I'd love a space where I could talk with others about the characters we're working on as we work on them. So, here's this topic! It should be fun to bounce ideas off each other before things are set in stone. (You could also discuss setting details, probably.)

Right now, I'm playing around with Selda and the other characters in her story/world (they're not uploaded yet, but I'll try and stamp out the details on them soon). The tricky part is figuring out where/how to include and explain the more obscure elements of her setting (WTF is a Leyaloid or a Cross-Ley? uhhhh you might wanna sit down, we could be here for a while if you want all the details). Getting her personality down is also kind of tricky, because I'm not sure how best to describe her. I think I got her right in the blurb, but watch as I RP her and she goes on to act completely different...

Well? What are you all working on right now?


I JUST finished his redesign (Entire species flip! He was a ghost / former human and now he's a robot!) and I plan to tackle his profile tomorrow ahhhh. He's a little ball of rage who's the partner in crime for a different character of mine.


this annoying asshole. he had lore which i forgot to write down, but since i made it in an energy drink induced fever dream, i have now forgotten most of it. and to think he was created to draw "draw your ot3" memes with my friends.


Just redesigned him so his design wasnt just a carbon copy of the god Xolotl, still a bit nervous about him, but hopefully that should pass. ;w;

Linda Shadowzim777

My friend just let me adopt her today, so I want to work more on her backstory.

Kyr Movin_2_new_accoiny

Got this cutie not too long ago and I'm actually currently working on him!

Yuuto zinnia

i have ONE SECTION left to go for yuuto's story section, hopefully posting here will motivate me to finish it x_x it's the longest section too and goes over his complex relationship with diego which im gonna have a fun time trying to summarize (it wont be fun im going to explode)

 Pachinko Patchinko2Go

I’m technically done with her profile, but there’s some plans I have for her image-wise and as a result I have so. Much. Art to get done.


Yes, I’ve got so much coding to do

Connor($15) fettuwuccine

I'm working on redoing and rewriting his story, maybe in like 3 months i'll start putting some of it in his profile xd

 Angel GnashingT33th

I swear to god right now I'm literally ONLY working on my villain characters and I can't find a thread to rant about them in jhsdkjnsjdbshd

Angel's world is in MAJOR development right now because I'm trying to create a hierarchy in the government based on physical traits solely based on the vauge prompt Angel vs Devil, where those with Angelic traits/an Angelic appearance are treated like ROYALTY their entire life with little to no repercussions from the law because they're seen as blessed individuals who were sent down to teach the common population how to act. Those with Devilish appearances or otherwise appear "cursed" in some way (werewolves, cryptids, demons, ect) are treated like lesser beings who committed great sins in a past life. So here we have Angel, who is a narcissistic, sadistic, deceptive, and manipulative little shit who had his entire life handed to him essentially on a silver platter. I love him but oh my god building his profile is going to be a bitch ;0;

Aphrodite SunsetCatto

I'm currently working on Aphrodite's backstory ! She's such a gorgeous pony and I need to pay more attention to her ;u;


I'm also working on giving Fleeting Hearts a personality :)

Hina (Mew Cinnamon) ghostfiish

The last two characters of my Mew Mew team still need my own art/design refs, as well as personalities/etc.