State of the Iso Address 10/30/23 + NaProWriMo

Posted 6 months, 8 days ago by Isoprene

what is your astrally-assigned fursona

1 Votes Aries
1 Votes Taurus
0 Votes Gemini
0 Votes Cancer
3 Votes Leo
1 Votes Virgo
0 Votes Libra
0 Votes Scorpio
0 Votes Sagittarius
0 Votes Capricorn
0 Votes Aquarius
1 Votes Pisces
0 Votes (chuckles darkly) why... ophiuchus, of course...
1 Votes i'm too much of a cusp for this
0 Votes buddy you think i know off-hand?? idk fuckin whales or spiders or whatever youre making up now

"i'll have another bulletin up in a day or two" what is a 5 but a 2 upside down?? ah shit i got distracted watching infomercials on youtube and now it's 6 days. Anyway. what's up gamers it's your girl iso here with some Hot Life Updates

Part One: ah fuck it's NaNoWriMo

ah fuck it's nanowrimo. i dont even have a project up yet but you can become my pal here. i've been figuring for a while (since i got jumpscared by november like 2 weeks ago) that i'm gonna just do NaProWriMo again bc i've been needing to work on profiles for SO long and i would really like to be more active in general!! i might just have it be, like, a "just write" in general thing bc i'd also like to get various worldbuilding info pages up, and those are basically bios in a way.

"but what worldbuilding pages do y-"



So dedicated Iso bulletin readers are probably vaguely aware that I've had this setting called Siderea for several years now that has, like, zero content uploaded on Toyhouse at all. A legitimate reason behind my inactivity is that I keep getting annoyed when I want to use my favorite OCs in forum games or discussion threads or whatever else only to remember, oops! I don't have profiles for most of the characters that have been rotting my brain from the inside out for the past 3-4 years! There are other reasons that are bigger factors for sure, but that feeling of not being able to participate the way I want to and getting that sinking feeling of how "behind" I am whenever I think about it is absolutely one of them. But then whenever I think of doing one, I realize there's so many little concepts I'd have to define every time and profiles would have to be so much longer if I wanted to be thorough especially for the first batch of profiles because there would be no other existing things to link to and this and that and yadda yadda...

To compensate for the fact that I just don't have any characters uploaded and it'll take a hot minute before I do even if I complete NaProWriMo flawlessly (which I most certainly will not!), I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to just... put some lore up! I've been making little (and sometimes not-so-little) lore posts over the past couple years for my friends and I's little RP forum, both just for fun and to have something I can just link to when I bring up jargon, etc. I didn't consider transferring any of this stuff over here because I didn't have any specifically Siderean characters uploaded plus, more importantly, I would either have to copypaste things with WYSIWYG and fix a bunch of formatting OR just have everything be ugly bc I didn't want to deal with tediously changing BBCode into HTML...

Then it hit me that there are probably sites that convert BBCode for you and sites that add in ps and brs for you and I was right!! So yeah lmao I've been chipping away at converting things over, debating which posts were outdated enough to skip, and also working on the template for the zodiac pages over the past couple of days so I'd have some passable content to post!

There are definitely a lot of flaws here: all of these posts were made for a specific audience with a specific background of knowledge, so a lot of these posts will just drop references to RP stuff or other things that are common RP knowledge but very much not common Toyhouse knowledge with 0 explanation. In the interest of time (namely getting things out before NaNo starts) I didn't add any cross-linking except to edit any links that were in there to change them from forum links to Toyhouse links, and likewise there's no handy hovertext to quickly define any concepts or in-jokes (learned about the  tag recently wtf this makes life so much easier than coding hovertext myself. awesomesauce). All of the posts were also written really casually and fairly quickly with little to no proofreading, and needless to say I didn't do any proofreading in the process of porting them over. Expect to see a lot of typos, grammatical errors, clunky phrasing, and Possibly some broken code here and there.

