up in most outsiders becoming acquainted with him for his bounty hunting or strength.

Although Kejian generally seems to be a crass jerk upon first glance, those who get to know him will realize he holds a lot of empathy for those in need of protection or people who are suffering. Many of his instances where he jumps into situations occur to protect others or being a sort of "robin hood" for impoverished individuals. This also means he pushes himself to the limits for others and never really knows when to back down or take a break.

Kejian finds it difficult to truly trust people upon first meeting. He knows well most people only associate with him to get something out of him, which fuels his distrusting nature further. However, with his adventuring party, Kejian lets down his front of aggression and relaxes in their company. While he does complain about them always teasing him, he enjoys having true friends to truly be himself -- a hilarious drama queen.


Ambitious • Humorous


Restless • Snarky


Distrusting • Aggressive



Kejian is always prepared to fight. He can and will turn anything into a weapon.

Scars & Marks

He has multiple old scars from childhood and new scars from his adult shenanigans. He has one large scar over his chest as "cool top surgery scars."


He has a tattoo in his inner left arm that signifies a connection to his patron.


He always wears clothes that show off his chest, despite their impracticality in fights and hunting.

HEIGHT 171 cm / 5'7
WEIGHT 60 kg / 133 lbs
  • Kejian was the most difficult to design due to his... *ahem* fashion choices.
  • Kejian (珂箭) means "arrow made of lesser jade" and his surname Kong (孔) is a common surname that means "honesty." He chose his own first name, which Feng'An sometimes pokes fun at, since it essentially means "arrow made of shitty jade."
  • He rarely ever gets close to other people, and when he does, he never knows if it's valid to consider them "friends" or not.
  • Out of the rest of the group, he gets heated the most easily. However, his anger is typically only in short bursts.
  • He prefers savory and spicy foods over anything else, which is why it's always so painful when the other two are chasing after sweets.
  • Wakes up at 5 AM every single morning without fail.
  • Malnourished as hell.
  • He is not afraid of the gods. He will make them kneel if he has to.
"These are the only good parts of this shit world." (being dramatic)
  • Sparring
  • Pickpocketing (for fun)
  • Ma Hua (a type of spicy snack)
  • Archery
  • Showing off
"Um... no."
  • Having to sit still for too long
  • Being told what to do
  • Paying for everyone's meals (he does it anyway)
  • Anybody who is abusive

"What?! I can't pay for all this! I'm not made of cash!"


Early life + Meeting Enhu

Kejian's childhood started rough. His household was never safe with violent parents, only having his older sister Fujian to look after him. It only got worse when Fujian was kicked out of the house, unable to take him along.

After his sister's disappearance, he prayed every night for a god to help him, which formed Enhu after the seventh day. Enhu granted him protection and strength, allowing him to finally fight back against his parents' abuse. This ended in him killing one of them in a fight, and he departed to finally live his own life.


For most of his late teenage years, Kejian lived the lifestyle of a vagabond -- traveling around to take bounties and earn money through fighting for others. He even spent a few years away from Shanjin, taking odd jobs in other countries. Although he never really made any friends, Enhu always followed wherever he went.

Kejian returned to Shanjin at 19, having mostly made peace with his past (and having changed enough so that no one would ever recognize him again). With Enhu's guidance, he continued to take bounties and live a comfortable free life on his own path.

Searching for Enhu

One day, Enhu suddenly vanishes. Kejian realizes his patron's disappearance correlates with other minor gods also disappearing, which spurs him to go on a search for Enhu. On the way, he bumps into Feng'An, whom he immediately suspects is a god in disguise. Feng'An is already conveniently searching for another god, so Kejian inserts himself into the hunt in hopes that he will discover Feng'An's true identity and use him to find Enhu.

On the way, he meets Huilin, Neyo, and other intruiguing characters who assist him on the hunt.

The unexpected solution

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Through their search, the group discovers the true cause of the disappearance was because of the Calamity's resurgence under a controlled vessel. They learned from Mingwu, the Goddess of Death, that a priest named Qizhen released the Calamity once more to make the upper pantheon listen to his demands. The group attempts to stop him, but they quickly find out that he has become the new vessel for the Calamity and can't be stopped with their forces alone. In short, they get their asses kicked.

After watching Feng'An and Huilin break down in distress, Kejian takes charge and pushes his friends to act upon this revelation with the power they have as gods. He also finally accepts his friendship with Enhu and fully admits he misses his best friend, which is what ultimately brings Enhu back and demonstrates how powerful a genuine connection is to the others. With help from the gods and mortals combined, they seal the Calamity once more. Qizhen is defeated, and all the missing gods return.

Kejian learns not to take his bonds for granted, and Enhu finally returns. Now with his friend restored and new friends at his side, Kejian finds a true goal for his life and takes it upon himself to help the struggling people around. Through his travels and help, he finally reunites with his sister after years of separation.

Kong Fujian

(picrew by 엑스트라A) Fujian has always been Kejian's role model all throughout his life. As a child, he looked up to Fujian as the ideal of strength and resistance against the tyrrany of their parents. Fujian taught him everything she knew about self-protection and shielded him from all that she could. Even after her disapperance, Kejian never stopped looking up to her, even choosing his new name to reflect hers. He never stopped idealizing her strength and resillience, which perhaps projected onto another important individual in his life...

[patron/best friends]

Enhu, as the God of Domestic Protection, was formed purely to protect Kejian childhood. The two have been inseperable ever since their first meeting, with Kejian looking up to Enhu like an older sibling. Due to Kejian's absolute misconception around friendships, he believed that the only way to receieve Enhu's power was to trade in his soul -- something Enhu in reality had no power over. Still, the god played along to let Kejian have his sense of control and closeness. Since then, Kejian has held formidible power as a fighter to protect himself and others. Although he cherishes Enhu, Kejian's inability to accept the fact that he cares about others unknowingly caused an undetectable rift between him and Enhu, which served as the hallmark for Enhu's untimely disappearance.

Yi Feng'An
[friends/party member]

These two first met when Kejian attempted to pickpocket Feng'An on the streets. Kejian stole Feng'An's Stone of Divinity and recognized the symbol embedded into it, which led him to become suspicious of Feng'An's godhood. He joined the party to search for his own missing patron, believing the God of Earth should be doing more than just searching for his one friend and work towards finding all the missing gods. When together, Feng'An and Kejian always tease the other. Kejian brings out Feng'An's more sassy side with insults as they try to fight over Huilin's favor during arguments. Kejian doesn't realize it it, but he has become quite fond of Feng'An.

Xi Huilin
[friends/party member]

Although Kejian joined the party on the account of his suspicion towards Feng'An being a god, it was Huilin who made him incredibly conflicted if he was right or just going crazy. Originally under the assumption that Huilin was a normal person, Kejian is shocked whenever she does something crazy like eating rocks or not knowing that money is a thing that exists. Regardless, her absurdity is what makes Kejian warm up to her. Kejian finds himself drawn to her like a caretaker he never properly had in his life.

Neyo Ciliano

Kejian's first comment towards Neyo's line of work was "wow, lame," but the two unexpectedly became fast friends. Once they get past the initial scuffle about history versus combat, Kejian and Neyo bond over their travels, love for spicy food, and their admiration for a specific important god in their lives. Although Kejian doesn't mention his suspicions of Feng'An and Huilin being gods, he does also bond with Neyo on the accordance of being another mortal amongst divine beings. Neyo also noticed his top surgery scars and winked at him in solidarity, but Kejian didn't quite understand what that meant. Kejian spends a few months tagging along with Neyo's travels after the god disappearance event is resolved, and the two become great friends.