Show me your Royalties!

Posted 4 years, 24 days ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by StarButterfly

Show me your princes / princesses / kings / queens / emperors / empress +

  • I haven't seen a thread like this so I figured I'd make my own thread for it! If you have a character who is royalty of any kind / sort, post them and tell me about them!
  • They can be currently in power of a land or be a long lost whatever have you! As long as they have that royal blood or royal by X reason, post em!
  • Post IC or post links and talk about your kids! - but keep it all PG 13!
  • I wish I could respond to everyone, but just know I love all your royal babies!<3 I love royal stories as they can be so unique and so poetic! From a princess decided to go on adventures to an ex-king taking back his kingdom! They're all valid!

If you have a hard time thinking of what to say, here's some ideas!

  • Do they like being royalty?
  • What kind of ruler are they?
  • If they're not a ruler (lost royalty) then do they wish they could have been in power?
  • If they aren't in line to the throne, do they plan to get it by force or accept their fate?
  • Where do they live?

HTML by lowkeywicked

My other 'Show Me' threads

Show me your elves

King Eldritch RadiantRaindragon

Eldritch is the ruler of a small magical realm called The Snowglobe; there's a little bit of info about it on his profile if you're interested! I haven't quite decided how royalty/leadership works in their realm, but Eldritch's parents weren't the previous rulers, so I assume they have a different way of picking rulers besides having them be blood-related.

Eldritch loves his world and is proud to be the king of it, doing everything he can to protect his subjects and make their lives easier, even at expense to himself. However, he does tend to stress a lot, and worries that he isn't doing 'enough'. (He also has a kind of permanent amnesia that really doesn't help his mental wellbeing at all.) He has an adviser, Irving, who helps him make important decisions as well as assists Eldritch with general royal duties. Eldritch doesn't like needing to ask for anyone else's help, but accepts that he needs it sometimes.


Man I have quite a few of these guys:

Unnamed Prince - He's intentionally unnamed, but he's the prince of The Nameless Kingdom

Renault - Prince of Murgleis. His surviving mother is the queen of Murgleis.

Francine - Queen of Murgleis.

Hmm Matilda may count as a Princess due to her few surviving memories, but she's largely amnesiac.

Guntram - Here's another prince, since he's born of royalty.

Gyasi Necronomeow

 I am Gyasi, pharaoh of Egypt. It is with great pleasure that I greet you today, as a humble guest within my home. You, as well as all who live here, will be treated with the utmost respect you deserve. While I cannot change one's nature, and fix every problem; this does not mean I will tolerate anyone harmed, or worse. 

Sora SoraDeathEater
My princess Sora of De la Noche, a southern mexican kingdom hidden deep in a forrest. She doesn't mind being royalty. It makes her feel like she has a purpose, but sometimes wishes she can be a normal calavera. She is next in line when she turns 21, her parents are asked to step down so she and whoever she choses can rule over the kingdom. She's a bit anxious about becoming queen, but shes constantly told she will do good. She is a kind princess and would do anything to protect her people. Though she harbors a strong urge to leave her kingdom to see the world, its a hidden desire that can prove to be fatal.
Kaguya zinnia

kaguya time! she was the princess and heir to a religious royal family before it collapsed (which was like, half her fault unintentionally). she later got revived ... 70? 80? years in the future and is living in hiding

in gonna go ahead and answer the questions because i like questions

  • Do they like being royalty?
    • she'd say no, but really she enjoys how others hold her in high regard and how spoiled she is but isnt self aware enough to admit it. she's even managed to go around her main complaint with it in recent times (being confined to one space) because she sneaks out often because she can fly now and really nobody can stop her
  • What kind of ruler are they?
    • never lived long enough to go into power, but her attitude in the palace wasn't.... great. she was a total brat to say the least and enjoyed messing with her teachers and playing pranks all the time. and she's still like that! just soft around 2 people now
  • If they're not a ruler (lost royalty) then do they wish they could have been in power?
    • she's mixed on this one. while she would enjoy the social aspect, i dont think she'd like all the decisions she'd have to make. she's just here for a good time and doesnt have very good critical thinking skills 
  • Where do they live?
    • she used to live in a large palace which she was confined to, until she burned the place down. now she lives in a dance theatre with descendants of her family's entertainers who survived the fire, and is confined there as well because a supposedly dead famous person walking around outside isn't.... ideal. when she does sneak outside she often wears a mask.

