📯 Great Hunt: Xavier

Posted 2 months, 21 days ago by anathema_rpg


hunt for the bloodroot behemoth

this event is over.

Sound the horn! Yet another monster has struck; this time at the very heart of Faline. The mage protectors of Ivras are called upon to fight the Bloodroot Behemoth!

Killing Blow:


Silver & Bronze Hunters:

24408127?1701403742 22474438?1719516571

Every character who participated in this event will get a special badge for their profile!



<a href="https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1974190"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/ILA1TDR.png" alt="Hunt for the Bloodroot Behemoth"> </a>

arrival of the Battle Mages

Due to the severity of the situation, in an attempt to try and save Faline as quickly as possible, the King has summoned three of Ivras’ finest monster hunters and combat veterans to help fight this monstrosity:

27792377?1718545850 27792463?1718546360 27792520?1718546915

Helrund, a highly esteemed commander in the Ivratian army; Finnros, a young prodigy among the scholars of Namarast; and Olan Astas, a fierce monster hunter from the Songhorn clan in the south.
Click on each picture to read more about them!

Any attack that includes one or more of these three Battle Mages will deal an additional +10 damage!

Any attack they assist in cannot be an aid.

  • How much do I need to incorporate a Battle Mage in my work for it to count?
    In an artwork, they must be visible and recogniseable.

    In writing or roleplay, they need to be at least mentioned in a meaningful way (not just a simple name drop—similar to the requirements for the Other Character bonus) but they don’t necessarily need to be present in the scene.

  • If I use two Battle Mages, will I get a +20 damage bonus?
    No, the damage bonus doesn't stack.
  • If draw or write my mage together with a Battle Mage, will they earn the group bonus?
    Only if you collaborate or roleplay with another player! If you work alone, and add a Battle Mage, your character will earn the Battle Mage bonus, but not the group bonus.

    If you collaborate with another player, and you add a Battle Mage to your collaborative piece, both of your characters' will earn the Battle Mage damage bonus.

the combat system

In addition to your mage's base damage output (which you can read about here), every 10 gold counted for a piece of art, writing, or roleplay, will earn another +1 damage.

This means if your mage does 5 damage based on their stats, but your attack is worth 40 gold, they will deal an additional +4 damage. This is calculated before the double event bonus, as well as any effort bonus, is applied.

If you have any questions about this or need help calculating your damage, write to us via Modmail or in #ask-staff and we will be happy to help!


These are the prizes for participating:

  • ALL PARTICIPATING MAGES receive +2 to their choice of Power or Discipline.
  • THE MAGE WHO DOES THE MOST DAMAGE receives the Killing Blow badge, is the slayer of the beast and receives +100 Gold, +1 Corruption, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.
  • SECOND PLACE MAGE receives +75 Gold, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.
  • THIRD PLACE MAGE receives +50 Gold, and their choice of scroll or amulet from the shop.

monster description

After a long life of suffering and a desperate search for power, the mage formerly known as Xavier has metamorphosed—on the very steps of the royal palace in Faline—into the Bloodroot Behemoth.

What looks like a great, leafless tree has erupted from the pavement, breaking the stonework and part of the palace wall. The thick trunk is fleshy and red, pulsating with some unknown power. When examined up close, the gnarls and wrinkles of the branches resemble screaming faces, trapped beneath the surface.

The Behemoth stretches upwards, easily reaching the highest pinnacle of the royal palace, and its roots have spread far, pushing through the cobblestone streets and slowly destroying whatever it gets its roots on.

monster abilities

When one branch is cut off, two new ones sprout to take its place, spilling something that is unsettlingly similar to blood, though it seems to hiss and steam as it is exposed to air, turning into acrid vapors that disorient and confuse the mind.

If a large trunk is attacked, the faces moving under the fleshy bark writhe in agony, but there is no sound—instead the screams echo in the minds of those who are nearby.