As always you're welcome to point any of these out to me, BUT it might not be the best use of your time since I obviously plan to redo a lot of pages in the future! Once I have enough profiles up (or, more likely, I burn out on making them and drop NaNo lmao) I'll go back through everything that's currently up and get to adding links to things, which should make organically navigating the world through what interests you most a lot easier! But if you dare to tread this treacherous land... you're more than welcome to!

If you'd like to receive updates on things that have been added or changed, subscribe to this thread! For wholesale new pages and things like that I'll make bulletins like I do for new bios/lits, but otherwise I don't want to spam my bulletins with more minor updates/tweaks - at least not when I'm planning to do a lot of that during a short time period! If you read stuff and have comments, questions, suggestions, want to toss in a vote for a character you'd like to see a profile of or concept you'd like to see a page on, etc., you can post in this thread! Or in here, on the comments of the world itself, fuckin wherever really I'm not picky I will just be excited someone is saying words!!

Because there's kind of A Lot there, here are probably the most important pages for anyone curious/bored enough to do some perusing:

  • The main page ofc, which provides kind of a TL;DR of the setting!
  • The zodiac overview page, which sums up all of the species and is also the only page with crosslinks because it's the only finished page that I made wholesale for Toyhouse!
  • The gods page, which definitely has a lot of outdated things (Arachne is completely missing, you will note on the vast majority of pages that Ophius' name used to be Serpentarius and this world is actually the first time I'm using their new name, a lot of the weapons work differently now, etc.) but is still kinda the best source there really is atm for understanding the "main characters" of the setting.
  • The Creators page, which is way more up to date and about the other three characters who color basically every aspect of the setting and whose names you'll be seeing constantly on like every page! It Does bring up a lot of RP stuff in it but that's mostly bonus content and not stuff you really need to know to understand Siderea things.
  • The timeline page is a bit rough and has a lot of links that are actually dead links bc converting wikitext (there is a wiki. it's pretty barebones tho i dont even have the stuff from the world in there oopie but i mean feel free to look around that too i suppose there's Some information that isn't in the th world even!) to HTML is... interesting, but it helps provide a lot of context to various events that get mentioned!
  • The dictionary page could use some new entries, but is a handy tool to have around!
If you want to learn more about characters and get sneak previews of people who will be uploaded someday eventually ideally:

  • The Archangels are pretty important figures! It's also a great example of how you will find a lot of weird placeholder images throughout this world like how Jeremiel's placeholder icon at the time was just me looking up like goth anime boy emo angel or w/e and Uriel's is an emoji with MS Paint on top. I will change these... someday.
  • The Facets are also pretty important figures, and it's one of the more recent and thus up-to-date pages!
  • Before the Catasterismi randomly turned into me going into way too much detail about god backstories, so it's a good place to learn more about them!
  • Due to its nature of being a summary of a story I didn't write, Age of the Risen Star gives some insight into character dynamics.
And if you're more into weird lore shit, I've got some pages for you!:

I think that's all the most important stuff! Like I said I intend to go back through these and fix more glaring errors and add links likely once NaNo is over or I'm just done with it, and ideally every page will someday have some level of HTML implemented to make it look nicer/make navigation easier! If you read any of it now, though... thank u you are so nice to me (little pleading emoji)

OH and tangentially related I crossposted two not-Siderea-specific-but-still-important pages that could be helpful resources! They're about the Greater Soulstream and the concept of magic, respectively. Give 'em a look! The latter even specifically mentions Siderea stuff...!!

Part Three: This was all lead-up to understanding that Scorpius was voted best OC 2023 and everyone was SO right for that (wild cheering and applause)

So a couple months ago I did a popularity contest on the aforementioned friend forum because I was overwhelmed by An Urge in the middle of the night. There are a lot of OCs on this list who don't have Toyhouse profiles and haven't even been mentioned anywhere on here, but nonetheless if you're curious you can see how things turned out here! A lot of things surprised me about this and it was really cool that a newer character I hadn't used too often but who is nonetheless one of my top 3 favs (alongside Orchid (dammit wtf happened to his background image. Bitch. maybe i will remember to fix it someday) and Astrid (who is high on my NaProWriMo priority list because Hoo Boy)) wound up beating characters with way more historical relevance.