Woah I adore all these characters omg!! Its so cool reading about all these awesome kiddos!!

Roy Lane PicklePantry

I have a LOT of royal characters but Roy's the first! When he was a toddler he befriended the Darkness, but his parents thought he was being cursed to his doom, so they sent him away to protect him. When he got older he was brought back to take the throne when his parents passed. He's the king of an ancient kingdom and of sirens! He doesn't necessarily hate it, but it's definitely something he's still getting used to. It's overwhelming, for sure.

Yume Rainbow000Pegasus

The only person of royalty in my TH Is Yume. She's the princess of the Wishing Kingdom, in another dimension set outside of Earth.
She has siblings, though they're never really made into OCs, and she's one of the younger ones. She decided she wanted to explore the worlds and is currently residing in Earth to travel. She gave up her right to rule, though, if ever the chance falls on her lap.

~Erebus CanineKing

ooh i happened to make a whole subfolder just yesterday to store all of my royal characters! my current fave character in that folder is romulus bc big cat king and i'm still pretty happy w/ his design

but i think i'm gonna post erebus (IC) here bc i'm pretty happy w/ the whole royal family's lore i came up w/ :P

first, i actually made him up on the spot bc i was playing botw and a riddle had a line w/ "crown of bones" w/ the answer being a deer. and i thought "dang that sounds cool" and just came up w/ the idea of antlers (not. literal antlers since these would work differently lol) be his crown and a symbol of his kingdom, and which would never shed. so once the ruler passes, the antlers would finally be shedded off, and you would be able to see how great that ruler lead the kingdom based on the size, or how many little pieces got broken off. the next ruler would then be the child who "wears the crown of bones" or was born w/ antlers. there's some other lore but i don't want to ramble for too long :"D

Vinca Storm_Clouds

This is Vinca, one of my most notable "royal" characters and also one of my most beloved!

He's the ruler of the Light Gara on the kingdom Ariya, and inherited the throne from his parents. In reality he really really hated his family and the advisors as they abused him mentally and physically as he was growing up, in the hopes that he would grow up to be more stern and responsible in life. He saw the war waging on between the Light and Dark Gara and he grew obsessed with the idea of ruling the world as an adolescent. When he took the throne, he ruled with an iron fist unlike any other Light Gara royals of the past. He seems all sophisticated in the public eye but really he's a bratty bastard who will literally torture/kill to get what he wants or to quell any sort of uprising against his tyrannical rule. His main goal in life is to defeat the Dark Gara and take over the whole planet of Ariya, which is why he does some the most heartless things that most can think of, as a means to an end.

Unnamed Swably

This is one of my two characters who are royalty! Neither of them have names but I still love them, haha. They were originally meant for a dnd mission that never ended up happening - they are two tiefling queens who live in an underground kingdom. This character is a warrior, and her wife is a mage. They were going to ask the players for help in defeating a monster that was terrorizing their capital city. Now that I'm not going to use them for the game, I should give them more specific stories!

Princess Sweetsparkle velvet_taku

He's a fairy of mischief, princess of Pixieblood Kingdom, spawn of Queen Despairdoom...

Everyone hates him. because of.. Multiple reasons. His mischief, his mother, his attitude.. He's basically been dubbed as a 'bad fairy' and no matter what he does, for the better or worse, people always take it as something bad.

Deep down, though... He has a seed of good waiting to blossom.