đź“Ż Great Hunt: Rorschach

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago by anathema_rpg


hunt for the gilded augury

This event is over.

Sound the horn! Yet another monster has been sighted, this time just outside the Sunless Jungle. The mage protectors of Ivras are called upon to fight The Gilded Augury!

This time, we have a new, optional game mechanic for you! If you have trouble coming up with what your character sees on the card, head over to the #rolling channel in the Discord server, and let random chance decide!

If you would rather decide yourself what your character sees, we have collected all card options here: The Anathema Card Deck / The Ivratian Oracle

Killing Blow:


Silver & Bronze Hunters:

24408127?1701403742 24935212?1703267575

Every character who participated in this event will get a special badge for their profile!



<a href="https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1852002"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/OfxUu5A.png" alt="Hunt for the Gilded Augury"> </a>

the combat system

In addition to your mage's base damage output (which you can read about here), every 10 gold counted for a piece of art, writing, or roleplay, will earn another +1 damage.

This means if your mage does 5 damage based on their stats, but your attack is worth 40 gold, they will deal an additional +4 damage. This is calculated before the double event bonus, as well as any effort bonus, is applied.

If you have any questions about this or need help calculating your damage, write to us via Modmail or in #ask-staff and we will be happy to help!


These are the prizes for participating:

  • ALL PARTICIPATING MAGES receive +2 to their choice of Power or Discipline.
  • THE MAGE WHO DOES THE MOST DAMAGE receives the Killing Blow badge, is the slayer of the beast and receives +100 Gold, +1 Corruption, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.
  • SECOND PLACE MAGE receives +75 Gold, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.
  • THIRD PLACE MAGE receives +50 Gold, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.

monster description

An immense card hovers menacingly in the air, surrounded by swirling, colorful scraps of clouds.

It portrays—what, exactly? It’s hard to see through the clouds, but it seems to show different things to different people. The backside shows a massive door with decorated columns on each side, a common motif on the back of certain decks of Ivratian cards.

The air around it seems to glitter as if filled with crystal dust, and the card is crowned by a golden skull floating above it.

The empty eye sockets of the Gilded Augury seem to follow whoever is watching…

monster abilities

If approached with ill intent, the Augury may retaliate by sending a flurry of sharp-edged, smaller cards at the attacker. Otherwise, coming close to the card makes strange thoughts and impulses come to the forefront of the mind; if lingering in its presence, visions and premonitions follow, some gruesome, some joyful.

Whether the visions are true or not is impossible to say.

monster behavior and location

The card seems to be stationary, located at the northern edge of the Sunless Jungle, hovering above a particularly steep hill—among the locals known as Redgrass Bluff—visible from miles away.

The Gilded Augury seems to do nothing unless actively attacked.

monster combat bonuses

  • Having a buddy to watch your back might save your life. Mages working in pairs or groups deal +2 damage. (Only applies to collabs and roleplay with more than 1 player involved. Nonmages may be part of a group but won’t do damage.)

  • Incorporating one of the Ivratian Oracle Deck cards in your attack deals an extra +1 damage. (Either chosen or rolled for)

  • Those with a Mending Scroll deal an extra +1 damage.

  • Mages capable of sustained Flight deal an extra +1 damage. (Either through their magic, a shapeshifted form that can fly, or by having wings)

  • Mages with powers pertaining to paper, magic nullification, or soil/sand/stone are at an advantage, and deal 2x damage. Applied to the base stat point damage, before gold damage is added.

  • Powers focused on physical strength is at a disadvantage, and deal ½x damage. Applied to the base stat point damage, before gold damage is added.

📯👹🏹 Join the Hunt!

  • Hunt Prompts: Every week the monster still lives, a new prompt will roll out, describing the monster's behaviors, location, and the destruction it has wrought.  Collabs are encouraged for Hunt Prompts! All event-related art is worth double gold!

Art/writing/RP/Collab Submissions:  You don't have to respond to a specific prompt to kick some monster tail!!  Any submission showing mages whippin' ass (or otherwise responding to the Great Hunt) can count as an attack; just tag this profile as a "character" on your finished work, and follow the instructions here!

Attacking and Aiding:  Mages have the ability to attack a monster, or (for whatever their reasons may be) aid the monster, and try to keep it alive. When submitting pieces that attack or aid the monster, please follow instructions on this comment.

⚔🛡🏆 How does this work?

The monster described above is rampaging through Ivras! It is up to the Mages of Anathema to stop it. Only mages can damage monsters.

