đź’ˇ Why does your OC exist (in meta)?

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by fuelli

Hi! A lot of us have OCs with fleshed-out backstories and complex personalities... but what was the first thing, the first trait you've come up to for them? What made you create this character? The answer can be as serious ("I wanted to create a character to share with my experiences with <event>") or silly ("I really like pasta so I've made a character who likes pasta") as you want!

Just have fun and please keep things civil ♥

 Ferdinand Philip Allencourt Caine

I love ferrets so much and they're one of my favourite animals so of course I had to have one myself. But since I generally prefer making monster people over full feral characters, I decided to go for the "human upper body and animal lower body" vibe. I don't think I even considered making him a taur though mostly because I personally tend to prefer only two sets of limbs as opposed to the usual four.

Myra Dreadmire Lord_Karoshi

I have always made Fantasy characters since that is all people ever want to do even though I love sci fi way more. I also never made an OC based on my tastes, I always based them on mythological creatures and tried to keep them accurate to the source material. Then one day I decided "Fuck this I'm making a Space Pirate" and had my friend draw me up a character based off my personal likes.



Ruin is my sona, and her design was originally really out there. I changed it for a roleplay.

Rue was meant to be a human counterpart to Ruin, but now she's her own person.

Ryan was also originally for a roleplay.

Lucas came from my love of Kokichi's (danganronpa) character. But now he's more like Grian to me? (the mc youtuber)

I was thinking 'Ok, so Brook needs an other side (long story)' And then I came up with 'Ryan can have a sister!' And so Tanya was born.

And Hype was also once my sona, but I re-designed her for the story.



i needed one of the following:

species mascot (eyes see you, radioactive)

npc design for a pic (scylla, blood moon, rgb, shelly)

something to show different forms (trypophobia, spot)


I wanted to interact with people and their characters, simple as that

Vesuvius PhoeniXXTalon

I was in the middle of Latin class watching a documentary on Pompeii and I was like "Time to doodle! Hey why don't I make a character based off of that volcano" That doodle became my favorite OC, and my second favorite OC, (Pompeii of course) came soon after! And then I made a whole bunch of other characters named after Roman cities, I'm so glad I decided to doodle that day lol

Thriale MasterShortpants

Thriale here was originally created as part of a challenge by a user on Chicken Smoothie who I found some time after they were first posted - Their description originally described them as a fashionable fairy, but my first impression was on the sharp contrast between the bright blues of their flowers and the colder, almost clammy grey-purple tone of their skin, sort of like what one might expect from an undead creature like a vampire or zombie :0 Their sort of ethereal appearance combined with that contrast immediately drew me to the idea of them as a deity of both life and death (additionally drawing from their fairy inspiration with a name loosely derived from the Irish word for cycle in reference to the cycle of life and death, with Irish in particular being chosen due to various mythological beings from that culture being referred to as both fairies and gods in different texts), and the idea stuck!

Mason iceflurry

Literally I just went “You know what I need? A techno rockstar apocalypse character” and thus DEADCAT, who went on to be my main inspiration for Delvapse, which ended up becoming the inspiration for my main universe as it is today, was born.