Item Shop

Posted 1 month, 12 days ago by anathema_rpg


item purchases and reward claims

In Anathema's shop, you can purchase items that transform your characters and expand their abilities. Additional mage slots and familiars are also purchased here.

Items such as accessories, tools, outfits, bags, and non-magical pets are free anytime, and do not require purchase.

Weapons are available only to characters that possess a Handmade Idol.

💰 Purchasing items:

Purchasing items reduces your Gold balance at the Bank. To make a purchase, click here and reply to the admin comment with the form provided.

You will need to indicate the character affected by the items you are purchasing, and add up your gold total yourself. Staff will automatically deduct the purchase total from your Bank balance. When purchasing, provide a link to the affected character's Anathema tab when filling out the form, OR make an IC comment with that character if the purchase is all for one character. For item effect, be specific (i.e. "+1 Power to Merlin, increasing the range of his lightning bolts." for a Stat Token, or "Transforming Gandalf from Cervid to Suid" for a Deep Mirror).

After staff confirms your purchase, link to your purchase comment on the character's log. (Links to individual comments can be found by clicking the link icon at the bottom right corner of the comment.)

🏆 Claiming rewards:

Sometimes, rewards will be given out to members who complete certain achievements or participate in Anathema events. To claim a reward, click here and reply to the admin comment with the form provided.

You will need to provide proof that you are eligible for the reward you are attempting to claim. When claiming, provide a link to the affected character's Anathema tab when filling out the form, OR make an IC comment with that character.

After staff confirms your reward, add a link to your claim comment on the character's log. (Links to individual comments can be found by clicking the link icon at the bottom right corner of the comment.)

General Items:

Stat Token
50 Gold: A glittering coin that symbolizes a new height in your mage training. Great work! Gives your Mage an additional +1 to Power or Discipline.
handmade idol
10 Gold: Lots and lots of practice went into the delicate construction of this figurine. Gives any one character mastery of their telekinesis that allows them to carry heavy objects like weapons.
toy boat
20 Gold for creating one new Outlander. 50 Gold for unlimited access to Outlander species for your account. For new mages, this item is used in conjunction with a Summoning Circle. See the Character Guide for Outlander info!
summoning circle
100 Gold: A mysterious, whispering rune powerful enough to manifest a magical being. Allows a player to create another Mage character. This purchase should be listed in your new character's Log when you submit them to the World.
Deep mirror
30 Gold: Gazing into this murky glass will reveal you as you were meant to be. Allows any character to permanently transform into a different species, or permanently change their appearance.
pact of fortune
100 Gold: An offering made at Fortune's Shrine. Allows a player to give their Mage an unnaturally, nearly immortal long life, for a price. Makes a Mage immune to the effects of aging, and adds +5 Corruption at time of purchase. This item can be applied to a character at creation and written into a backstory.
rite of grace
100 Gold: An offering made at Grace's Shrine. Allows a player to give or take magic from their character, irreversibly changing them from a Mage to a Non-Mage or vice versa. Buying this item does not complete the transition; you must complete the ritual at Grace's Shrine to initiate the character change. Gives player a new Mage slot, if a Mage is converted into a non-mage. (Reminder: all players must have at least one mage character).
hymn of destiny
100 Gold: An offering made at Destiny's Shrine. Allows a player to completely rewrite a Mage's magic description, and assign them new abilities. Your Mage's stat points can be redistributed and new Costs chosen. The character's Corruption is unchanged.

spell scrolls:

These items give mages a permanent new minor magic abilities, in addition to their regular magic. These spells do not change with a mage's Power and Discipline; they are additional limited "tricks" mages can learn to augment their magic. Non-mages cannot use these items.

