May 2024 Roundup

Posted 1 month, 20 days ago by anathema_rpg

May 2024 Roundup

The early summer’s heavy rains in the north of Ivras have abated, replaced with drier and cooler weather, though the rest of the country is currently experiencing warm and humid conditions. 

This month we take a look at a handful of new characters, TWO new story prompts, and of course—Happy Pride!! 

This month’s player-made story prompt was submitted by IndigoBookwyrm.

🏳️‍🌈 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜happy pride!!!

Your annual reminder that Anathema was created by, is run by, and is proud to welcome lgbtq+ people of varied experiences. Happy Pride!!

We have a month-long Pride prompt running in the #events channel! Collect double gold for all art and writing responses!

💌 an invitation to pigerton manor 2!

The very rich and very eccentric Pigerton family has once again extended invitations to their yearly summer celebration!

The time to get randomly matched up is over, but you can still submit characters through the Betrothed mechanic! You are, of course, also free to write or draw for the event without matching your characters to anyone ♥️

Click here to read more!

📯 great hunt: rorschach

The glittering, vision-inducing Augury is no more. All that is left is crystal dust and windblown, tattered playing cards littering the ground, and a debate about how to keep curious onlookers away from a phenomenon like this.

Loss of life was minimal, and there was no collateral damage (unless you count the dust) but the healers in the camps around the monsters have been run ragged with treating sharp cuts left by the cards.

As an unforeseen consequence, card games and card decks have seen a renewed interest all over Ivras.

Mage reputation has gone down slightly, but the Order's standing remains stable.

Congratulations to the Hunt Award winners, and a big thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this a great event!

You can view the results, rewards, final damage, and the special Hunt Badge for all participants here!

📜player-made story prompt submissions

…are currently closed! Y’all have been really active in submitting prompts, and to catch up with the current queue, we’ll keep them closed until December 2024 (most likely—if this changes we will let you know).

So if you have a story prompt idea, please save it for later! Or if you have an idea that is time sensitive or touches upon current events or prompts—feel free to make a post about it in ⁠#anathema-stuff or in #⁠muckraker-gossip! 

It won't be a story prompt that gives rewards, but it could be a great open RP thread or in-character event!

📌 notes and reminders

  • Shapeshifter Scrolls

A shapeshifted form cannot gain any magic abilities that are separate from the character’s usual magic (or magic earned by scrolls or amulets).

✨ June 2024 story prompt

Every month, we provide a brief narrative prompt, with four potential choices for your character to make. Draw or write your character's choice, and receive double gold for your response! Mages will earn a mystery stat point based on their choices, which will be revealed with the next month's prompt. 

Prompt responses should tag this profile, and must be worth at least 1 gold of art or writing.

Click here (or scroll down to this bulletin's comments!) to view the prompt for June. 

To see the rewards for May's prompt, click here!

🐎🐖🐄🐫🐐🦌 May's new arrivals:

Meet all the characters who joined us during the month of May 2024:



june-july 2024 Player-made Story Prompt:

In the last two years, Ivras has seen more monsters than ever before. There are of course discussions, rumors, gossip, research, and town talk about why, but one thing that is less commonly spoken of is the long-term effects of these magical aberrations.

There are strange rumors about the pigeons that roost in the abandoned buildings half-destroyed by Archmage Hagia; desertification threatens the dust-covered sections of the Whispering Sea, where the Bone Dust Dune fell; fishers still catch silver-scarred fish on the coast south of Faline. Strange and deadly plants are growing along the river where the Anuran Bane lurked; where the Pyre of the North raged, cropland was destroyed, but the soil in its path is now more fertile than ever.

Wherever a monster has fallen, the landscape has been irrevocably changed.

What does your character think about this development?

  1. They decide to take advantage of this somehow; change is always a chance for profit.
  2.  These relics should be avoided at all costs. Abandon and destroy them.
  3. This is an unprecedented chance for new knowledge. Study the ripple effects to learn more about their source.
  4.  The past is the past. Ignore all this nonsense and focus on the now.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.

june 2024 Story Prompt:

With the rise and fall of the Gilded Augury, card decks and card games of all kinds have seen a surge in popularity. Games have always been a common sight in taverns and inns along busy roads, but with the recent interest, cards have found their way into the hands of nobility and common folks alike.

Artists have been busy, and new decks have popped up left and right; some are merely variations on existing decks, some are wholly new. In some towns, the printing presses have run out of ink due to the increased demand.

Some decks are obviously meant for card games, others for more esoteric uses.

Has your character been swept up in the card craze? If so, what do they use them for?

  1. Gambling and games.
  2. To try and pierce the veil of the future.
  3. Collect them, or simply admire the pretty pictures.
  4. Card tricks and cheats.

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot).
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses. You may submit collabs and RP as prompt responses, but every participating character's choice must be clearly indicated for mods.