Characters more well-liked than you expected?

Posted 6 years, 4 days ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by hedgemaze

@Judas-la-carotte's thread about underrated characters made me think about the opposite! I'm not going to use the word "overrated" because I certainly don't mean that any OCs deserve less love, but do you have any characters whom you're surprised get more attention than you expected they would, among your characters?

Maybe people pick them more often in forum games or art trades than other characters, they have more faves than you expected, or they're just the ones your friends have gravitated towards for whatever reason-- but maybe they aren't among your own favorites, or they're just not the OCs you expected would be popular.

And has that character's popularity inspired you to use or develop them more, or give them a bigger role in whatever story or project they may be in?

There are no particular rules for this thread; just be nice and don't try to make people feel bad about their taste or anything like that.

All my forum games and threads

Munrida edwardcilestia

Everywhere else Munrida is the top dog. I never quite understood it, but I guess people like fluffy sidekicks. I always prefered characters with bigger personalities, but maybe Munrida has just the right amount. 

MonoChruma FuuMiku

He’s just a fandom worm but they’re getting so many faves, all my poor babies are sitting there with one fav and they’re getting multiple favs a day abjdhagchgsgh

It’s prob bc they’re on the ‘free’ trade listing but it kinda stings a bit? I mean I’m happy they’re getting appreciated but like,, people are more interested in the free worm that took like 1 hour to make max than my characters i adore and put time and effort into, emphasis on the free :/  (not an insult to the designer, u know I luv u and ur worms <33)

They’re still up for grabs so I’m obv not changing my stance on them, apart from adding a ‘only ask if u will love and keep’ on their profile bc -glares- don’t take ‘em if u won’t take care of ‘em. I’ve never known much about danganronpan so it’s not like i could do them justice anyway

Spike sivanhe


Hae-Won Yunos

That would be Hae-won... I thought he would be the more detested one out of my characters, but I've ran into many people who actually really love him :0c


this guy! he was fun to design and i think its aged well but im surprised when a lot of people list him as their fav among my characters/designs lol... hes like. a minor side character in a story i have. but hes beloved (shrugs)

Adolf Noonatic

For some reason, people really like this boi? I'm 99% sure it's because of his design and not his backstory tho! X3 I honestly thought people would hate him and not see past his name, but they actually really do like him. I've gotten a lot of compliments for him already (and one complaint), and some people have even draw him! Since not many people go out of their way to say they like my designs, this makes me feel very happy! He's gotten a lot of love for the first week of his existence! XD

Since he's still very new to me, I have yet to determine whether or not he is in my fav oc pile


people here are...strange

 Father + Valentine Hanae

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Wicke to bits, but I did not expect people to like him so much. Been thinking this for a while now after receiving very flattering comments about his story and character recently //v//. I'm glad people like him as much as I do!

Wicke has always been a very important character to me and even if he wasn't as well-received as he is today, my thoughts about him would never change!

 Volxun Wrenkenstein

I adore all my characters, trust me- but for some reason when designing Volxun, she became something very special to me, and this REALLY spiralled when I posted her to various other sites. People seemed to adore her more than any other character I had ever made, and they constantly asked about her, drew her, etc. I'm so glad people like her- she was the most popular artfight OC of mine, and she continues to be a sort of namesake for me (which is funny, because in a way, she was made to be and is a sona of sorts!)

She's been around for about a year now and I don't think I could ever get rid of her- she's too much of a part of me t this point, haha!

Corelane SapphireBatWings

I literally refer to her as the f*ck up alien. Like she's the main villain's lackey but she tends to get more love lol.

Ramon Cortez Kirbygal

I think he's pretty well liked from others more than i expected when I first made this set. I got quite a few good art trades featuring him and a close runner up would be Henri ^^ I glad ppl liked them, despite Ramon not having a solid backstory yet and Henri's being kinda tough ;; I think it's also because they have nice designs despite being rly simple lol ;u; 

01. Jax Sadismancer

Jax by far... He gets lots of attention on and off Tumblr by people. idk why he's an ass.