Artist pet peeves master thread

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by Petalofdreams

Hello friends!

I thought it'd be fun to create a thread so people can share stories  of their artist pet peeves. What do you hate about the community? what  do you hate about some people in the community? Is there something you absolutely hate but was never really able to say it out loud? Your chance is now! 

Personally i really dislike it when people gatekeep stuff. Art is for  everyone and should be for everyone. If you want to draw something then  go for it unless it's outright hateful.  You don't have to have amazing  skills to do art. You don't have to be a certain way. You're an artist  alright? alright.

2021 edit: Thank you all for being respectful of each other! Its great seeing the differentiation of opinions and have an open minded discussion about it. Thats what i wanted. So thank you!


I've honestly ran into so much doppelgangers of my characters that it's not even a big deal for me anymore and I take it as amusing instead. I've never understood artists getting neurotic and screaming about design theft when their character is a generic big titted woman with long white hair and red eyes. 


i dont have time or energy these days to be angry about a lot of things so this is more of a "this vaguely upsets me" but
having to battle with my neurodivergencies, primarily RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) related to my ADHD, when i post art
im lucky to have friends that support and encourage me, it really helps, but its part of the reason why algorithms on art sites bother me so much :[

i know my art is good, i know its worth attention. so i guess its more of a "i feel horrible for bumping my stuff and im spamming and being annoying" when i try to self-promote or retweet/QRT my own art so people see it.
i really hope its not driving engagement DOWN when i do that, but i just really want to be seen. :<

oh well. i know my reach is steadily growing with time and effort. i just wish my mind didnt try to fight me for trying to look out for myself as an artist.


this is genuinely just a tiny pet peeve but when i casually mention to a friend that i’m having trouble drawing something and they go “have you tried using a reference??” as if that wouldn’t have been the first thing i tried already ._.


(K it's probably not my place to say this/i'm jumping in but yo can we not argue on this board? Maybe its better stuff like that gets taken to PMs so this doesn't become a mess)

OT: it bugs me when people assume "traditional art is dying" even though that's not true in the slightest? Art classes & art schools are still gonna teach traditional, people still want to try out mediums like markers & ink + the main reason digital art has gotten big is because it's more accessible (not saying this is a bad thing btw, it's actually good because with all the free apps & programs out there more people can try it out). Plus the "traditional art is dying" arguments tends to have notes of "traditional art = better than digital" which I strongly disagree with




...when you take that statement out of the context that I established it in.  Had a feeling that would be the first thing to come up, which is why I veered of topic for a sec to talk money. That was to help bring out the understanding that art itself as well as it's essence is something apart from the subjective value that individuals place on it [see initial post]. Your whole argument is founded on the assumption that our definitions of "art" and  "heart and soul" are the same which you've made apparent in your response that we don't share the same definitions for them. All I can see is that you didn't really understand the message I was trying to get across due to this rift. However, I'm very aware of your definitions and am not virgin to the reasoning behind your opinion because it's so common place.  Still, I don't agree. So, it still remains that the only things contradicting are our opinions.

*sigh* I'm not interested in playing a kids game of  "no! your opinion is wrong!" when the whole definition of an opinion is that it's neither right or wrong. And I said you're fine to have yours [see initial post]. You're also fine to disregard mine... for the fact that it's not so common place—disregard it because its a point of view that's different and new to you.... But I think it's pretty disrespectful to try to pick it apart attempting to discredit it, thus in essence barring others from broadening their horizons if they so choose. That's the whole point to sharing opinions alongside the reasonings they're founded on.

Moving right along. Since I'm here in the pet peeves thread....