Every piece of art, writing or roleplay made for this event featuring Mage characters counts as an "attack" on the monster. The damage your mage does is based on their stats and the monster's weaknesses; read the Hunt Guide for more info! Attacks for this hunt should be posted here. The event runs at least two weeks, and then ends when the monster's HP is lowered to 0.

This monster has 400 HP. A grace period of 4 days will be allowed for submissions when it hits 0 HP, so works in progress can be completed. Check this profile for the most up-to-date look at the monster's HP.

For more detailed instructions and information on prizes/rewards, check out the Hunt Guide by clicking here. 

âť“ Any questions?

Feel free to comment on this bulletin, or don't hesitate to contact staff on our Discord server or our forum! We're happy to help!


prompt one: a cryptic omen

As the efforts of the previous hunt are winding down, troubling news is spreading. A large shape, obviously magical in nature, has been spotted above a steep hill, just at the northern edge of the Sunless Jungle, where the rolling plains get steeper and more hilly before they turn into dense woodland.

Floating objects in the sky are seldom good news, but early reports agree that it doesn’t seem particularly dangerous—yet. The Order has sent their mage protectors to investigate, but other inquiring parties have set out towards the shape as well.

Your character finds themselves nearby. The shape is very reminiscent of a large playing card, floating upright in the air, half-way obscured by a glittering cloud. As your character approaches, the clouds part, revealing the card’s motif in a burst of color and light.

What does your character see?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt two: adoring masses

So far, the card has only been floating in one place, barely moving at all, save for a gentle undulation in the breeze, much to the consternation—but relief—of those who have gathered at the foot of the hill.

Despite its deceptively peaceful demeanor, its destructive powers are undeniable. More than one Mage Protector—and inquisitive onlookers—have felt the sting of razor sharp cards that fly through the air at the slightest provocation.

The card’s other effects are felt, as well. The camps of fighters are joined by others—people who want a glimpse of the card’s visions and premonitions, and they are growing in numbers each day.

Does your character join the curious visitors, or do they try to keep them away?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt three: a vision unveiled

After two weeks of repeated attacks from gathered Mage Protectors, wild mages, and helpful bystanders alike, the card is beginning to look a little battered. The edges are frayed slightly, and one corner looks like it has been torn off; the clouds and the crystal dust seems to swirl thicker around it.

It also seems like it has changed tactics. Now, merely coming close to the card provokes a frenzy of smaller, razor-sharp cards to be sent flying. The adoring masses from before have beaten a hasty retreat, with only a handful of devoted fanatics left to chance the Augury’s wrath.

Perhaps the card is weakening… could this be the time to renew efforts?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

attacking and aiding:

To deal damage (or restore health) to the Gilded Augury, tag this character profile in your finished image or literature, and post below with your Damage and Gold Count for every participating mage. Staff will add the attack/aid to the hunt tracker and gold bank for you.

Attacks must be worth at least 5 gold per participating mage. Damage is based on stats as outlined in the Hunt Guide, but feel free to ask for help calculating damage here or in #ask-staff in the discord server!
Gold is calculated normally, but you collect double your total count for participating in the hunt!

Click here to use our new Hunt Damage calculator!

Feel free to attach a screenshot of the hunt calculator with your submission!

please use the following form in your reply:

  • Link to finished piece:
  • Link to mage profile:
  • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
  • Damage bonuses:(if applicable)
  • Total base damage:(stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

  • Total Gold count:(including event and/or effort bonus)
  • Gold damage:(every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)

for collaborations and roleplays:

  • Link to finished piece:
  • Team name: (optional)
  • Mage Name:
    • Player:
    • Link to mage profile:
    • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: (if applicable)
    • Total base damage: (stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

    • Total gold count: (including event and/or effort bonus)
    • Gold damage: (every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)
  • Mage Name:
    • Player:
    • Link to mage profile:
    • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: (if applicable)
    • Total base damage: (stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

    • Total gold count: (including event and/or effort bonus)
    • Gold damage: (every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)

(repeat mage section for all participating mages, up to 5 per submission)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/235771.i-a-kiss-of-fortune
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/23874416.anathema
Stats: 23 Power, 25 Discipline, 3 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses:(if applicable) Mending Scroll (+1), Exploding Flask (+2), Oracle Roll Inclusion (+1), Rabbit Foot (No Disadvantage)
Total base damage: 25

Total Gold count: 20
Gold damage: 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/22489365.the-wanderer/22489433.anathema/gallery#81246353
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/22489365.the-wanderer/22489433.anathema
Stats: 15 Power, 14 Discipline, 1 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +1 card, +1 flight, +1 mending scroll
Total base damage: 16

Total Gold count: 26
Gold damage: 1


Hi ! Small correction for the damage, with Wanderer's stats his base damage is : 14 (power capped by discipline, cost -1 corruption +1) + 1 card +1 flight +1 mending scroll = 17 base damage (instead of 16)

So your total damage is actually 18 with the +1 gold damage !

