DECEMBER 2023 Prompts and News

Posted 6 months, 11 days ago by Coastette


  • New winter pop up item designs/art by NeonMilk!
  • inedible_toppings_fruitcake.png?ex=657ccAs well, a new winter pop up shop npc is coming soon! Papa winter! I wouldn't recommend eating his food though...
  • New Guest Artists
    Give a warm welcome and congratulations to our new GAs!  Keep an eye out for their adopts coming out throughout the year! 
  • Changes
    •  Increasing monthly prompt bonuses from 30 to 50 donuts!
    • Starting in January 2024, you will receive a 30 donuts bonus on your birthday via the birthday bot in the discord server!
  • Notices
    • We will be putting out in mid-December a FAQ thread for traits so we can address when while revamping the milki trait toyhouse page/sheet
    • We will revamp the rule page in late December to have better transparency of how warnings, strikes, temp and permeant bans will work!


  • Unlike  previous years, there are 2 prompts. You have until the 1st of the next  month to create and submit entries for the prompt bonus.
  • Completing these prompts will get you +50 donuts per completed prompt!
  • Make sure to say it's for the November Prompts when you fill out the form
  • Completing all 2 prompts with also earn you a token prize of a subspecies voucher
  • The bonus prompt is not needed to get the voucher but lets you get extra bonus donuts!


  • What does your milki want for christmas? Do they want a speedy fast car or maybe a simple new book to read? Draw them receiving their new gift from Santa!
  • With so much snow all around, you could make a milki out of it! Create a snowman themed milki! Will it be given candy rock buttons and a hard candy carrot nose? Or is it more big and scary looking like its cousin, the abominable snowman ?
    • BONUS PROMPT: Oh boy, looks like someone had bad aim and hit the wrong target, now we have a snowball war. Draw your milki getting involved by throwing snowballs or maybe trying to dodge from the incoming shots. Or maybe your poor fella is just trying to get away from the chaos.

This milki was designed by GrimGremlin

Enter the raffle here!


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