Small red roots, making their way in the cracks of the paved streets, grab and reach for the feet of anyone walking past. If they manage to get a hold, their grasp tightens into a strangling embrace.

monster behavior and location

The epicentrum of the monstrous growth seems to be right outside the gates of the royal palace, in the very heart of Faline, where the thickest and tallest part of the tree is located.

The growths do not move once they have emerged, but roots and branches sway and undulate, having a surprisingly long reach.

New offshoots emerge now and then, spreading concentrically from the spot where the Behemoth erupted.

monster combat bonuses

  • Watch out for sneaky roots! Better have someone watch your back. Pairs or groups deal +3 damage. (Only applies to collabs and roleplay with more than 1 player involved. Nonmages may be part of a group but won’t do damage.)

  • Any attack that includes one or more of the three Battle Mages (as described above) will deal an extra +10 damage.
  • Those with an Extended Telekinesis Scroll+1 damage.
  • Those with a familiar deal +1 damage.
  • Powers requiring touch deal an extra +1 damage.
  • Mages with powers pertaining to blood, plants, water or stone are at an advantage, and deal 2x damage. Applied to the base stat point damage, before damage bonuses or gold damage is added.

  • Powers focused on souls or life essence/energy are at a disadvantage, and deal ½x damage. Applied to the base stat point damage, before damage bonuses or gold damage is added.

📯👹🏹 Join the Hunt!

  • Hunt Prompts: Every week the monster still lives, a new prompt will roll out, describing the monster's behaviors, location, and the destruction it has wrought.  Collabs are encouraged for Hunt Prompts! All event-related art is worth double gold!

Art/writing/RP/Collab Submissions:  You don't have to respond to a specific prompt to kick some monster tail!!  Any submission showing mages whippin' ass (or otherwise responding to the Great Hunt) can count as an attack; just tag this profile as a "character" on your finished work, and follow the instructions here!

Attacking and Aiding:  Mages have the ability to attack a monster, or (for whatever their reasons may be) aid the monster, and try to keep it alive. When submitting pieces that attack or aid the monster, please follow instructions on this comment.

⚔🛡🏆 How does this work?

The monster described above is rampaging through Ivras! It is up to the Mages of Anathema to stop it. Only mages can damage monsters.

Every piece of art, writing or roleplay made for this event featuring Mage characters counts as an "attack" on the monster. The damage your mage does is based on their stats and the monster's weaknesses; read the Hunt Guide for more info! Attacks for this hunt should be posted here. The event runs at least two weeks, and then ends when the monster's HP is lowered to 0.

This monster has 1080 HP. A grace period of 4 days will be allowed for submissions when it hits 0 HP, so works in progress can be completed. Check this profile for the most up-to-date look at the monster's HP.

For more detailed instructions and information on prizes/rewards, check out the Hunt Guide by clicking here

❓ Any questions?

Feel free to comment on this bulletin, or don't hesitate to contact staff on our Discord server or our forum! We're happy to help!


prompt one: on the footsteps of the palace

It is the beginning of a glorious summer, and the roofs and white towers of Faline glitter like gold in the afternoon sun. A gentle breeze brings the smell of salt and flowers from the sea, and of cooked food and fresh bread from the market squares in the city. The air is pleasantly warm, lacking the oppressive heat that late summer will bring.

A week of Royal Council meetings draws to a close; it is the second session in the year, and Faline is awash with speculation about the outcome. New taxes, roadworks, trade agreements? And of course, the question about monsters.

As the meeting ends, a lone assailant approaches the gates of the royal palace—intent on carrying out an attack on the assembled court. While a single mage is easily defended against, before the equine is apprehended, he utters a horrifying scream, and in the next moment he is torn apart as his flesh expands and grows towards the sky.

The leafless, flesh-like tree grows quickly, and its blood-red silhouette can soon be seen from all the nearby neighborhoods... 

What does your character do?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt two: cut once, fight twice

After the first shock is over, the people of Faline are coming together as one to fight the Behemoth. The tree has done damage, but it has been mostly concentrated to the areas around the royal palace, though some roots and branches seem to have spread well beyond that—but there are concerns about what would happen if the tree spread further, maybe even past the city walls.