Let me know if anything is unclear :) Everything else is good (I love your artworks of the wanderer everytime it's beautiful)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Oh, that's awesome! I'm not sure how I miscalculated that, thank you so much for the correction (and the compliment, I'm really glad to hear someone enjoys the art :) )

No worries, you're welcome <3

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Hi <3 I've discussed it with other mods and her strength is not magic induced, it's more of a side effect of her size. So it will count as normal damage o/

Her base stats would be :

22 (power = discipline) -1 (cost) +1 (corruption) +1 (mending) +1 (card) = 24 base damage +2 gold damage = 26 damage !

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

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Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/24882829.fullbody/81265365
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/23874416.anathema
Stats: 23 Power, 25 Discipline, 3 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses:(if applicable) Mending Scroll (+1), Exploding Flask (+2), Oracle Roll Inclusion (+1), Rabbit Foot (No Disadvantage)
Total base damage: 25

Total Gold count: 36
Gold damage: 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/11884656.alekto/12129981.anathema#81270695

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/11884656.alekto/12129981.anathema

Stats: 13 Power, 10 Discipline, 0 Cost, 3 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +1 card

Total base damage: 10 (power capped) + 3 corruption +1 card = 14 base damage

Gold damage: +1 gold damage

Total Gold count: 28 gold Total damage : 15

Bip boop đź‘Ť

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/81286076    
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/1485891.enn-marrenvik/14046763.anathema
Stats: 18 Power, 20 Discipline, 0 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: 0

Total base damage: 19

Total Gold count: 128
Gold damage: 3

Total damage 22!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/26402569.eszek/26402580.anathema#81294543 

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/26402569.eszek/26402580.anathema 

Stats: 5 Power, 5 Discipline, 1 Cost, 0 Corruption 

Damage bonuses: +1 card prompt (the king) 

Total base damage: 5 

Total Gold count: 30 

Gold damage: 1 

7 damage total (literally first time submitting a piece for the hunt, I am so sorry if I mess this up lol)

Don't worry i'm here for that and you didn't mess it up ! For the total damage, you have : 5 base damage (5 power -1 cost +1 card) +1 gold damage = 6 damage total

Gold count is perfect !

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Hi ! There's a small thing to adjust in the gold count for your piece <3 you wrote :

2 (1 colored fullbody) + 1 (1 colored bust) + 3 (1 colored outfit) + 1 (world specific)=7 (pre hunt total) x 2 (hunt bonus)=14 gold

I'll link the guide (https://toyhou.se/~world/67937.anathema/page/21232.gold-guide) as I try to explain better how to count gold ! You counted 2 for colored fullbody, but the bonuses actually stack ! So you actually have +2 because you drew a fullbody, then because you added colors to it you gain an additional +2. Same for the bust, you have +1 for a bust, then +1 because you colored said bust. So a colored fullbody would be +4 total, and a colored bust +2 total. If you had shaded it, here again you would have won +2 more (for fullbody) or +1 (for bust) in addition of drawing + coloring it. So a colored shaded fullbody would be +6 for example (a bust +3).

I would also add a +1 for accessories (for the horns, part of wing).

Does it make sense ? If I correct and detail it, it would be :

+2 (fullbody) +2 (color full) +1 (bust) +1 (color bust) +3 (colored outfit) +1 (world specific) +1 (accessories) = 11 gold x 2 (event bonus) = 22 gold

Since you have 11 gold before the event bonus applies, you also gain +1 gold damage. So your total damage will be : 1 (base damage, correct) +1 gold damage = 2 total damage

Let me know if anything is unclear, I will do my best to explain better ! Please edit the gold count on the description of your art piece <3 (you can copy paste mine if you want, but if you want to try it out yourself to get used to it feel free to).