Darksight scroll
10 Gold:This ragged scroll bears an incantation that gives the caster the ability to see clearly in the dark. In perfect darkness, the caster will see in shades of gray; in dim lighting, the caster will see as if it were a cloudy day.
mending scroll
10 Gold: This elaborate parchment gives a mage instructions for performing a simple mending spell. Broken, cracked, or torn objects can be fused back together using the incantation written here, turning your mage into a minor miracle worker!
familiar scroll
10 Gold: This illuminated parchment gives the reader instructions on summoning one Familiar. Familiars are magical companions that serve as extensions of a caster's magic; for more information on Familiars, see the Familiar Guide!
elemental blast scroll
10 Gold: This ancient text instructs a mage in harnessing a single element of their choice, allowing them to lob a fireball, lightning bolt, or other elemental magical attack. This does not give a mage the ability to hold or manipulate the element, only to shoot a small "blast" at will.
light scroll
10 Gold: This brilliant manuscript gives a mage the power to create a guiding light; using the spell written here, a mage gains the ability to create a weightless, floating orb of light the size and brightness of a powerful lantern. This spell can light the dark, but cannot burn anything or heat a space.
minor healing scroll
10 Gold: This dense scroll holds the secrets of healing magic; using this spell, a mage can close small cuts and scrapes, vanish bruises, or stop bleeding. This healing is rudimentary and without finesse, useful mostly as first aid; it can save a life in a pinch, but usually leaves scars or else merely starts a major injury on a path towards natural healing.
extended telekinesis
10 Gold: This cryptic text guides a mage through improving their natural telekinesis, beyond even what a Handmade Idol has already taught them; using this technique, a mage can hold very heavy items, wield multiple weapons at once, manipulate complex objects midair, and improve the range of their telekinesis by twice the length of their body. Requires Handmade Idol as prerequisite.
animal communication
10 Gold: This weathered page opens a mage's mind to the language of beasts. Using this enchantment, a mage can make themself understood to all animals. Animals will comprehend the mage's speech and commands, and the mage will be able to intuit the feelings and intentions of animals by sight.

magic amulets:

More powerful than scrolls, amulets give mages robust, permanent new magic abilities, in addition to their regular magic. These abilities do not change with a mage's Power and Discipline; they are additional limited "tricks" mages can learn to augment their magic. Non-mages cannot use these items.

imbue magic
30 Gold: This powerful artifact gives the holder the ability to imbue their magical talent into items, and share them with other characters. For example, if your character has healing magic, they could put their power into a potion and give it to someone to use later. Non-mages may receive magical items from mages with this amulet via a drawn or written interaction.
enhanced shapeshifting
30 Gold: This mysterious relic grants a mage the ability to shapeshift into another form at will. This form could be a different design of the same species, a different playable species on Anathema, or a disguise as a wild or mythical beast, not exceeding 20hh tall. Each amulet gives a mage one additional form, which cannot change. Additional forms require additional amulets. Please provide a written description or reference image of the new form at time of purchase.
enhanced familiar
30 Gold: This arcane charm gives a mage's famliar(s) increased magical potency, making it possible for the familiar(s) to use any of the mage's magical abilities, including those gained by Scrolls and Amulets. Familiars cannot summon other Familiars, however. Requires Familiar Scroll as a prerequisite.
magic detection

30 Gold: This peculiar device grants a mage the ability to sense traces of magic in an area or on an item. Using this, a mage can see if magic was recently used or if an item has been imbued, what kind of magic was used, and sometimes even who cast it, if the amulet holder is familiar with the magic of the caster.

battle items:

Battle items can be used during Great Hunts and Swarm Hunts to boost the effects of your mage's Attacks, redistribute power through a Hunt team, and more! Battle items are applied to a single Attack, and are consumed upon use. Each Attack can only have one item applied to it, even if the attack is a collaboration.

exploding flask
10 Gold: One time use item. Adds +2 damage/aid to a single Attack
holy water
10 Gold: one time use item. Negates Cost for one mage for a single Attack
rabbit's foot
10 Gold: One time use item. For a single Attack, this item negates the halving of damage/aid that occurs when a monster resists a mage's magic type.
enchanted cord

20 Gold: One time use item. For a single Team Attack, every member of the team (up to 5 mages) does the same amount of damage/aid. The damage/aid dealt by each mage will be an average of the entire team's total base damage/aid, rounded down. For example, if a team of two mages deal 8 and 2 base damage respectively, each mage would actually do 5 with the use of an Enchanted Cord.

the ley lodge

The items listed here aren't all Anathema has to offer. The mysterious Ley Lodge has its own selection of wares in stock, but their prices are much steeper than Gold... Visit the Lodge for more information.