Mostly I'm mentioning this because I am advertising that it's an extremely cool and swag thing to do and I would love to see people host some tournaments for me to vote on!! I included a little section for random comments which led to getting a lot of delightful OC questions to answer, such as what their 3rd-favorite ungulates are, how I would feel about being snowed into a cabin with each pairing, what they would get at McDonald's, and entirely too many questions about their sex lives. All this could be yours for the low, low price of make a ton of Google surveys...!!!

I thought about having polls up here as well, but the whole thing was kind of impulsive and I didn't want to figure out the logistics and also like half of the characters involved didn't have Toyhouse profiles. Maybe next year? Or I'll just do some kind of Toyhouse-specific contest someday? Prolly not until well after NaNo and ideally after I've been a bit more active so my characters will actually be recognizable to people, but you know.

"But Iso you are so cool and epic and I want to meticulously rank your OCs!!" So true but! You fool. You absolute buffoon.

You can.

Shortly after the tournament concluded a friend of mine taught me how to make a character sorter since I did an interest check during a post-tourney survey, and so I have inflicted this meaty fellow upon the earth. Check it out... if you dare! There are a little over 400 OCs in it (I was being conservative and restricting myself only to OCs who had some form of avatar - placeholder or otherwise - and trying to be somewhat picky on top of it) so for the love of god don't hit start without doing some filtering!! Doing so will take around 3000 matches, and even my bravest of pals who dared these wilds and hit tie a bunch of times on people they knew nothing about and had no strong opinions on the design of still took two hours to finish.

The category that probably makes the most sense to try out would be, well, the Toyhouse one! That one helpfully restricts the sorter to only showing characters who have profiles on here, placeholder or otherwise. If you do any amount of the sorter, I'd love to see your results! If you're curious about my favs, you can see my results here!

Part Four: IDK the rest of the bulletin

My segue kinda kept me from talking more about NaNo, but I'm still kinda debating what exactly I'm going to do. Either way it's going to be a rebel thing for sure, but I dunno if I'm gonna do a "one profile/page = par" kind of thing or do some kind of "just write in general" sort of thing and see if I can find an HTML remover and do draw word count to see how much writing I do when I'm not just trying to write a story. I do so much infodumping and RP stuff that I'm kind of curious to see how that would turn out! Though I feel like if I counted RP stuff and actually made sure to post a lot and other people posted enough for me to post I would blow 50k out of the water easily bc due to the nature of a lot of my threads they get really fuckin wordy so. Idk. These are problems for future Iso and by future I mean in less than 2 days.

Essentially I dunno if I'm gonna actually have a profile out every day or specifically push for that, but if I don't do that then expect my backup to be making more stuff for the Siderea world since I have a ton more infodumps/pages I'd like to make! If you have anything you'd specifically like to see, feel free to comment here or wherever else!

Also as avid Iso bulletin readers and link-clickers may have surmised by now, after years of back-and-forth I've decided I just kinda fuckin don't care about having nice art for characters I upload here anymore. Like I do because I want them to have an appealing enough avatar to make people click on them, but the fact of the matter is that I just don't really draw and therefore make refs, tend to end up giving up when I try to make refs bc there are a lot of things I don't have a good understanding of how to draw and not a lot of time/patience to step back and go do that first, and even if I did make refs I no longer have the financial means to commission people to make pretty art of them like I used to back in the golden days of yore where I had a job but not bills.