Some distance from the palace, a group of townspeople have gathered around a newly emerged branch. Some of them are bearing axes, others are carrying torches, though there seem to be some disagreements within the group, whether the tools will work on the strange fleshy bark of the monstrous tree. Nobody seems to be aware of what might happen if the branch is attacked.

One of them seems to have grown tired of the discussion, and charges towards the tree, axe raised…

What does your character do?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt three: buds and flowers

The weeks pass, and the fight against the tree goes on. Its branches have multiplied—it is clear that there have been many attempts at cutting them. Near the epicentrum, the ground is thick with crawling red roots, their grip cracking the cobblestone beneath.

The tree is now reaching high above the city, almost rivaling the highest towers of the city. Those with a keen eye might see small red growths appear along the ends of the bare branches, quickly growing in numbers. Each is about the size of a walnut, and almost at once, they begin to explode, spreading a fine red dust over Faline.

Wherever the red dust lands, new red growths spring up, but news quickly spreads: if you manage to wash away the dust fast enough, it doesn’t have time to set root.

What does your character do?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt four: progress

Despite the tree’s multiplying branches, the fight against it seems to be turning in the monster hunters’ favor. Now, when a branch is cut, it still grows two new ones… but slower than before, surely? The roots are no longer grasping quite so intently.

The King has called for every able person to help against the monster; non-mages are asked to fetch water to wash off the dust that spreads, and all mages are called upon to help the fight, regardless of their political affiliation, something that has been met by protests from Miriam and other notable anti-mage voices; meanwhile, the decision is lauded by the Mage Court and has some support from the Royal Council.

Many of those with the opportunity to do so have opted to leave Faline for the time being; the harbor and the city gates are choked with crowds, and the roads from Faline are busy with travelers. Towns and villages around Faline have seen a notable uptick in visitors.

Does your character stay and help, or leave?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

prompt five: a last stand

After weeks of fighting, the monster is showing clear signs of weakening. Many branches hang withered and unmoving, the red color faded; the tangled mats of roots covering many of the streets are only twitching feebly, no longer able to grasp as before.

And yet, the main center beam is still standing, pulsating with life despite the battering it has taken. Simply going near it is enough to set off the mental screaming.

The King and the Royal Council have called for one last coordinated attack on the monster, following up on previous statements. 

Would your character join in such an effort?

Prompt responses must be worth at least 1 gold (i.e. at least 100 words or at least an uncolored headshot). 
Upload your response like any other art or literature submission, tag this character profile, and claim your gold; collect double your total count for prompt responses.

attacking and aiding:

To deal damage (or restore health) to the Bloodroot Behemoth, tag this character profile in your finished image or literature, and post below with your Damage and Gold Count for every participating mage. Staff will add the attack/aid to the hunt tracker and gold bank for you.

Attacks must be worth at least 5 gold per participating mage. Damage is based on stats as outlined in the Hunt Guide, but feel free to ask for help calculating damage here or in #ask-staff in the discord server!
Gold is calculated normally, but you collect double your total count for participating in the hunt!

Click here to use our new Hunt Damage calculator!

Feel free to attach a screenshot of the hunt calculator with your submission!

please use the following form in your reply:

  • Link to finished piece:
  • Link to mage profile:
  • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
  • Damage bonuses: (if applicable)
  • Total base damage: (stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

  • Total Gold count: (including event and/or effort bonus)
  • Gold damage: (every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)

for collaborations and roleplays:

  • Link to finished piece:
  • Team name: (optional)
  • Mage Name:
    • Player:
    • Link to mage profile:
    • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: (if applicable)
    • Total base damage: (stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

    • Total gold count: (including event and/or effort bonus)
    • Gold damage: (every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)

  • Mage Name:
    • Player:
    • Link to mage profile:
    • Stats: 0 Power, 0 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: (if applicable)
    • Total base damage: (stats + damage bonuses + any collaboration bonuses)