I grew up having been taught, in school mind you, that art conveys a thought, feeling, or idea.  And it's frustrating to me to have such intrinsic values surrounding it instilled in me and then slowly ripped away as societal values degrade throughout my growing into adult hood.  So that now, I'm a conscious victim of the status quo alongside others who don't realize they're victimized as well because this information never even reached their ears.  'Cause they don't teach this in school anymore; It's not even in the dictionary. It's like torture to go from learning and believing in this and then have people in the very same boat I'm in try to shove down my throat, with no explanation, that the essence of art is merely the money paid to posses it or the prestige of its creator rather than that spark... that's in every individual that allows them to feel and have compassion and empathy.  What is there to even relate to in the art at that point? Aside from base ideals such as materialism and vain glory?
And then people can't seem to understand why there's so many out there who take art pieces they've received as gifts and quickly turn around and sell them, among other quick-buck-in-your-pocket tactics. Well, because, that's all they mean, right? Is the money. They're only living by the values that you've passed on. Why complain? And then people wonder why so many go to lengths such as tracing "and the like"—and I'm using the phrase very loosely—to misrepresent as their original art. Well, because, that's all it's about, isn't it? The prestige. Again, the values of the status quo.
And it's not my intention to demonize the concept of monetizing art because, I get it, this is people's livelihoods and means of survival. In order to make a living off of art, there was no way around creators and consumers placing values on art that they feel are justifiable, and that a system regarding it was establised.  But I really believe that that should be the bounds of it: that it's just a system. And that artists keep that in mind, that it's just a thing that has no soul and can't feel. It can't take into account the struggles or sentimental aspects of creators or consumers and shouldn't be something used as a divining rod to guide your path. It just hurts to see how the system is running our beliefs rather than the other way around.

and one more to throw out there:
It's frustrating to have people look at my art and make assumptions about my creation process, aka. taking a photo and modify it, rather than to just simply ask me about it.  I use references religiously when it comes to my art, yeah. And taking a photo and modifying it, is not beneath me, because, I basically do just that when I work on most of my studies. But if I were to take something and then flat out modify it with the intention to present it as my art, then I would make that known when the art is presented. For anything I used a reference on—DAMMIT, referencing is a given! (at least i feel like it is for every artist) I don't need to say I used a reference. So, when it comes to any of my work that's posted and I haven't mentioned anything about a source that was used as a base for it's creation, then I haven't done that. If you're really curious about the process for the image—which I would like to think that's the reason you've taken such an interest in the piece rather than trying to use it as some circumstantial evidence for art theft against me in order to slander me—then just ask. It's that simple. (Honestly, I avoid presenting pieces like that to the public, unless it's a study, cuz the hassle of differentiating them from my other pieces is annoying.)


My biggest one is when art i’ve commissioned is not displayed in an artist’s gallery/social media/examples st.ash/etc...

Nothing more clearly shows that you (as an artist and seller), did not give the commission your best efforts, that in your eyes— it wasnt your best piece, or even a good one. That it was little better than a half-assed money-grab.




similar to what you said,but getting attacked from a closed species community for making a character that's unintentionally similar. except the closed species itself is the most simplest shit you've seen. What i mean is the closed species is like some cat with deer horns and a glass tail. and you make a cat with a glass tail and glass wings and oh,now all of a sudden the community is threatening you giving you death threats like??? what??? you literally can't be mad someone has an oc similar to your closed species when you species is a fucking cat with deer horns. let's be realistic now. 



Agree to disagree. I do both sides of the fence so i’m familiar with that perspective/opinion. However in past orders, I've witnessed (and in some cases read the comments from certain artists outright stating it), my aforementioned ‘pet peeve’.

I didnt develop this particular pet peeve erroniously. Some artist/sellers are like that, and it often shows. :<


the fact that I don't really feel "at home" on any art site/social media nowadays. Every site has major issues... mostly because the sites aren't meant/made for artists... and the sites that were meant for artists are now trying to replicate the same sites that aren't meant for artists (cough dA cough cough). I think the only popular site that I haven't tried out is twitter but twitter scares me lol. I tried amino but I'm too much of a boomer loool it's a total overload, it stresses me out.


Minor pet peeve: Feeling like I'm worse than everyone else, even though I'm more of a beginner that most artists on this site. Granted, more of a self peeve, but I rarely get thanked for my art in forum games and I think that's the main point \ (•√•)  /.

(That's meant to be a shrug. Oops.)