Edited! Thank you so much for clarifying how to do the math, it was a bit confusing to me haha

wow 2 whole points of damage..Dan is so powerful

Perfect thank you ! And no worries I'm here for that, it's confusing at the beginning it's normal ! 2 damage for now but Dan will grow bigger in time eheh

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/235764.ii-bonds
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/23874416.anathema
Stats: 23 Power, 25 Discipline, 3 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses:(if applicable) Mending Scroll (+1), Exploding Flask (+2), Oracle Roll Inclusion (+1), Rabbit Foot (No Disadvantage)
Total base damage: 25

Total Gold count: 46
Gold damage: 10

Hi <3 Gold damage is actually +2 instead of +10 (+1 damage per 10 gold worth, before event bonus applies. So 2 damage for 23 gold) Total damage is 27 ! Brynn slaying that card in pieces :)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3 (i love heeeer it was a beautiful piece to read)

Omg my math brain LEFT THE ROOM then clearly haha! Thank you

All good eheh muah

Perfect you nailed it o/ All good, damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

yaay đź‘Ť

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/81506424

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/24237762.ishq/24237765.anathema

Stats: 8 Power, 7 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +1 for card

Total base damage: 5

Total Gold count: 16

Gold damage: 1

Total damage... 8 i think.

Hi <3 Your base damage is actually 6 : 7 [for power because capped by discipline] -2 cost +1 card = 6 base damage

You gain gold damage by +1 for each 10 gold worth before event bonus. So in your case as it's 8 gold before the bonus, it's 0 gold damage

So Ishq total damage is 6 !

Gold is all good (you don't need to post it in the bank, we do both for hunt pieces when they're linked here)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/236083.iii-the-king
Profile: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/23874416.anathema
Stats: 27 Power, 27 Discipline, 4 Cost, 2 Corruption
Damage bonuses: 1 Mending Scroll, 2 Exploding Flask, 1 Oracle Inclusion, (Rabits foot: no strength disadvantage)
Total base damage: 25 + 4 = 29

Total Gold count: 32g Gold damage: 1

Total damage: 30

damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

damage and gold confirmed and logged <3

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/9979850.astrid/12764965.anathema/81566554

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/9979850.astrid/12764965.anathema

Stats: 12 Power, 10 Discipline, 2 Cost, 4 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +1 card

Total base damage:13 (10P -2C +4 Corr +1 card)

Total Gold count: 64 gold (18 before bonus/event)

Gold damage: 1

Total damage : 14

Bip boop đź‘Ť

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Hello! Before we log this, could you provide us with a quick breakdown of the gold count?

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Awesome, thank you! Damage and gold confirmed and logged.

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

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Damage and gold confirmed and logged!


  • Mage Name: Rhavid
    • Player: MisMantis
    • Link to mage profile:  https://toyhou.se/11402189.rhavid/17700187.anathema
    • Stats: 6 Power, 4 Discipline, 1 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: Working in group 2 + Exploding flask 2
    • Total base damage: 6+ 4

    • Total gold count: 144
    • Gold damage: 7


  • Mage Name: Vizon
    • Player: AbigailBozathArt
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/24935196.vizon/24935212.anathema
    • Stats: 16 Power, 16 Discipline, 3 Cost, 4 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +2 group, +1 card, +1 mending scroll
    • Total base damage: 20+ 4

    • Total gold count: 144
    • Gold damage: 7





  • Mage Name: Swan
    • Player: Apel
    • Link to mage profile:  https://toyhou.se/15338510.swan/15338513.anathema
    • Stats: 5 Power, 1 Discipline, 3 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: Working in group 2 + Mending scroll + Flight
    • Total base damage: 6+ 4

    • Total gold count: 22
    • Gold damage: 1




  • Mage Name: Azura
    • Player: DonkerWolfie
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/26741107.azura/26882724.anathema
    • Stats: 2 Power, 2 Discipline, 3 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +2 group, halved for DISADVANTAGE
    • Total base damage: 2 + 2

    • Total gold count: 112
    • Gold damage: 3



  • Mage Name: Astrid




  • Mage Name: Hieren
    • Player: IndigoBookwyrm
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/26818350.hieren/26818359.anathema
    • Stats: 9 Power, 0 Discipline, 1 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +2 group, halved for DISADVANTAGE
    • Total base damage: 9 + 2

    • Total gold count: 120
    • Gold damage: 3


Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

I cant make anyone else go through this and I triple checked so we're alright

Finished submission: https://toyhou.se/~literature/236654.babys-first-hunt

Mage character: https://toyhou.se/22967050.helena-lena-lakatos/23509185.anathema

Stats: Power: 2 Discipline: 2 Cost: 2 Corruption: 0

Damage bonuses: +1 flight, +1 card prompt, -1/2 strength base

Total base damage: 1 + 1/2

Gold total: 58

Gold damage: 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Your gold count before event bonus was 29, every 10 gold counts for 1 point of damage so your gold damage was 2!