    • Total gold count: (including event and/or effort bonus)
    • Gold damage: (every 10 gold counts as 1 damage. Calculated BEFORE any event or effort bonus is applied. Round down to nearest ten)

(repeat mage section for all participating mages, up to 5 per submission)

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243357.great-hunt-the-bloodroot-behemoth/1.1-the-monster-appears/
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/7381420.arianwyn/22474438.anathema
Stats: 18 Power, 17 Discipline, 4 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mage Finnros], +1 [familiar], +1 [extended telekinesis scroll], holy water [https://toyhou.se/~comments/35672391]
Total base damage: 30

Total Gold count: 60
Gold damage: 3

first blood 🔪🩸

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243357.great-hunt-the-bloodroot-behemoth/2.2-escaping-the-palace
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/7381420.arianwyn/22474438.anathema
Stats: 18 Power, 17 Discipline, 4 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mage Finnros], +1 [familiar], +1 [extended telekinesis scroll]
Total base damage: 26

Total Gold count: 68
Gold damage: 3

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243592.bloodroot-dawn
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/27321067.irionai-starsong/27321093.anathema
Stats: 3 Power, 3 Discipline, 3 Cost, 0 Corruption
Damage bonuses: Battle Mage Use (+10), Extended Telekinesis Scroll (+1)
Total base damage: 11

Total Gold count: 62g
Gold damage: 3

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243357.great-hunt-the-bloodroot-behemoth/3.3-on-closer-inspection
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/7381420.arianwyn/22474438.anathema
Stats: 18 Power, 17 Discipline, 4 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mage Finnros], +1 [familiar], +1 [extended telekinesis scroll]
Total base damage: 26

Total Gold count: 80
Gold damage: 4

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Total of 52!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243357.great-hunt-the-bloodroot-behemoth/4.4-escort-mission
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/7381420.arianwyn/22474438.anathema
Stats: 18 Power, 17 Discipline, 4 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mage Finnros], +1 [familiar], +1 [extended telekinesis scroll]
Total base damage: 26

Total Gold count: 100
Gold damage: 5

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Total of 62!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Total of 51

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link: https://toyhou.se/~literature/244461.give-and-take/4.squelch/

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/23527408.aihonistra/23580491.anathema

Stats: Power 17, Discipline 18, Cost 2 (1 from working with Kismet), Corruption 1

Damage Bonuses: Familiar and extended telekinesis scroll: +2, Magic related to souls and life energy (?): base stats damage /2 (unsure; her soul magic isn't the primary one used to fight in this piece, but her fire could be argued to be life energy adjacent)

Total base damage: (17-1+1)/2+2=17/2+2=8.5+2=10.5

Gold: 46

Gold damage: 2

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/26947440.kismet/26947458.anathema

Stats: Power 9, Discipline 8 (raised to 9 by working with Hon), Cost 1 (0 from working with Hon), Corruption 1

Damage Bonsues: Familiar and extended telekinesis scroll: +2

Total base damage: (9+1)+2=10+2=12

Gold: 46

Gold damage: 2

I'd say Aihoinistra's fire is far enough removed from souls magic for it to do normal damage. Also, in a group, all mages' discipline adds together, not just +1!

Gold and damage confirmed and logged!

Total of 62

Gold and damage confirmed and logged!

A few small corrections: the NPCs do not earn the "Other Character" bonus, as they're not player characters, and Beryl would do 0 in base damage (3 power minus 3 costs) so his total will be 16.

Otherwise, gold and damage confirmed and logged!

Thanks for catching that! gold count has been updated

Gold and damage confirmed and logged!

Total of 53

Gold and damage confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/84948680

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/24237762.ishq/24237765.anathema

Stats: 8 Power, 9 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +10 for battle mage, +1 for familiar

Total base damage: 6

Total Gold count: 128

Gold damage: 3

Total damage of 20 if I'm not wrong?

