OC stories/themes important to you personally

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by Caine

I wasn't sure how exactly to phrase this, but basically I mean if you have ever given your character details of your own life or made them go through or think about things important to you? Maybe they have a similar home situation, maybe they have a similar experience with something or maybe there is a part in their identity they share with you. Or maybe their stories are wrapped around a concept or a theme you find important and/or dear to you for whatever personal reason.

I'm fully aware not everyone does this with their creations, however: I know a lot of people who go as far as to avoid having anything in common with their creations or characters as well as they just humanly can. If you don't have anything of your own, I'd prefer if you didn't come here to just announce you have nothing; it hardly contributes to the thread! Also remember to be nice and respectful of other people, as we're all different creators with different priorities and life experiences! Also try to keep it age appropriate and use blacked out text if you must! 


this kinda got sappy because im tired and im not sure if i understood the prompt right so its under the spoiler... my reading comprehension has just sucked lately sorry if i misunderstood the prompt x_x

this thread calls to me personally ..... i project SO MUCH onto my ocs its wild. usually in a 'god i wish that were me' why instead of a 'im going through this so you suffer too' way but there is overlap

the theme i overuse a LOT is probably family , especially found family. my family isnt.. the best so i like to escape for a bit and imagine my ocs having big happy families of them and their friends where they're all happy.. because it makes me happy

recovery is also a big theme because like.. even when my ocs are in god awful situations they still manage to recover and be happy ! and i use that to try and hel motivate myself to do better, especially now with everything thats going on in my life

im not sure if i understood this right and i got a bit sentimental ftgyhuj but i just like seein my ocs be happy because it makes me feel happy !!


I used to be the kind of person who tried his best to avoid having characters similar to me in any manner, until I realized that's very much impossible to me: there will always be something overlapping, and I understood it's better for me to simply let my characters to be who they are rather than force them because I'm insecure as a writer. I also realized if I ever want representation specifically tailored at me, I'm literally the only person who can do that, and if I wish I had seen more of thing X then there has to be someone out there who feels the same way as well. 

Posting these under spoiler because I ended up rambling

EDIT/ Changed wording and added a bit more

Cyrus wasn't intentionally designed or created with his disability as the biggest thing (I actually drew the bandages just for the aesthetic and the lore came later), and while his feelings regarding having a disability are not necessarily the same as mine, it's still a topic that is very close to me personally. Having physical limitations, visible to others or not, is something that can be difficult for some people to accept and come into terms with,  and there is a lot of denial and bitterness involved for some. Stuff like "why did it have to happen to me" or "why me out of all people" or "it's unfair this happened and ruined everything I had planned". Also, my knee might not be smashed like his is and I can usually walk just fine, but my knees are often infected and limit my movement considerably + I sometimes have to bandage them to make sure I don't pull them into a bad position.

Similarly Daniel's character also revolves heavily around similar feelings but about a chronic illness instead, because as someone chronically ill I just... thought it'd be fun to explore it from a perspective that isn't "mine"? I have an extremely ill family especially from mum's side and I have grown up surrounded by bottles after bottles of medicine, and some of them have been mine too. Illness as a whole is something I have gotten very familiar with and I want to talk about it and explore it. 

Adon shares a similar background with me where he's also a child from a relatively poor family, and that's why he tries his hardest to get by in life and get a good job, so he could free his family from the circle of poverty and to not fall into it himself. Having grown up in a family constantly dreading on the poverty line in my country's standards, I recognize it within me that I also turned to overachieving as a way to escape that kind of life, and I remember having been very young when I already felt like this is something I have to do. It's not necessarily a healthy mindset though if it starts taking you over, so with Adon I want to make sure he doesn't end up ruining his own health in the pursuit of a more financially stable life, heh. Similarly Knut also comes from a humble family and feels a little bit insecure about it when surrounded by people of much higher class than him, and Cyrus also falls into this category of me exploring the social effect of being from a not-so-wealthy family. I'm just so tired of assuming everyone is from a well off family where they never need to rely on food aid from the country. 

Claude was based heavily on 70s shoujo / blond boy tropes, so with him things were more of a coincidence than elaborate planning really. I guess we share a lot of core traits as a result but we go about them in vastly different ways, so he's actually a very challenging character for me! I intentionally made him more on the smaller side though because of my life-long crusade to portray short and/or very androgynous guys who aren't a pushover or a joke like they often are portrayed in media, particularly in western mainstream. I guess I just wanted to show a character who doesn't conform to traditional masculinity can still be a very capable and respected guy despite Toxic Masculinity(tm). We both have a very androgynous appearance too to the point he sometimes gets harassed over it, and it's something I want to like... talk about. Also, Claude and I both are very good with people but not necessarily as sincere as we might seem to be, and have a cold, reserved way to feel about others at first. 

