jokes you made canon?

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago by Pearl zinnia

idk if it's just me, but are there any jokes about one of your characters you made canon? like, for example i made a lot of jokes about pearl being an uwu pastel blogger but then actually ended up putting that in her character because, why not

heck, a joke i had ended up fixing a plot hole regarding two characters so sometimes making fun of your characters .... works


I was discussing something with a friend and I don't remember the reason but I said, that one of my characters, Eldrogan, would say, "I look great in everything." (including, to quote Jake from B99, "I'd make a great prostitute"). And he does. He also looks great while wearing nothing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He would also admit he's a slut because of that reddit post that goes like "Midnight is a whole minute and I'm a slut"


i havent drawn seth yet, but they have an obsession with k-marts and will have a fake temper tantrum until theyre allowed to go inside (nobody tell them)

 Moved Jules

Eddie goes to KFC late in the night was planned as a joke. "Lmao he'd totally be the guy who wakes their bestie up at2am to ask if they wanna go to KFC". It's canon now.  He loves waking up at ridiculous times to bother the KFC-staff.

Jeff Callahan FreeFallingUp13

He only very recently received a last name. Guess the joke.

Originally, he was just a demon salesman that my main (Corona) would call up whenever she needed something. Then Corona basically got murdered, and I didn't have any characters EXCEPT... the faintest idea.... of Jeff.


Through a combination of joking around and some awful dice rolls, it was decided that Eryx can't hold his alcohol. Like, at all. And then through further joking around, it was decided that his entire race was pretty intolerant to the stuff, and it's all his fault.

And a little less conventional, but Qyii's name is actually an inside joke among the people I RP with, the joke being how we tend to name things by swiping a hand across the keyboard, cleaning up the jumbled mess by removing symbols and adding vowels, and then adding a 'Q', 'Y', or double 'I' to make it more "exotic" or "alien." So, Qyii's name IS the naming tendency.  

Snark (Anthro) 123456heaven

His whole character used to be a joke....

Peter Sunvaren

My friend and I are doing a long-term rp series together (this boy is in it) and we were answering OC questions together; one person would come up with the question, and then our OCs would respond. When a specific event was brought up, Peter went to go hide, and his friend Lillie tried to search for him, calling him Pete in the process; I made a joke about how he had to wash his face with cold water because he was blushing badly when she called him that, simply because he thought it was cute (or was it something else? I dunno their teacher Harris was snickering lol), and so I thought it was so brilliant I made it canon... this might just lead to something developing later on in the roleplay we’re currently doing lol XD

There’s also Blue... I made a joke about him swearing in Morse code... so he swears in Morse code now X’D


Oh god, this just sums up about ALL of my characters.

The first joke we'll start with is my character Jim (whos not here yet rip) being named Slim Jim. He was ORIGINALLY a deer, then he became a cow, then he became an alien fungus resembling a cow, now he's just an alien fungus. Back when he was still a deer, I joked that his name was Slim Jim, so then he became a very skinny cow. I then joke he was a stoner, so he became a pyscadelic cow fungus alien who has a tail made of weed. This became part of his character, and he even sometimes smokes himself because its cheaper than buying drugs. 

Next is Dogfather, who also doesn't have a profile here, but his name started off as a joke about how he was a cereberus who adopted a kid. It was supposed to be a placeholder... but it just stuck.

Next is Myev Lemeliv! Look at her last name. Looks a bit normal for a fantasy setting, right? Think again! It's a twist on the phrase "Let me live", because my friends were insisting that I couldnt play as a Half-orc bard. I just kept saying "Let me live!", so i made it her last name. Her entire character is silly but canon, it all started as a joke. For example, in the entertainer kit, you can get a trinket from an admirer. One possible trinket was a mummified goblin hand. So, I chose it! She now has a secret admirer who sends her mummified goblin hands. Some other fun canon jokes are: Slut shaming dragons, being the enemy of a god after licking a carving, and apoligizing to trees.

Cucchiaio ChosenUndeaad

This whole character was a joke

I was talking about kenkus with a friend and I was like "lmao I'm gonna make a Kenku character that only says "cucchiaio" and has a silver spoon which is his most precious treasure"

And here he is... A joke that became one of my favorite D&D characters to play as

Thomas ErisTheClown

I love noses with a lot of character and I couldn't decide on just 1 so now it's cannon that in-universe, it just changes at my whims. Its in a world with a lot of magical and also sci fi shenanigans, but I think its funnier not to give a specific explanation for it.

 Mihalis windfall


I WILL ADMIT his character as it stands right now isn't much of a joke, but how he came to be is LOL i made a joke with my best friend that my oc, mikiko, had a sentient pet rock that silently judged him from afar and was like. omnipresent and watched his eventual demise OKAY. IT WAS A WEIRD JOKE but the point is his pet rock's name was Michael. i honest to god don't remember how i got from pet rock michael to loving demon dad but we don't cry because it's over we smile because it happened

Brim Khroma

Session one of our DnD game, I tried to have Brim use his wings to appear large and intimidate a giant spider, and someone jokingly asked if he had eyespots on them. His entire color scheme and wing pattern was influenced by that comment, and now he's my favorite design I've made by a landslide.