Hello! A small correction to your gold count: the NPCs don't get the Other Character bonus, since they are not player characters, but on the other hand I think you forgot to add the shading - so this would be the updated goldcount: 

4 col. shad. FB = 24
bg 6
accessories 2
atmo 1
world spec 1

= 34 (x2 = 68, x2 =136)

Gold and damage confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/246352.bloodroot-dusk
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/27321067.irionai-starsong/27321093.anathema
Stats: 8 Power, 8 Discipline, 3 Cost, 0 Corruption
Damage bonuses: Battle Mage Use (+10), Extended Telekinesis (+1)
Total base damage: 16

Total Gold count: 48g
Gold damage: 2

i'm counting this as aid to the monster due to irionai's actions within the piece (wasn't sure how to indicate that other than saying so)

Gold and aid confirmed and logged!

And this is the way to do it, just tell us 👍 What happens in the piece is not what decides whether it's an aid or an attack, only what you want it to be!

Cool, got it!

Hello again and apologies for coming back to this!

Any work that the Battle Mages assist with cannot be an aid, something that totally slipped my mind earlier. So either this work needs to be an attack, or the Battle Mage bonus won't count (if you still want it to be an aid). Let me know which one you'd like and I'll edit the log!

Oh, oops! No need to apologize!

I'll just count it as an attack then :)

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/5598729.aristotle-blackwell/25166456.anathema#85155988 Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/5195334.-acheron-blackwell/17923081.anathema Stats: 7 Power, 11 Discipline, 0 Cost, 1 Corruption (waiting on stat tokens to be accepted in shop) Damage bonuses: familiar +1, x2 bonus for plant based magic Total base damage: 15

Total Gold count: before bonus: 68 after bonus: 272 Gold damage: 6

Hello! A few corrections on the gold count: The first panel unfortunately doesn't count as ornate background (premade patterns do not apply), and I'd say the second and third panels count as ornate bg rather than full scenes, bringing the total to 62 (before event/effort bonuses) and the full amount to 248. Please edit the description to reflect this!

Acheron does a total of 23 damage

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!


Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/246632.i-bloodroot-behemoth
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/17943091.brynn/23874416.anathema
Stats: 32 Power, 33 Discipline, 6 Cost, 4 Corruption
Damage bonuses: (if applicable) +10 Damage (Olan Astas),  +1 Extended Teke, +1 Familiar, +2 exploding flask use
Total base damage: (30 + 14 ) 44

Total Gold count: (28g)
Gold damage: (1)

Hello! For the Other Character bonus to apply, I'd say the mention needs to be a little more elaborate, bringing the total gold count to 26g.

Otherwise, damage and gold confirmed and logged!

All good! Thank you! Ill amend that :)

Total of 51

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

  • Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/246857.bad-neighbourhood
  • Mage Name: Halrich
    • Player: Desperish
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/27193569.halrich/27361557.anathema
    • Stats: 6 Power, 5 (2 base discipline + 3 other mage discipline) Discipline, 4 (2 base cost - 2 other mages) Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +3 working together, +1 extended telekinesis scroll
    • Total base damage: 1 + 4 = 5

    • Total gold count: 70
    • Gold damage: 3
      TOTAL DAMAGE: 8 💪

  • Mage Name: Vera
    • Player: Pygnomancer
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/27144132.vera/27144153.anathema
    • Stats: 2 Power, 5 (3 base discipline + 2 other mage discipline) Discipline, 4 (2 base cost - 2 other mages) Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +3 working together
    • Total base damage: 3

    • Total gold count: 72
    • Gold damage: 3
      TOTAL DAMAGE: 6 💪

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

  • Link to finished piece: can either of us really ever be free?
  • Link to mage profile: ☀ Aristotle Blackwell 
  • Stats: 4 Power, 06 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption
  • Damage bonuses: +10 battle mage, +1 familiar, +1 extended telekinesis, x2 advantage (magic related to stone)
  • Total base damage:  2x2+12 = 16

  • Total Gold count: 102 gold
  • Gold damage: 5

Damage and gold confirmed and logged! Aristotle does 19 damage total, as he doesn’t get advantage (metal related magic)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/248060.if-youre-still-bleeding