The whole reason I've been so backlogged on uploading OCs over the years is directly because of this fixation on having Clickable Avatars and I just don't fuckin care anymore!! I just want to have info about my OCs somewhere public and shove them in people's faces!! People will probably click on them anyway if I participate in forum stuff and if people go "ew cringe" when they look at my character page and mostly just see Picrews and other dollmakers well who fuckin cares I did not sign up to Toyhou dot se to become internet famous or whatever. So get used to seeing a lot of dollmakers and inaccurate doodles and also probably me deleting the little pictures in the Attributes sections of profiles for a lot of new characters bc they do not have many pictures. Thanks.

On the note of Toyhouse, as alluded to throughout I'm trying to be more active in general! Have been focusing on trying to catch up on various lits/bulletins while juggling NaNo prep stuff, though unfortunately a lot of that will probably get put on the backburner or at least slow down during November. But on the plus side I usually don't last long during NaNo, so I'll probably get back to catching up on things soon enough...!

I have no idea how much stuff I'll go through before getting lazy and contemplating exploding my notifs again, so if you have any particular profiles or literatures you'd like people to read - even if it's like 2 years old - feel free to link them so I can check them out and put them in my lil ark adrift on the sea of my executive dysfunction. I really like reading people's things and validating writers by slamming that little star button so don't be shy if you have stuff you're proud of!!

Speaking of literatures, I've only written, like, one thing since my last magnum opus and I can't post it since it has RP spoilers we won't get to for who knows how long!! Oopsie. But if I make profiles for Scorpius or Andromeda OR Metatron or Sariel/Leiras (it's complicated.) I can upload the two short stories I have for those guys...! Well the latter is incomplete so idk if I'd do that. Like not "I just never finished the whole story" but "I didn't even finish the first chapter and it ominously ends with the words 'Sleepy hole' just dangling there". But you never know...!

And finally, I guess I should provide some life updates! Not tooooo much has changed for better or for worse, but I got a new position at work! It's a sidegrade rather than an upgrade since it's the same amount of hours and same amount of pay, but I'd consider it an upgrade in a way since it's a position where I no longer have to worry if I'll be able to hang in there. I dunno if I've mentioned it here before and if so not for a while, but I have early-onset arthritis and was previously in a pretty physical position. It was getting really, really rough on me and causing me a lot of agony about my future since I didn't know how much longer I'd be able to go on for. When my boss took me aside to tell me my current position was going to open and that I should apply I straight up thought I was about to get fired or at least get scolded bc I was at a point where I couldn't get through a full week of work without calling in, so an almost entirely sedentary position has kind of been a complete 180 for me lmao

There are some consequences, though! Not walking as much as I used to + my hours being redistributed (I get Fridays off now which is sick but I work longer the other days) I think is contributing to some lethargy and I kinda just spend half the day napping against my will when I get home. And... okay I guess that's basically it! It's really cool not going into big meaty credit card debt because my paychecks are constantly extremely short because I ran out of vacation time in spring! And I get to put a lot of stickers on things which is viscerally satisfying! Good end :)

Otherwise Uhhhhhhhhh I guess I started playing DND? Kind of? My friend @Exuro started running a campaign for our friend group a while back and after lurking for a while I jumpscared everyone by joining with Rigel, which will be a really funny name to hear if you read enough Siderea pages! If you're curious how former final boss and world-ender pony is doing, he almost got literally killed by a rug. He gets crit a lot. He has no rizz so he keeps getting mind-controlled by things which is really funny for a guy who Should be immune to that kind of thing but isn't for the sake of gaming. He stopped everyone in the middle of the desert to infodump at them and then threatened to kill them bc he reached C support with everyone and that's the price you pay for befriending him. Also he and Jerry are besties :D and it is really funny that every time an opportunity arises for Rigel to find out Jerry is associated with Asena (who he loathes with every fiber of his being) something will happen or the scene will change. 10/10 stuff consider enjoying a campaign with pals who are very lax about rules and willing to baby your clueless ass and make your pre-existing ocs work   consider a horse who is a shadow sorcerer with tank stats it owns

And Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I guess that's probably it???? Aside from ummmm I still love my gf as always :) I guess I can legally make profiles for her for NaNo couldn't I.....!??! Idk if I will but if I ever Do finish any profiles for her I would nefariously make a bulletin for it on this account to advertise it!! ok bye

EDIT: i forgot to add a +1 to aries in the poll i am a FOOL. its not my fault i dont think. cant help being an aries

EDIT 2: OH I FUCKING FORGOT TO MENTION THAT. i gave all of my folders little icons to differentiate them. thanks


HI iso i had to write this fat comment in notepad so i could have the bulletin open and also not have toyhouse explode because of the input time-out lolol. also i have subbed to the siderea thread I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE POSTING ABOUT IT i remember reading some of the earliest stuff you posted about it, on that forum... it's so cool to see you stuck with it and there's. so much lore it's daunting but i will chew through it

also thank you for including cusps in your lore... as someone who Is A Cusp it is stupidly important to me and i'm happy to see they are not forgotten (libra/scorpio rep!!!). librios are so fucking cool i want to draw one. if you have any librio characters and design notes hmu i'll doodle something. also handshake emoji... settings with archangels....

also y'know what fuck it. i want to do naprowrimo alongside you. personally i'm probalby going to stick to one profile a day = par type thing, but i'll try to get two done. need to fill out my site with More Profiles. i know you saw some of them already, but i actually log all finished ones here* and i keep a newsletter of stuff in general i've worked on here for site stuff. also if you care about keeping up with my art postings and you have an rss feed reader i actually have an auto-updating rss feed here that posts once a night with yesterday's art.

*not all profiles are 100000% mobile friendly yet. i'm in the midst of moving them over to a better template that expands the "minor relationships" section on small screens so it's easier to read but they're otherwise fine on mobile. but if you primarily read them on mobile... i'm sorry if you run into any of these old versions >_>

peeked at the concept of magic page and i really liked it. the circuits metaphor works really well for explaining how some worlds have better access to it than others while still being in an overarching umbrella... it's good. out of curiosity is either type of corruption more common than the other? how hard/easy is to get corrupted accidentally?

THE FAVORITE BATTLER IS SO COOL we are same hat because i actually put together a similar favorite character picker on my site too omg. unlike yours i don't have "everyone" quite up yet since i must. draw more tiny headshots. i wish i knew your characters better but i did try siderea's (you are not joking about how long it takes if you don't filter the blorbos my god). it still says serpentarius for ophius but i'm sure you knew that lol.

also YES RELEASE ALL THE OCs i'm excited to see whatever you end up getting done!!! also extremely glad to hear you have a job that isn't going to be exploding your joints anymore...

you've already seen all my stories basically (very excited for you to get to TPOT alpha) but i basically post anything important on my website now which includes smaller stuff and like lore pages. but not all that often because uh i am a bit slow on lore stuff. sitemap contains all the pages on the site though some may be unfinished at the moment

also i don't know if this offer would at all interest you but if you ever wanted to put your stuff on like. a neocities site or something i'd be super happy to help with formatting and layout and advice and stuff. i don't expect people to jump to that sort of thing but i love the web revival and webmaking so i have to shill it whenever i get a chance okay LMAO

wait i just caught that leiras is sariel backwards. i may be stupid

THANK YOU... i'm glad... i need to crosspost things to random defunct forums for ppl to look at more often. i'm glad that now i've finally realized i can just convert things into html to easily plop into th worlds but there is more potential yet. so many things to expose people to. infodumps... orchid getting trapped in a mcdonalds playplace... geminorum... proboards is the lifeblood of the internet because it provides so much potential to spam into the void. also toyhouse's time-out thing has proven to be my enemy many a time so i feel this struggle.