💰 Item Purchases

Reply to this comment with the form below to make a purchase! Please fill out the top part of the form (Item name, etc) for every item being purchased. For effect, be specific (i.e. "+1 Power to Merlin, increasing the range of his lightning bolts." for a Stat Token, or "Transforming Gandalf from Cervid to Suid" for a Deep Mirror). Add up your item prices for the total at the bottom.

Provide a link to your target character's Anathema tab when filling out the form, OR make an IC comment if the purchase is all for one character.

Staff will reply to confirm your purchase! Please link to your purchase comment when adding the item to your character's log. 

Item name: x
Target Character: x
Item Effect: (if applicable)
Item Price: x

Username: x
Total: x

Item name: 2x stat token

Target Character:

Item Effect: 1x discipline & 1x power. With his new discipline, Halrich can now spew several individual 'arrows' of fire the size of swords that shoot from his mouth. He cannot aim these arrows whatsoever, and they shoot off in all directions out of his control with chaotic spiraling motions.

With his extra power, 9 total now (with this token included) he can fire a maximum of five to six at once to a radius of roughly 20m. 

Item Price: 100g

Username: desperish

Total: 100g

Purchase confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

Item name: summoning circle
Target Character:
Item Price: 100g

Item name: handmade idol
Target Character:
Item Price: 10g

Username: xoten
Total: 110g

Purchase confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

Item Name: 2 stat tokens- 1 discipline 1 power

Item Effect: Peregrine heals- slightly- slowly- when he's absorbing nullified magic, just enough to be noticeable

Item price: 100

Item name: shapeshifter amulet

Item effect: Peregrine has a swordfish form now!

Item price: 30

Item Name: Light scroll

Effect: Peregrine can turn a small amount of nullified magic into light, and his eyes can glow slightly.

Item price: 10

Username: AbigailBozarthArt

Total: 140

Purchase confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

Item name: x1 Stat Token

Target Character:

Item Effect: +1 discipline. Hati no longer needs consistent touch to cloak another person. Depending on size, the target may remain invisible for 30-35 minutes.

Item Price: 50g

Username: skias Total: 50g

Purchase confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

🏆 Reward Claim

Reply to this comment with the form below to claim a special item! Link to the proof of your eligibility for the reward.

Provide a link to your target character's Anathema tab when filling out the form, OR make an IC comment if the purchase is all for one character.

Staff will reply to confirm your reward! Please link to your claim comment when adding the item to your character's log. 

Item name: x
Target Character: x
Item Effect: (if applicable)
Proof: x

Item name: Enhanced Familiar Amulet
Target Character:
Proof: Bronze in Bloodroot Behemoth hunt:

Reward claim confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy!

Item Name: Shapeshifter Amulet

Target Character: Labrea

Item Effect: Labrea can shapeshift into a 12 hh (base height without use of her power) dire wolf version of herself; still a tar revenant. Has a long tail just like her true form.

Proof: Silver in Gilded Augury (not claimed yet; I needed time to think)

Note to staff: this hunt says it's still ongoing in the hunt's character subtab page

Item Name: Shapeshifter Amulet

Target Character: Labrea

Item Effect: Labrea can shapeshift into a 14hh (base height without use of her power) saber toothed tiger version of herself; still a tar revenant. Has a long tail just like her true form.

Proof: Silver in Bloodroot Behemoth

Reward claims confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

Item name: Summoning Circle
Target Character: N/A
Item Effect: N/A
Proof: Discord server booster

Hello! Do you have a link to the character? Just a wip link is fine (doesn't need a profile)

oh, i didn't realize i needed a link! i'll work on getting something together in a bit :)

Yep, thank you :) Reward claims confirmed! Please update your character's log and enjoy.

edit: proof