Locke Lawson



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Lockey (Azazel)



Manic Despair Type

Type 2 (???)


April 1st








Has had multiple jobs over the years, but could never keep one. His most recent was as a camp counselor in South Holloway's Camp Kazoo. After an "incident", he's become a member of King Azazel's Personal Guard.






The outdoors, hiking, running, jumping, getting all of his energy out of his system--however he can. Puns.


Loud noises, being restrained, having to be patient, mental and physical exhaustion


A former camp counselor who thrives off chaos and is tasked to create it. A member of King Azazel's Personal Guard.


Physical Description:


Locke is a very tall man of lanky build. He doesn't care much for appearance, and will throw on whatever he likes, even if they don't match.

He has dishelved brown hair with a slight undercut, and dark blue eyes. His eyes are permanently dilated due to his type of Manic Despair and his face is both full of stress and scratches.

Locke is a member of King Azazel's personal guard, a small group of individuals tasked with defending his person and causing the destruction of Tiene Hills. One of the girls from Camp Kazoo, Dakota Graves, is a member...

One tooth is chipped, and is easy to see when he flashes one of his frequent wide smiles.




An eccentric and extreme man, Locke was previously a Camp Counselor who lives now to cause trouble.

Those who knew Locke before the Happening could describe him as temperamental, troubled and tough to reach. With sensitive hearing and a problematic temper problem, Locke scuttled from job to job, disgruntled and easily frustrated with a life that was almost impossible to live.

After the Happening, Locke was one of the minority--diagnosed with Type 2 Manic Despair. As a result, he is constantly high-strung and incapable of "calming down", living life in an on-going, highly emotional binge that's taken a tole on his physical and mental health.

Sometimes, when he's alone, he seems to show some suspicious signs of a strange, calmer personality...but that's impossible--right?

Whatever the cause of his mysterious dips, Locke's mind is clear enough to keep in mind his sole mission. He's going to get back at the girl who ruined his life--the reason he's like this in the first place...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Locke's main strength is his height and his speed. Because of his height, his gait, and his experience sprinting and fighting, Locke can be a horrific blitzing menace. He can make jumps with ease, and due to his nature he is virtually unpredictable in a fight.

However, Locke shares a weakness with his target. It is very easy to get him distracted, and he doesn't think up plans. If you wind Locke up, he'll just go, and if you try and stop him you might get hurt. 


Bonus Facts:


- Was on the highschool basketball team, but was kicked off the team for pelting the referee in the face with one of the basketballs at 68mph.

- A diligent student--he really enjoyed biology and learning in general. However, due to his anger, Locke often moved from school to school hoping for a better fit...

- Has a lot of lucky objects, and is a known hoarder. He has a lucky penny, a lucky ruler, a lucky pair of shoes...he's sort of superstitious like that.