@ cusps: yw cusps are such a cool concept and i knew when i started this setting i wanted to find some way to include them!! figuring out exactly what to do with them was a bit tricky and i wasn't initially satisfied with making it so only adjacent zodiacs could bone, but i think i'm happy with how they work now! big time one of the pages that need a re-work the most esp since i've changed my ideas a little bit for some of them and definitely refined a lot, but i'm glad you like them!! esp librios i am flattered 🥺 a big plan is that once nano is over/i shrug and decide to be done with it i want to make some like shitty doodley refs of all of the zodiacs to put on their pages, so look forward to that...!! and hell yeah i love angely little guys. just cant go wrong with 'em and as soon as i saw some random website list exactly 15 of them as being notable and several other random websites list associate 12 within that specific group with zodiac signs... it was all over. mine now. siderea time.

@ naprowrimo: NICE i love to spread the word of naprowrimo and other alt challenges... i love reading bios and encouraging people to write so just according to keikaku.   also i remember i tried doing rss feed stuff the second i saw you first mention it bc i was like hell yeah website updates and given the sheer number of notifs i always have on toyhouse it seems like a good way to be able to keep up with things!! i've seen some other things that mention rss feeds now and then that seem handy too but every time i click on stuff i always get a page like this and i'm always like is this an error......?? is it intentional.....?? is it some kind of weird conflict with firefox add-ons or do i need to add things to... something....... ?? one of these days i will simply just google rss feed lore and understand how they work. old enough to be aware of rss feeds too old to understand technology

also dw i have a severe allergy to browing the internet on mobile. i never rly think abt mobile friendliness myself when making things because of this even though phone browsing is what's hip with the kids but i am obsessed with large amounts of info on the screen at once. i see tiny screen and break out into hives. i am the last person who will judge.

@ magic: THANKS i love trying to figure out how to explain things like that and unite my settings even if i don't get too granular about it! magic and souls and things like that are always especially fun to think about! as for corruption, prima materia corruption is definitely the most common of the bunch if only due to being a more common substance to find raw throughout Entirety and being the most finicky/least predictable substance! you're basically performing gen 1 arbitrary code execution every time you use it and it's very easy to mess up a stat and corrupt your data! although actually i feel like writing game code with the game itself is more anima mundi. and prima materia is more like using a gameshark...? im gonna need to work on my pokemon analogies.

ANYWAY the ease of corruption varies a lot depending on the type and the setting! it's common enough on siderea for it to be part of standard learning when it comes to magic just due to the sheer amount of raw prima materia/anima mundi you can find out there on the planet and the nature of siderean monsters, for example, but a lot rarer in other settings. i think outside of siderea it's probably most common on holann - rpg hell's world - which has a similar sort of thing going on where there's a lot of raw soul juice everywhere but this time everyone has comparatively garbage magical circuits. a wee bit of a recipe for disaster. top 5 settings i wanna work on worlds for also at some point it's a wack place

@ sorter: OH SICK i will absolutely have to do this someday. looking forward to more lil faces!! and yeah lmao i have a zillion ocs and siderea has been rapidly accelerating that. love that for it. big reason i want to get to making bios since i feel like my toyhouse barely has anything on it!! and yeah ophius being named ophius is like. SUPER extremely recent, i've been kicking around the idea of changing their name for years and only finally committed when making the world here since i didn't want to get even more people used to the name serpentarius only to change it later! so basically every resource that isn't freshly made is gonna be awkwardly outdated in that respect until i go back through stuff to add crosslinking and whatnot after nano!