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/25721572.coronabeth/27356845.anathema
Stats: 10 Power, 10 Discipline, 1 Cost, 0 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 (battle mage), +1 (extended telekinesis), +1 (familiar), -1 cost (group), x2 (advantage)
Total base damage: 10 x 2 + 12 = 32
Gold damage: 5
Total damage: 37

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/23726932.halbrook/23928585.anathema
Stats: 5 Power, 5 Discipline, 0 Cost, 0 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 (battle mage), +1 (extended telekinesis)
Total base damage: 5 + 11 = 16
Gold damage: 5
Total damage: 21

Total Gold count: 110g

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/85964925

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/24237762.ishq/24237765.anathema

Stats: 8 Power, 9 Discipline, 2 Cost, 0 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +1 for familiar

Total base damage: 6

Total Gold count: 10

Gold damage: 0

I hope this is correct orz

Hmm, I can’t view the image! Could you check the permissions?

HM. I have no idea what to do, I don't have permission either (to look at my own art) and it's not in my art tab on my profile. I'll google a bit!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/86089112
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/12118869.dan/26804562.anathema
Stats: 1 power, 3 discipline, 2 cost, 1 corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mages finnross and helrund], + 1 [familiar]
Total base damage: 13

Total gold count: 28
Gold damage: 1

(im so sorry if there are mistakes in this im rusty as heck)

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

  • Mage Name:
    • Player: xoten
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/27321067.irionai-starsong/27321093.anathema
    • Stats: 8 Power, 8 Discipline, 3 Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: Extended telekinesis (1) + collab (3) minus one cost for working with another mage
    • Total base damage: 11

    • Total gold count: 84
    • Gold damage: 4
    • Total of 15

Damage and gold confirmed and logged! Thanks ME

Link: https://toyhou.se/24408117.labrea-the-weeping-colossus/24408127.anathema/gallery#86182660

Link: https://toyhou.se/24408117.labrea-the-weeping-colossus/24408127.anathema

Stats: 28 power, 27 discipline, 1 cost, 1 corruption

Damage bonuses: familiar+1

Total base damage: 28

Gold count: just 10

Gold damage: nada

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link: https://toyhou.se/~literature/249281.roots-in-time-and-stone

Link: https://toyhou.se/24408117.labrea-the-weeping-colossus/24408127.anathema

Stats: 28 power, 27 discipline, 1 cost, 1 corruption

Damage bonuses: familiar+1

Total base damage: 28

Gold: 60

Gold damage: 3

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/243357.great-hunt-the-bloodroot-behemoth/5.5-the-hydra
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/7381420.arianwyn/22474438.anathema
Stats: 26 Power, 25 Discipline, 0 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: +10 [battle mage Finnros], +1 [familiar], +1 [extended telekinesis scroll]
Total base damage: 38

Total Gold count: 42
Gold damage: 2

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

  • Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/249587.sanguis-aboris
  • Mage Name: Keita
    • Player: Kytte
    • Link to mage profile:  https://toyhou.se/10260288.keita/21468048.anathema
    • Stats: Stats: 17 Power, 29 (17 base discipline + 12 other mage discipline) Discipline, 2 (3 base cost - 0 other mages) Cost, 1 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +3 Pairs Bonus, +10 Battle mage: Helrund, +1 Keita: Extended Teke, +1 Keita: Familiar scroll,             (15 from bonuses)
    • Total base damage: 16  + 15 = 31
    • Total gold count: (90)
    • Gold damage: (4)
    • Total damage: 35

  • Mage Name: Ophe
    • Player: Drawberry
    • Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/16129694.ophellias-ophe-aetris/16129713.anathema
    • Stats: 10 Power, 29 (12 base discipline + 17 other mage discipline) Discipline, 1 (2 base cost - 1 other mages) Cost, 0 Corruption
    • Damage bonuses: +3 Pairs Bonus, +10 Battlemage: Helrund, +1 Familiar scroll,               (14 from bonuses)
    • Total base damage: 9  + 14 = 23
    • Total gold count: (94)
    • Gold damage: (4)
    • Total damage: 27

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Damage and gold confirmed and logged!

