The Circle

"We are maintaining balance of the World, a scale that is constantly tipping into chaos. "


The World can be compared to a scale, regardless of where it tips, will cause an imbalance and chaos will ensue.

...Supposedly there would be something like that. But how come it hasn't happened yet?

Because it is the work of the Prodigal. An organization hides from society in order to balance the scale. They will do anything to maintain the position the world it is now; an excellent balance between good and bad. The Organization most preferably wants to view themselves as a group with good intentions, but if they are not afraid to be viewed as the enemy if it means to regain the balance they want.



ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good


Gret is Emery's childhood friend since birth. Emery's mother and Gret's father were childhood friends, and their friendship had end up extending to the next generation. When he could have chosen to branch out to make friends elsewhere, Gret would much rather stick with his longest friend. With Emery as the leader of their loveable circle, Gret wants to make sure she's fine and nothing would bother her. However, with the appearance of Hope, there has been alot of changes recently regarding Espada. But since Regret views Emery as someone important, he's willing to join the ride.


  • Prefers to be called "Gret" or "Grettel." His mother named his Regret to spite his father, as they separated in unpleasant terms.
  • Regret is typically Emery's driver if she needs some sort of transport. In fact, he's driving for majority of his friends.
  • Part of the varsity track team in both highschool and college, it's definitely hard to outrun him.


ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral


Elliot was a new student when he met Emery. Started off first as a one-sided crush, Elliot has become one of Emery's closest friends. A trustworthy individual who easily becomes part of the tight-knitted circle, he owns the beloved hangout spot: The Bakester Cafe. Baxter appears shy and timid at first, but his intelligence is unrivaled. His humbleness and sympathy could be a farce of what he truly thinks of others, but everyone understand that he can't be fooled or tricked. And quite often he has people dancing on the palm of his hand before they realized it.


  • Elliot could easily play the "scared mouse" route, but he's much more capable than that. There are several moments where he can get out of a situation from purely thinking.
  • Baxter doesn't necessarily own the cafe. It's owned by his uncle, who comes to open the cafe and operates it until Elliot is back from school, but he allows Elliot to handle the managing on his own.
  • He's a human calculator.
  • Elliot bakes for both work and as a hobby. However, he liked to read math textbooks and plays chess on the side.


ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: True Neutral


  • Motto is quiet but has a talent of music at heart. Emery and him weren't friends at first, but Motto was the only person he could recognize since he moved to his summer house. Thus, he stuck to her for a while until it was too late to detach himself. Motto, like many, are unaware of the Prodigal that Emery is involved with. In fact, he assumed the entire group is just a chaotic nature, that there would be an adventure bound of happen everytime they're all together. These experiences has continued to inspire him to make music, hoping to become an aspiring and successful musician in the future.


  • Motto is just quiet. Though, most of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is almost... poetic.
  • Motto is not his real name. Otto would be his real name, but the former made more sense to the circle.
  • Always has a guitar with him. He plays both acoustic and electric and often goes off into his own world. Though, there has been moments where he could fend off or protect people by using his instruments as a weapon.


ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good


  • Nio, alongside his best friend Lin have hidden themselves away for the sake of their own safety. Nio is more open in opposed to Lin, making it easier to interact and befriend. Quite the loud mouth, Nio often speaks before actually thinking - making it a bit of a pain for the circle to deal with. However, in return Nio has a physical prowess, making him unstoppable and untoppled. He was raised to be a fighter and a shield to those with a strong desire to protect. Emery was the first to find out the origins of Nio and Lin when they first moved to their city. Therefore, leaving little choice to Nio by sticking with her in hopes she wouldn't be going around telling others about what the two are affiliated with.


  • Nio loves to party. If he was allowed to, people could find him hanging out at a club or a bar.
  • A UFC fighter prospect. Several coaches seek for him since he often made most of his business doing cage fighting, but he doesn't want to risk exposing himself to public.
  • Has feelings for Lin. It's one-sided, unfortunately. And everyone can't tell if Lin feels the same or not.


ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral


  • Everyone recalls him as a lazy figurehead of the group, and his lethargic character makes it difficult for him to have any motivation to go out and spend time. He has to be dragged out of the room by everyone if they wish to hang out but he complains about how tired he is and often yawns in front of people. But it's hard to tell if this appearance is just a farce of his quick witted, manipulative and clever mind. The latter clearly resides in him, especially if his affiliation to the Triad has been an influence to how he thinks of others. Regardless, everyone understands that Lin cannot be fooled or taken advantage of. His background, alone, makes him a threat to others.


