


The old world has been purged, deemed too sinful to exist by the supreme gods of the sun and moon. The new world, deeply devout, lives in remembrance of what they must never become. Its lesser gods follow the paths laid out for them by the Highers, deities above their ken. They are sorted into the Four Courts, as guided by the Empresses, chosen pious old gods to teach of what must not happen again. So has it been for centuries.

But the old world's mark remains in the land and seas, in black marks across forests, in great scars of old buildings and mountains. The Forbidden Places are dark and cold, churning with monsters and machines of evil. Though they harbor great knowledge, to indulge in personal ambition is forbidden....

coding by   kolo

frag lesser god flameverse ant myrme flame a c s m p profile evenne dominion miniprofile lacraya immortal t v i f bivve l o b beaut harmonic mag frag Seleighe hantel e g dragon base pony r demigod pegasus n main moondown j alicorn unicorn h behemoth gladar shark soleil iron pony k dragonhost dullahan true baby dragenmire underworlder chellabra d q harbinger wellofcreation rhino throne w chaotic wetdragon citiesofash robot pronghorn x theisle z dolphin u bee hotdragon zlimi favwhore arcanas sona kirin Lesser God fusion giraffe babby mag y drydragon colddragon seleighe herald glory cadava lelikki okapi whale tempdragon ardor dewclaw chilopoda bat pony pink fervor gray puppet draunity pygmy behemoth wisp pony miras yellow deer peryton pillar wings reindeer antelope tentacula servant oprofile zebra OLDPROFILE eurys thehouse infinity dark pink blue ferrohome Purple midworlder pokemon onager wasp Unicorn light gray sheep anthro fragment orange Dragon lux zorua zombie cow feral eggshell shaine no design mermaid uft coldragon swan Gray demon dark gray purple umbreon furry wet dragon guardian red earth pony green