Jonathan I made really kind and considerate by core because I just really think there should be more male main characters that are just... genuinely trying their best to be considerate? There's never enough of that and he's super fun to work on because his worldview is often brighter than mine, so it does me good too to take a less pessimistic approach on thing and explore them deeper. He's genuinely a fun protagonist to work on and I love love portraying a more softer and kinder side of masculinity. 

Nicholas is... probably the character who ended up having things most personal to me by accident? His character revolves a lot around domestic abuse and feelings of humiliation, betrayal and bitterness I have also had to work out on in the past, although obviously our home circumstances aren't the same. But I just find it personally important to write characters whose response to abuse isn't always pretty and can warp their sense of self and the way they interact with others, and Nicholas is a very flawed and very pained character at the beginning of his story. But I guess I also want to show wounds can slowly heal and there can be happiness in the future because I'm sappy and also feel like those would have been the words I would have wanted to hear when I was younger, if that makes sense? 

Waltz, perhaps by accident, ended up sharing similar feelings of disgust towards himself and his body as I often feel about mine. I have a very unique and twisted relationship with my physical appearance due to developmental issues, and as such from a very young age I have felt like I'm particularly hideous and there is something fundamentally wrong with me. Even to this day I keep thinking about all the doctor visits I went through as a kid and all the tests that provided no pieces to the puzzle, and the feeling of looking different from my classmates when puberty hit. It's just been a vortex of a twisted body image the bullying of classmates and harassment from other people haven't made any better. I don't consider him a metaphor to any sort of body image issues because I can promise nobody has a body quite like his, but there are a lot of feelings that do overlap. Funnily though Waltz has a lot of people around him who don't think of him as a freak in the slightest and some even find his body fascinating and beautiful, and only while typing this post I realized the same thing sort of applies to me, haha. If only I could learn to be at peace with my appearance too. 


zinnia You got it right, no worries! And honestly I can empathize strongly with both the family themes and recovery; my family hasn't been exactly the best either so I want to give at least my characters the chance to have a loving, safe family, whether found or blood related. And I genuinely think focusing on positive development and slowly healing and getting better can be super motivating and even reassuring, I know I totally write happy endings because they make me feel more hopeful ;v; 


i didn't really think about it before but the majority of my characters are nb? the majority of them are gemsonas so they're sexless but as for the other OCs, they're nb just bc i want them to .. the reason why i'm getting into games (especially as a chicanx enby with mental disorders) is bc i want to tell my stories and have diverse characters and representation, so making OCs now is like practice and a way for me to do what i wanna do. or maybe i just like nb characters idk!


I tend to throw all of my negative problems on my characters tbh. I'm not really trying to make them edgy or anything, it just.. feels like I'm not alone going through the shit? Maybe a dumb thing trying to cope through fictional characters but hey as long as it works. On the other hand I also like to give them I stuff I wish I could get to irl; friendships, happy relationships, working families, confidence in heir skills.. there's a lot of that.

I was about to link here every character and what we share but holy shit it ended up looking like a sob story


This is SUCH an interesting question and I loved reading the replies so far! This is really endearing to see that much people being emotionnaly engaged with their OCs' stories and themes ;v;

And do to! I could ramble for hours about it but I'll try to keep it short lmao- First of all, I'll start with the Schmurtz siblings because they're like the very first ones I thought of when I read "if you have ever given your character details of your own life", and then I'll try to list some others! But tbh most of my mains (and even those who aren't my mains) share at least some traits with me because that helps me to connect and develop them much better

But tbh if we are talking about "a concept or a theme you find important and/or dear to you for whatever personal reason" then most of my OCs inspired by history or theology would automatically fit since these are my special interests so ofc they are important to me lmaooo