  • Unlike his best friend, Nio, he doesn't like showing off his tattoos. He wears hoodies, long sleeves, and jackets even during the most harshest summer days.
  • Lin may not have the physical constitution like Nio, he can fend himself well using martial arts.
  • Always expect him to be sleeping.


ROLE: Confidant, Deuteragonist
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good


  • Jackie, who often tells people that it isn't his REAL NAME, is the youngest of the circle and holds a close attachment to Emery. Emery was once his tutor hired by his father, he slowly is introduced to everyone in her circle and all of which help him discover a newfound happiness. However, his story is only a tad different than the rest because he falls in love with Luka - a young girl adopted by an Administrative Member of the Prodigal. He's slowly becomes aware of the organization at a very young age, just like Luka, but always hesitates speaking about it. He follows a more outside viewpoint of how the Prodigal runs solely because of the experiences he's seen and interacted. To Emery, she believed the Prodigal was making a difference for the good of the world. But to Jackie, the Prodigal was a threat...


  • Jackie had obvious feelings for Emery, but it was clear that she wasn't interested in those that are younger than her. However, it easily passed on and he goes out and fall in love with Luka, who holds a strong personal attachment to Emery as well.
  • When Emery became her own tailor after being Maximille's apprentice for so long, he hired Jackie as her assistant. Though it was excuse for Emery to help him get closer to Luka since he was so infatuated with her.
  • Jackie introduced himself as "Jackie" whenever there's anyone with him that is directly part of the circle. By himself, he introduces himself using his real name.


ROLE: Confidant, Deuteragonist
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral


  • Emery's ex-lover before she moved onto Hope. Hyde grew up without a mother and raised with an abusive father alongside seven other siblings who also experienced the same thing. He struggled finding comfort until he met Emery at such a young age, he heavily prioritized her over everything else around him. Hyde fought for her and stole for her (despite not asking him to). He even failed a grade, just so they'd be in the same grade together. When Espada began realizing his self-destructive behavior, she immediately had to detach herself from him during their senior year before he'd become more chaotic. In response, Hyde had disappeared soon after highschool graduation for at least a year before he came back, bearing a child that he named after her.
    Hyde cannot deny he still harbors intense feelings for Emery, but he is aware she no longer feels the same. He copes with his sadness and short-tempered anger by painting and spending time with his daughter instead of relying on Emery's companionship.


  • During the period where Emery came back from the kidnapping, everyone was grateful for Johannes (the man who brought her back home after she escaped) for taking her back safetly. All except for Hyde, who remained suspicious and hostile towards him. Instead of accepting it, Hans tries to use this opportunity to help him, and overtime he ends up developing a strong interest towards Hyde. Eventually Hans begins to fall in love with this "lone wolf" character that is often described.
  • Hyde's father had developed an obsession to playwriting and Shakespearean plays. This obsession reached to Hyde, who somehow develops a strong interest in plays and opera the older he'd gotten.
  • Hyde has a daughter that he named 'Emery.' Unfortunately, the original Emery is not the mother to his daughter, but still often takes time to play with her whenever she has time. Her real mother, however, often disappears and reappears before Hyde. And quite often she is a problem by herself. Hyde tries his best to keep his daughter away from her erratic mother, without trying to cause unecessary drama or money issues.


ROLE: Confidant
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good


  • Chanse is Hope's childhood friend, making him a closer confidant to Hope than to the circle. However, he ends up being pulled into it regardless and can't help it if he ends up becoming the father figurehead during those moments. Not often does he partake in the activities within Emery's main circle due to his busy schedule of being an elementary teacher, but he still gives a few words of helpful wisdom and advice when needed. He is highly responsible for the advocation of Emery and Hope's blooming relationship, and takes satisfaction from the prosperity of it. If he hears anything concerning the two of them, Chanse is likely the first to know about it. And he'll take it about himself to fix it... if possible.


  • Chanse is a regular at Elliot's cafe and coffee shop. The teacher is aware that Elliot has feelings for Emery and pities him, which is one of the reasons why he comes by so often - mostly to drink his coffee and to check on him.
  • Hope has been Chanse's best friend since elementary school. If he had to choose, he would prioritize Hope over those in the circle. Thankfully, he hadn't been in that situation yet.
  • Since Elois's appearance, Chanse is the only one that Elois comes to like. For a little bit, Chanse had harbored feelings for Emery's counterpart, but they were only fleeting. He never brought it up, but he knew it was inevitable that Elois would end up disappearing and Emery will find out soon after. With how much he values Hope, he couldn't come to portray any form of love except for a small companionship, otherwise it'd only feel like betrayal to his best friend.
Code by Aurorean and Calnite

shippable shippable polyamory Dynasty Warriors wip historical Warriors Orochi I cannot contain my love for Yakuza