Sam Rise



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Samson (Birthname), Sammy (Jack, Al) Big Rise (Dawson) Team Dad (Lacy)



Group Role

Strategist (Mid-Range)


July 29th








A member of a six-man unit, dubbed the "Escapists". Sam helps organize the team, along with Dawson. He specializes in mid-range combat.






Pranks, games, writing, being around Jack


Food jokes, broken glasses, pain in others, broken-heartedness


Sam Rise and his six man unit fight their way through a deserted world on a secret mission to uncover the meaning behind their bloodshed.

He is the leader of Escapists, and looks our for his unit ferociously. He's terrified of losing them, and tends to overstep his boundaries as a result. But it shows how much he cares!


Physical Description:


Sam is a large man with a burly build. He's got a bit of chunk, a bit of muscle, and a lot of heart.

He has dirty blond hair and hazel eyes. He wears shoddily made glasses to account for his bad eye-sight. He is caucasian.

Sam is the older brother of Sally Rise, two childreen of above-ground dwellers who were horrifically massacred. Sam fights to both come to terms with his own trauma and to keep what is most important to him--his family. He couldn't bear to lose them again, especially Sally. 

He can lift people and things with ease, and can take a lot of hits. He's often taking said hits for Sally.




Sam is almost the polar opposite of his younger sister--both his and her personalities have been equally affected by their mutual trauma.

Unlike Sally, who is reserved and quiet, Sam is jovial and talkative. Emotional and hyper-empathetic, he's always looking out for his friends and cares more about them then he does himself.

He cares for his friends endlessly, and won't hesitate to let them know this. When planning, he tries to take the most cautious option, to spare his group further loss.

Patient and a good-listener, Sam is the emotional heart to all those but himself. Because of his trauma, he tends to try almost too-hard to keep relationships healthy, and to keep his friends happy. He fears loss, and to lose another family member would devestate him. Without Sally, Sam is nothing, and he heaps all his happiness onto her.

Sam hopes that in finding Noir, he can put an end to the threat that endangers his new family, and slaughtered the old one. He wants his people to be free and his friends to lives, and although he's nervous about this journey, it appears to be worth it in the long-run...


Strengths & Weaknesses:


Sam's strengths are that his empathetic and cautious nature can help his team avoid dangerous situations. When the group needs a voice of reason, Sam will be that voice, and it's because of him that the team isn't in deeper trouble than they already are. Sam is given strength by his friends. They /are/ family to him, and their love means so much to him. Without these connections, Sam would die: he cannot bear to be isolated.


Sam's weaknesses lie in his hyper-protectiveness. Unlike Jack, who will throw himself into the fray at the drop of a hat, Sam tends to do with when Sally is in direct danger only. He takes hits for her, bullets for her, and if his team is in danger he tends to get rattled and ask for a retreat quickly. He can't bear to watch his sister and his friends get hurt, meanwhile he doesn't seem to think about his own well-being...


Bonus Facts:


- Once ate 6 spicy peppers in a row and didn't even flinch.

- Has had a crush on Jack Slade since they were kids, but knows that Jack doesn't feel the same way. He's never told him.

- He would probably lay his life on the line for a stranger if it came down to it. It's impossible to play competitive games with him because he is always helping out his opponents.