I'd love a space where I could talk with others about the characters we're working on as we work on them. So, here's this topic! It should be fun to bounce ideas off each other before things are set in stone. (You could also discuss setting details, probably.)

Right now, I'm playing around with Selda and the other characters in her story/world (they're not uploaded yet, but I'll try and stamp out the details on them soon). The tricky part is figuring out where/how to include and explain the more obscure elements of her setting (WTF is a Leyaloid or a Cross-Ley? uhhhh you might wanna sit down, we could be here for a while if you want all the details). Getting her personality down is also kind of tricky, because I'm not sure how best to describe her. I think I got her right in the blurb, but watch as I RP her and she goes on to act completely different...

Well? What are you all working on right now?

 Krzysztof ScaryGhosts

Working on redesigning his outfit. Going to keep the color pallet but make it more complex. 

Rebecka Tosdohl Skykristal

I'm currently working on her (ref is needed too, I'm scared, drawing female humans is one of my biggest weak points xD but the dragon forms will be fun) as well as pretty much all the others in this folder. I love working on them because they're all very developed characters compared to any of my other ones which mainly just exist to be drawn and don't really have a purpose tbh


working on everyone bit by bit all the time :'D
Currently I'm actually working on getting all the links to comic episodes on comic fury on order o:

I'm thinking who should be the next I'm making in the sims tho   


Koi: Working on coding her relationships tab. On mobile you can’t see it but all of the characters have lil icons next to them on the page (code from Avicode)

DBZ sona: A name. And a design (I can’t find anything I like in adopts nor has anyone gotten back to me in the customs.)

Koko Guo kiwibasket

After working on Tama for so long I started getting the inkling to work on some other characters I had, some older ones. Koko's one of those characters, I made them back in middle school, but it's only 'til now where I started to really crystalize their story and relationships. Writing with them on the Forum Games section has helped me figure out their personality more, though. Oh but since I only just recently changed their gender to non-binary, I keep misgendering them...... (just like how I misgender myself sometimes.......... lol..... cries)

 Lamb Cinnamon_stars

I'm working on his story, im trying to get more in depth.

Ash Tapinix

I just got Ash, so I’m working on there profile right now. After that I plan to work on the story that they’re from and some of the other characters form it, specifically Lighting Strike who I have big plans and ideas for!


screaming internally as I work on portfolios for character design 

 Bubbles [ashuri] grimberriz

im working... on my ashuriverse. Charlie is a PAIN to write and me struggling to find the perfect code is hard!! but I'm almost done <3


as i'm finally after 2.5 years starting to organize my folders, my current focus is on mart, skye and weaver as they are my main sona's brothers and kinda need to be worked on LOLLL

Logan Cassidy Baker aidenopossum

All of my characters are perpetual WIPs but Logan is the newest and I’m currently fixated on trying to develop him!

• Jinx • iceflurry

The main character I’m working on atm is Jinx, along with everyone else in my Courfrost folder! I’m making an interactive story with them, so I’ve been plotting and mainly only thinking about them! :’D

 Alex Dokledee

I’m definitely working on this hunk and his partner Keith , since I’m actually writing an original story for them. They’re my little balls of sunshine and id commit arson for both.