Element Island (Fiermera)



5 years, 1 month ago





Scientific NameOmnia bestia
DietFish and Insects
PowerCall of the wild
WeaknessSmell of mints


Fiermeras are members of the magic power class. They are beast masters, able to tame any wild creature with their mighty roar, because of this the fiermera's nickname is the "Everybeast". With a single mighty roar even the most dangerous and unruly animals will stop and await command from it. The biology of the fiermera has components of sea otters and bats making it a formidable predator on land, air, and sea. Its wings have a special membrane that adapts to water very easily, making the wings like giant fins when underwater.


The fiermera consists of brown and black fur. It has a spiky man running down its head. It has a batty face with two large ears, a leaf nose, and two long fangs. They only have one claw at the end of each wing which consists of black rubbery membrane. Their fur is smooth and dries out fast to allow them to take flight out of water easily.


Fiermera are a fierce member of the feral class. They usually create packs where every member is treated as a blood relative. They value strength and ferocity and go on hunts around the island in order to feed their families. They practice free range for all of the animals in Feralazon to give them the feeling of an authentic hunt while allowing the animals to live their lives freely instead of cattle raised solely for slaughter. They find simply using their power to make the animals come to them as unsportsmanlike. This power's true purpose is to handle animal issues in other lands such as rabid creatures or invasive species.


Fiermeras were partially inspired by the animal order of serdae, the order of Personalian fauna consisting of serwhips, Beetulls, Serebrals, Mambawhips, and more. These creatures are powerful animals that may lack magic but still prove to be even matches for most emotibeasts. Inspired by their ferocity Eon created the fiermeras to act as a new elemental to handle powerful unruly creatures roaming the world. Like all other Element Island emotibeasts Eon made them on a small piece of land in the sea he dubbed Initium. It was to be the starting point of this new island and through the combined forces of the emotibeasts living there it spread and grew into the Element Island of today. Fiermeras took up the southern region of the island and have two territories: Feralazon and Beastly Swamp. Feralazon is a rainforest with many rivers that cover the entire region. It is full of all sorts of creatures that range from peaceful to dangerous. The fiermera's don't actually live here and instead raise animals to live there. Then there is the Beastly Swamp where the fiermera's set up their actual homes. It is a swampy marsh with many rivers like feralazon, but less trees. The fiermeras living there make mud huts to resemble caves where each pack roosts in.


● Fiermeras noses are sensitive to strong smells so they hate the scent of mints

● Like bats they too use echo location

● Their favorite meal are scorpixie larvae. Their larvae have not yet developed toxins and are squishy when chewed.

● To impress a mate the fiermera will bring them a shell

● They hold competitions to determine which clan represents the species for and political or other important events.

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