show your mentally ill characters

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 1 month ago) by  Wu Xiaowen totokatokako

any type of mental/emotional disorder counts! no matter if it's diagnosed or not, you know your characters the best.

i have this boy who suffers of did, ptsd and other undiagnosed disorders :^(

Callum Sunvaren

This poor kid suffers from panic disorder, and as such has panic attacks frequently; he also shows symptoms of PTSD as well. Poor boy, he's suffered too much... and I love him <3

Dilemma manyface


theyve got did or osdd-1 and their host for sure has anxiety

theres probably more but id need to think abt it


Oswin here suffers from (paranoid) schizophrenia and mild social anxiety.

Scourge ChaosGrizzly

Depression, Schizophrenia, PTSD, And a number of other things.


Storm has ADHD and OCD

Jazz has undiagnosed depression

Kiara has Split Personality Disorder

Aleksand of Puelath ClyncyeRudje

Aleksand (and all characters in her little expy chain) has ADHD! Although only one of them (the original, who's profile here is private) is actually aware of why they're Like That; the rest live in worlds where the diagnosis doesn't exist.

Orange, Aino, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head have PTSD to varying degrees from a variety of causes.

Yurian has severe anxiety. Some days she can't even manage to leave her home.

There are probably others that I don't remember right now, or who aren't uploaded.


oh man I have p l e n t y

Doe suffers from dissociation and depersonalization on a daily basis

Eisla has severe PTSD

Camille has psychosis

Keagan has really bad depression

Kamen Thornheartless

Ohh boy, poor Kamen has a lot to deal with

Kamentisa has anxiety and undiagnosed clinical depression

He's also transgender, which although is not a disorder the gender dysphoria he has certainly is, and he's autistic which I don't consider a mental illness of any kind but it is a disorder so yeah

This mostly reflects the fact that I have anxiety, gender dysphoria, autism and symptoms of clinical depression

Sometimes I just need a character who feels as I do but goes and does all this awesome stuff to sort of vent, but happily if that makes sense, as if to show that now matter what I'm still valid at the end of the day

Nana Hoshino (Reddit Cloaks) kingozma

Good afternoon all!

I'm a 30-something year old Japanese(-American, I guess!) man and I've been living with schizoaffective disorder for a very long time now. As well as PTSD, anxiety and depression. I'm told the depression is part of the schizoaffective disorder, but I'm no expert, I just know basic terms. I've got a fun little cocktail of mental issues.

I'm medicated as well as I can be (given that some meds interact very, very badly with others), so hallucinations are rarer now than they used to be (thank fuck), but I think the moodswing aspect of my issues got really, really bad while I served in the army*. There were a lot of very... "Strong personalities" clashing in the upper ranks, shall we say, and it was sort of...

I know I shouldn't say "crazy" and things like that, but I don't know what else to say. I felt like I was literally losing my sanity around those people, like I was just slowly breaking down and soon there was going to be nothing left. Every single person there made me feel like I was completely and utterly insane, no matter how kind or cruel they were to me. A lot of that was just on my end with my issues, but there were a fair share of people there who should not have been anywhere near any kind of hierarchical power, much less a gun, much less another human being.

I was a captain in this branch of the military, and in our very, very small company, that meant I was a step or two down from the capital-C Commander. There were a few other captains during my run who were just absolutely deplorable people, bullies who had no business being above anyone else. Luckily they all deserted or were demoted once proof of their abuses of power came to light. I had an... Interesting relationship, let's say, with one particular ex-captain.

I'll be frank with you all: We both had issues that contributed to the toxicity of our interactions, but at the end of the day, this guy was a complete monster and there was no two ways about it. I can't blame him, all of his pre-existing issues had nothing to do with his own actions, and the guy went through an unbelievable amount of combat AND torture-based trauma. But no matter what he did, he just seemed to act out in only abusive ways towards the people around him. I still blame myself for most of that, though, which I guess is the PTSD talking (haha, yeah, that boy's actions actually put me in additional therapy), but it's hard to just let the truth be the truth when you've never really trusted your own account of reality your whole life. Due to the schizoaffective shit, of course, and emotional abuse from your parents.

To neurotypicals reading this, please do not take my account of my own experiences as permission to write about people "going crazy and losing their sanity," you still should do your research and talk to real mentally ill people when writing about us.

... Wow, this got really long. I guess I had a lot to get off my chest. Thank you for opening this thread, OP, and I hope this isn't too annoying to read.

[* this was for an rp where alien fascists invaded earth, he was part of sort of - "freelance" socialist branch of fighters who didn't want to side with the shitty US military)