Remember that advantage & disadvantage only applies to to a character's base damage output, not any damage bonuses that might get added. Have a look at our hunt calculator and see how it works with character stats and gold counts!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/17068925.surusiipi-otto/25678357.humanoid/81714876
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/17068925.surusiipi-otto/22978597.anathema
Stats: 8 Power, 12 Discipline, 3 Cost, 4 Corruption
Damage bonuses:None
Total base damage:9

Total Gold count:5g
Gold damage:0

Total of 9!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Ya forgot the event bonus, get paid! 10g

Anjali AIDS the monster!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/238533.great-hunt-rorschach
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/18358475.anjali/21885377.anathema
Stats: 11 Power, 12 Discipline, 0 Cost, 3 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +1 (oracle card)
Total base damage: 15

Total Gold count: 44g
Gold damage: 2

Total points of aid: 17

Before I confirm and log this, would you mind providing an explanation of the "expansion of lore" bonus in this piece, please?

The bit commenting on Nymenes architecture is what I'm considering expansion of lore

Thank you! Unfortunately, for an expansion of lore bonus to be considered, there needs to be a more in-depth expansion rather than a small mention or comment:

"Your piece takes advantage of Anathema’s anything-goes sandbox lore and builds uniquely on the culture of Ivras. Includes exploring player-made factions and locations, as well as establishing cultural practices, superstitions, folklore, etc that are not explicitly laid out in site rules or events."

Your final gold count for this piece is 20g (40g double bonus). Please reflect this in your gold count!

AID has been confirmed.

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/238614.great-hunt-rorschach

Mage Name: Briar
Player: snowbird
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/22612225.briar/24250440.anathema
Stats: 5 Power, 7 Discipline, 3 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +1 (card), +2 (pair), -1 cost
Total base damage: 4 + 3 = 7

Total gold count: 40g
Gold damage: 2
Total damage: 9

Mage Name: Eve
Player: woodfordi
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/21246754.eve/24296931.anathema
Stats: 5 Power, 5 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +2 (pair) -1 cost
Total base damage: 6

Total gold count: 30g
Gold damage: 1
Total damage: 7

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

having pc trouble atm so this doesnt have a gold count just yet x_x will update in a bit! (update: done!)

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/82246472

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/700357.harrow/13363609.anathema

Stats: 10 Power, 12 Discipline, 1 Cost, 5 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +1 from incorporating the Spire oracle deck card theme

Total base damage: 16

Total Gold count: 10

Gold damage: 0

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

(Your base damage before the damage bonus is 14!)

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/25787451.seble/25787630.anathema#82246704 Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/25787451.seble/25787630.anathema Stats: 02 Power, 3 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption Damage bonuses:(if applicable) Total base damage: 00

Total Gold count: 26 Gold damage: 1 damage in total is 1 I think?

Omg, sorry I rushed so it's probably wrong.

Also here is the stats I gold for gold value: 6 (1 fullbodies, 1 colored, 1 shaded, and 0 other characters) + 3 (1 busts, 1 colored, 0 shaded, and 1 other characters) + 2 (Colored Ornamental background) +1 (1 accessories) + 0 (0 colored outfit) + 0 ( uncolored outfit) + 0 ( colored wings) + ( uncolored wings) + 0 (0 bonkers design) + 0 (0 magic use) + 0 (atmosphere) + 1 (world-specific) + 0 (simple animation) + 0 (prompt [list character prompt]) = 13 (pre-multiplier total) * 0 (quick art) * 0 (extra effort) = 13 (pre event total) * 2 ([list event] bonus) = 26 gold

Hey! For your piece gold count, I can see: Coloured Shaded Fullbody: 6g + Ornamental BG Coloured: 2g, World Specific Bonus 1g . TOTAL: 9g x 2 bonus =18gThe 9g total gives you 0 gold damage as gold damage occurs BEFORE event bonus is applied. Every 10 gold counts for 1 point of damage.

For your character damage:  your base damage is 0 but for including the anathema oracle (The Stars), you gain +1 damage!

Damage and gold have been logged!