The Zodiyacht (Gemercuri Species)



5 years, 10 months ago





Scientific NameMultiplicamini Vir
PowerTrait clones
WeaknessOrange gem core


Gemercuri belong to the morph power class. They were naturally born with the ability to make several copies of themselves by using the gem on their chest. This power became even better after several genetic modifications to the species done by the Gemercuri themselves. Thanks to their modifications, they can make several more copies, some rumored to make up to one hundred copies of themselves. However, excesive multiplication wears down the gemercuri's energy drastically until it outright faints.


Gemercuri are yellow alien creatures with long arms and legs and elbows that extrude a bit outwards. Their feet appear to be an orange orb that turns and moves around like wheels. Their face is a pale mask like head that splits open into three parts like an accoustican. Their chest has an orange gem which serves as their heart as well as their source of power. It can be replaced via transplant much like heart surgery.


Gemercuri belong to the Humanoid Social class. They're very expressive and usually are subject to change moods suddenly. After thousands of generations, gemercuri began to develop deadly genetic defects that hindered their growth as a species. Some of these defects included brachycephalic muzzles, osteochondrodysplasias, extreme carpal tunnel, peripheral neuropathy, and even short term memory loss. To combat these many problems the gemercuri spent years of research into fixing their bodies with cybernetics. 


Gemercuri come from the utopian planet of Majuyane. They were incredibly gifted with technology and creating cybernetics for their bodies. These cybernetics were made to combat a wave of diseases that plagued the entire species, however no one was aware as to why they were getting these diseases. Some of the gemercuri to eager to find an answer and created research teams to locate a suitable answer for their ailments. They ended up finding that their utopia was in fact a death trap. The myst radiation that made up their planet seemed to have mixed with huge reserves of lead in the planet's core and had been leaking into the atmosphere this entire time. The scientists discovered that soon that entire planet would be completely enveloped by this "neo-lead poisoning" so they fled in ships and made way for the stars. The search seemed fruitless, but their escape ships were soon found and procured by the libralance. In exchange for the materials making up their ships, the libralance were able to create an ecosystem dome for the gemercuri to stay. They assist the rest of the astrologins with medication and cybernetics.


● Striking a copy in the gem core instantly dematerializes it

● Gemercuri are rumored to have previously have one eye and a rabbit like face

● Gemercuri legs have slight skating traction, so they move as if they were skating

● Most attacks of Gemercuri involve use of their elbows

● Gemercuri love symmetry

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