Enough introduction, let's start--

    • Isabelle : Tbh she started as a self-insert when I was start and then slowly evolved to be her own character, very distinct from me, but we still share many traits haha! The most important one to me is the fact that she grew up in the region of Alsace ; I currently don't live there anymore so that's super nostalgic to me! Her bio also deals with other themes that are super important to me, such as WWII, which is one of my fave time periods to study, the conflict between her culture and her beliefs, but yeah I could go on forever on why Isa is best girl
    • Ismaël : I can't talk about Isa without mentioning her brother! So yeah he was created wayyyy after Isa, but he somehow has slightly more stuff I relate to? Ignoring the first things I said about Isa (since I could say exactly the same about him), the big thing that is important to me is his relationship with his family. I'm kinda ashamed to say it, but I'm... in the same situation? Yeah I have a younger half-sibling and I sometimes feel he is more lucky when it comes to familial relationships, but more importantly, I literally despise my father. He has ruined my life and is still ruining it. Mostly because I don't fit the plans he has planned for me.
    • Judas : I HAVE to talk about him because I think he is the one people pick the most in the "which of their OCs is the user above most like" game thread lmaooo even tho I find it a bit weird that people are picking one of my characters with the less optimistic bios haha- So yeah, his personality is heavily based on my mental health problems (but I'll come back to it later with another character), and problems with socializing, etc. Some of his little quirks are also based on mine, basically he is my first (vent)sona! 
    • Gabriel : The embodiment of my gender identity duh- But yeah idk how to word it, but he's literally that lmaooo- Also I really like characters who look all sweet and naive but aren't really, without being actually mean, because that's also something I strongly relate to by experience! But I'll also get back it later with another character that I think illustrates the trope a bit more visibily 
    • Sezunel : I have several autistic/autistic-coded characters, but Sezu is the one where I took inspiration from my own experience the most. If there's a thing related to the subject that I really hate, it's the infantilization of autistic characters, so even if Sezu can easily be mistaken for a super naive and fragile child, he is actually more of a teen who is "fucking done with that shit" and has found his own ways to deal with his ASD. He's independent and responsible. He also knows how to make good use of his special interest and that's super important to me c:
    • Manari : Idk how to develop here but she is the embodiment of my nerdy phase from junior high, and the aesthetic that comes with it! So she is also super nostalgic and important to me, a bit like Isa! Also I don't have that many "technology"-themed OCs so that contributes it making her special in my eyes (+ she is also an autistic character (even tho she isn't aware of it in canon) who manages to make good use of her difference instead of seeing it as a disability) 
    • Bobby : I'm super afraid of talking about it here but yeah I'll make it short: basically his story, as silly or cringy as it may look, is based of the spiritual abuse I had to go through because of my father and his side of my family. He was mostly inspired by my super angry and edgy phase, and even if I grew out of it nowadays, I know the abuse isn't quite finished yet. So basically, like Judas, he is one of my oldest (vent)sonas. I hope we will both be free from our toxic environments one day.
    • Raphaël : This one is more light-hearted! I was really inspired by my relationship with my little brother when creating him (: (cf. Ismaël's bio!) Fraternal relationships are super important to me, even more that romantic relationships I guess! He is also a super sweet character in general who motivates me to stay positive and stuff, it sounds super cheesy because idk how to really word it but yeaaah you go Raph
    • Olivier : Remember what I said about Judas? Well, he is the one. The... logical evolution of the depressing themes that Judas' bio deal with. So yeah, just like him, Olivier was based on my mental health problems (even tho I don't have a drinking problem because I just hate the taste of alcohol eh), and more especially the fact that my parents don't take them seriously so, I have to deal with them on my own. Just like him, my parents are used to see me as a good student, so I have to meet their high expectations, in spite of the fact that depression drains of my energy?? I somewhat manage to but it's more destructive than anything- Another trait we share is the fact that we have to hide the fact that we are LGBT because we just know that our parents are too "stupid and stubborn" closed-minded to actually care and react properly. But yeah he is just... based on my experience with school and stuff + some 1920s/1930s Paris aesthetic because I really like it even tho this city is literal shit nowadays ew
    • Harahel : Um. Remember what I said about Gaby? Well, here he is. It may be... slightly surprising to some but I relate to Hara a lot personality-wise? Like Gaby, he is one of these characters who look super cute and sweet at first sight but is actually preeeetty vulgar and harsh, and is not afraid to speak their mind when needed. This is a thing I've experienced a lot in school (the Oli/Hara duo was heavily inspired by my experience with school anyways), because most people saw me as a perfect grade-A at first sight, but quickly discovered that my actual personality didn't really match my grades and my quiet attitude in class haha! I can actually be super "vulgar" irl unless the situation isn't appropriate at all, and I personally don't think that using a lot of swear words make you less of a person lmao- That's just my natural, honest way of being! Hara doesn't fit the norm for angels but he isn't mean either, indeed, he mostly does "good" or "neutral" actions, even if his "hold my beer" attitude don't really make him look admirable or virtuous. But he doesn't care about what people think of him, he is honest to himself, that's the only thing that matters to him; and that's something I'd like to improve with myself, honestly.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's it I guess this is super long I'm super sorry I think it's one the longest things I've ever posted on the TH forums or something because that's just me rambling about my life

MMM... yes i have like a few things that are my go-to that a lot of my characters have.

characters fucking up and having to learn to get better is very important to me as a theme. characters who're assholes, insensitive, aren't good in some way or another getting a dish of cold reality and having to say "oh, yeah, no, i'm not very nice am i" and having to go from there. i love love love redemption arcs but i don't want for it to be easy, you can't just snap your fingers and someone completely change overnight and that's important i guess for me to convey