(tl;dr all of the gods' names are based on the genitive cases for their respective constellations, but ophiuchus' is just the plural for the species so instead of tweaking the name slightly like i did for a couple others i for some reason just went with the archaic name serpentarius. which sounds sick and i like it a lot but i got increasingly bothered over the years that their name was the only one that didn't "match" their zodiac but they'd been around for so long that i felt like i couldn't change it but then i was just like fuck it. changes name of well-established oc who's had the same name for 4 years hehe)

@ stories and stuff: I AM ALSO EXCITED, i finished tau the other day (i didn't have any exciting commentary this time but it owned, v cool and atmospheric) and was hoping to start/finish alpha before nano but then the work week happened and i have basically spent the entire week asleep. rip. i am So ready though. also i've been hoarding bulletins as well and tend to click links whenever i perceive them so luckily i've been able to keep up on a lot of website stuff as well!

@ website: ngl i am tempted sometimes, i remember browsing the forums a couple months ago and seeing there's a whole-ass neocities thread, it's so incredibly cool that ppl making their own little websites about whatever is becoming increasingly accessible and coming back into vogue! i appreciate the offer but i dunno if i'll ever end up doing so just because i'm lazy and have been pretty content with the framework that forums/toyhouse/miraheze offers even if it means my content is obnoxiously scattered (though now knowing i can convert bbcode into html painlessly i will ideally have a lot more info consolidated onto here)! numbers website slaps so much though i'm so glad for it

@ leiras: YEAH she is just a funny story in general. the tl;dr here is that sariel is the name of one of @Exuro's ocs, the envy underking of hell college, who has existed for like. 7-8 years now? at some point or another because exuro is a legend he decided to retcon her into being a siderea fan-character esp once libras and eclipsing got a little more defined. i then decided to make an oc named sariel who was an ancient scorpio that sariel the xuronut (who now had the true name:tm: of graffias) eclipsed and stole the name/face of for funsies. eventually this information got revealed in-universe in such a fashion that it became apparent that sariel the isonut is still conscious in there and just chilling, so now there were two ocs named sariel on main and this reasonably caused name confusion. ppl defaulted to calling sariel the xuronut graffias and we were like WAIT NO bc her name's been sariel to us for so long that not calling her sariel feels weird, but trying to make the names sariel and og!sariel was just confusing people so i was like yknow what im gonna start calling my sariel leiras and say leiras also does this herself because she can't help but respect getting ratatouille'd out of her identity. as happens in life sometimes.

all of this is to say that on siderea pages i'll probably mostly use the names graffias and sariel since both of them are known names on siderea, but then there'll also probably be other places where i use sariel and leiras respectively instead and SURELY this won't get confusing at all

that description of geminorum's abode is beautiful.

OKAY SO FOR RSS FEEDS that page is correct but you need a tool called an rss feed reader to actually like. read them in a nice way basically. i use one called "quiterss". they aggregate rss feeds for you and can give you little notifs whenever they update! and look nicer and actually readable. you just feed the url into the reader and voila

YOU ARE VALID re: mobile compatibility. thankfully most html is compatible by default its just when you try to do fancy things it can get messed up. i try to keep it in mind though because lun uses a phone primarily/doesnt have a compy  so i want her to be able to reference things easily

THE CODE ANALOGIES ARE SO COOL i love it. honestly i conceptualize numbers reality warping as adjusting the world's css so like. coding analogies are. so good.

CHANGING THE NAME MAKES SENSE i like ophius better tbh it's easier to remember and sounds. like the zodiac and matches more yeah. it's good. little snakey

I FINISHED SIGMA TODAY so you'll be caught up on TPOT Soon. i'm glad you liked tau also i Love isiell with my whole damn heart he is baby.

and YEAH no worries about the site stuff. i always like to offer in case someone's interested but hasnt taken the plunge but it is also. a big commitment and if th worlds work then don't fix what aint broke lmao. 

i fucking love the absolute density of the lore for that name. that's proper oc making right there. chef's kiss. the single biggest paragraph in your entire post dedicated to explaining the lore behind someone's name. i literally love it so much despite not being in the rp group or having any familiarity with the characters at all its just GREAT okay yes. I WILL KEEP IT IN MIND WHEN I READ THOSE PAGES!!!