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~literature/249842.tbn

Mage Name: Enn Marren'Vik
Player: MisMantis      
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/1485891.enn-marrenvik/14046763.anathema
Stats: 24 Power, 26 Discipline, 0 Cost, 1 Corruption
Damage bonuses: Familiar 1 + 2x Water damage +3 collab
Total base damage: 54

Total gold count: 68g
Gold damage: 3

Total of 57 damage

Mage Name: Harrow
Player: DeadWoodSphinx
Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/700357.harrow/13363609.anathema
Stats: 12 Power, 12 Discipline, 1 Cost, 5 Corruption
Damage bonuses: Familiar 1 + Collab 3
Total base damage: 17

Total gold count: 44g
Gold damage: 2
Total of 19 damage

Damage and gold confirmed and logged ! I edited Harrow's damage, his base damage is 12 power + 5 corruption = 17 raw + 1 familiar + 3 collab = 21 base dmg + 2 gold = 23. Cost doesn't count since you're 2 working together so -1 cost is cancelled

Link https://toyhou.se/~literature/250061.a-wicked-tree

Team Name I have no clever team name ideas. Unclean Energy?

Labrea played by AbigailBozarthArt


28 power, 27 discipline boosted to 28+ by collab, 1 cost turned to zero from collab, 1 corruption

Familiar +1, collab +3

Total base damage 29+4=33

Gold 58

Gold damage 2

Azura played by Donkerwolfie


2 power, 4 discipline, 3 cost turned to 2 by collab, 0 corruption

Familiar +1, Extended Telekinesis +1, Plant Magic x2 base damage (would be zero so gets converted to…+2?), collab +3

Total base damage 7

Gold 30

Gold damage 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

link: https://toyhou.se/~images/86572091

Link: https://toyhou.se/24935196.vizon/24935212.anathema

17 power, 17 discipline, 3 cost, 4 corruption

Damage bonuses extended telekinesis +1 familiar +1

Base damage 20

Gold 18

Gold damage 0

Damage and gold confirmed and logged ! 

Hi ! Actually your gold is 20 because a fullbody colored is +4, not +2. So you win 20 gold total instead of 16, and it gives you +1 gold damage so 2 total :) Love the textures on your piece by the way. Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

You forgot the world specific bonus that gives you +1 gold before event bonus, so 30 gold total ! Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/9979850.astrid/12764965.anathema/gallery#86621522 

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/9979850.astrid/12764965.anathema 

Stats: 12 Power, 12 Discipline, 2 Cost, 4 Corruption 

Damage bonuses: +1 familiar +1  extended telekinesis, x2 blood magic 

Total base damage: 30 

Total Gold count: 11g 

Gold damage: 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link to finished piece: https://toyhou.se/~images/86637622

Link to mage profile: https://toyhou.se/11479847.yrael/11479890.anathema

Stats: 13 Power, 12 Discipline, 0 Cost, 5 Corruption

Damage bonuses: +0

Total base damage: 17

Total Gold count: 10

Gold damage: 0

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link: https://toyhou.se/24159286.peregrine-montague/24159299.anathema/gallery#86641844 Link: https://toyhou.se/24159286.peregrine-montague/24159299.anathema Stats: 7 power 2 discipline 0 cost 0 corruption No damage bonuses Base damage 2

Gold 64 Effort explanation: deliciously excessive rendering, still experimenting with new app, trying different blending and colors again and again and reworking it endlessly Gold damage: 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !

Link: https://toyhou.se/~literature/250286.never-stop-running-until-you-collapse Link: https://toyhou.se/24159286.peregrine-montague/24159299.anathema Stats: 7 power 2 discipline 0 cost 0 corruption No damage bonuses Base damage 2

Gold 26 Gold damage 1

Damage and gold confirmed and logged !