LOTS OF PPL SAY THEY'LL CHANGE AND THEN THEY DON'T!!! not my children, my children will get better

my other big one is uh... yeah, let's go with self-perception! and self-worth. struggles in going from someone who has a low opinion of themselves to liking yourself as a person or becoming someone who you think you can like is an important theme for me... because that's a thing i had to do, you gotta find your own confidence and learn to love yourself. that feel-good stuff

i trend toward dark pasts/dark backstories even tho i don't have one BUT i like characters who are good and kind coming from shitty experiences, showing that someone isn't just their past or their bad times

also i have asexual characters for days probably bc i'm ace but also lots of romance and relationship development YEAH


honestly my whole 'hillview' folder (while seemingly empty to most as almost all the characters are private atm) is basically... my dream?

this AU is super super important to me bc it's the freedom i crave i guess... my characters have great families, lots of friends, live near a place i want to move to irl that's important to me, get to go out and experience life whenever they want (eg just go to the mall), my main characters have a decent amount of money/live well off, ect
wheras i'm stuck having a shit family, like two friends i can never see, live in a rural shithole, am never able to leave the house, can't do shit, am super poor ect - so i guess all those characters are living my dream life and i really wish i can get that one day 😔 i mean, i KNOW i will bc i'll be damned if i won't! but ... i know it's not gonna happen for a long, long time so i guess having my OCs live it for me is helping me wait it out

also a lot of my other characters go thru similar situations to me (notably my main OC kiyung/krypt'n as we both have the same mental problems and ... he's basically a massive self insert at this point in a lot of ways), and a lot of my characters are autistic (this isn't even intentional, i just push my traits onto my characters and u know) and... yeah


The further I think about this the more i realize I hardly put any deep parts of myself into any of my ocs XD I'm not super exciting, nor do I have the most perfect or tragic lifestyle, I really don't have strong emotions to stuff... this can go on lol. It seems I put more of my wishes or ideals on them than parts of myself. But I think I came up with a few:

  • Derek has my interest in manga, anime, and video games; though his love for it (especially games) are larger than mine. Also he has a huge sweet tooth; and apparently i have a higher sweet tolerance than a couple of my friends so i guess this counts too XD
  • Casanova has my interest for astronomy when I was younger. Space always had fascinated me; it still does now but to a lesser extent ^^;; I guess he also has my social awkwardness, though his is probably greater than mine; while we both won't go out our ways to talk to ppl first, I feel like he is less likely to do so than I, especially with the opposite sex. Casa gets extremely uncomfortable around females ;o; I get nervous sometimes with whoever lmao XD depends on the person and how much i know them. O O F I never speak at all ;o; 
  • Dunno if this counts but Leroy is an OC that i wish i could be: he's smart and sarcastic and knows how to find things to benefit himself. This makes him seem self centered and kind of mean however, but it doesn't sound too far off from myself in some ways; I too would rather have and do things to benefit myself and I consider myself self centered to an extent xD (there's a lot of ways how that is disproved since I tend to be too nice most of the time). But he just has a ton of confidence and assurance in what he does and I wish I had that as well ;; To me he is a fun character to create scenarios for. 
  • Low key half or more of my ocs live or grew up in a city because I did too. Hence the Lives in NYC set, you can probably tell where I live lmao
  • This sounds silly but some of the older ocs I have (age wise) could be based off my favorite types I'd prefer to have in a lover XD I can't help but really love Friedrich so much; hes probably the closest to my ideal type, though he seems to be less charming ;o; and I love Nico too omg, hes not exactly my type but I love how goofy and funny he is and hes just a lovable idiot of a old guy hahaha (I really don't know if his profile reflects that LOL but he is such a cute weirdo trust me ) My type is weird and I doubt I can ever get it in my life tbh xD But I can d r e a m ♡ 
  • I notice I tend to have sibling relationships where there's an older brother; and most have a fairly large age gap (I'd say 5+ years) I do wish I had an older bro, but I have a younger one and that's okay, he's taller than me anyway LOL though I can't explain why the oldest sibling is much older than the younger ones owo
  • Overall I dunno... in some ways my ocs are kinda diverse; some have good families, others not so much; some are richer than others (though most end up being middle class I admit, I know Jacob and Dallas had a poor childhood and Caviar too, I guess Dmitrios could count. Conversely I know Chrysler and Nico are a couple of my richest ocs), I guess I value loving relationships with a partner a lot too since I have quite a few cute couples ^.^ My sibling relationships are all positive ones since I can't imagine them fighting extensively, uhhhh yeah that's it I think owo
I dunno if I answered it right but here ya go (also I'll probably link back to the ocs later sry)