💡 Why does your OC exist (in meta)?

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by fuelli

Hi! A lot of us have OCs with fleshed-out backstories and complex personalities... but what was the first thing, the first trait you've come up to for them? What made you create this character? The answer can be as serious ("I wanted to create a character to share with my experiences with <event>") or silly ("I really like pasta so I've made a character who likes pasta") as you want!

Just have fun and please keep things civil ♥

Morrigan L0WETIDE

Alright, so the handsome arm man came as a result of an RP hehe. My partner and I were sorta setting up one of his characters to be in a relationship with one of mine, and I realized that I didn't really know which of my characters would work best? So at first I was settled on one I already had, and I thought we could start there and move on. However... As the RP went on, I went so far out of character for the one I was thinking of that I decided I needed a new kiddo altogether. Thus, I started writing notes for this charming flirt of a guy. I... Don't know exactly how he got the backstory and tech and stuff. I know I realized he needed more to his personality, and the ideas just started coming on a whim, I guess? Through visualizing some art ideas for him, I knew I wanted him to have holograms of some sort, like screens. Then that idea graduated to arms and other things. The revenge thing I think just came from the fact that I was listening to "Revenge, and a Little More" by Unlike Pluto at the time, so I just went with it haha.

I think getting a solid design for him was the hardest part! At first I was wanting to do reds instead of blues, BUT I liked the idea of him having blue holograms. I was also unsure of how I wanted his hair to go. I had been thinking of doing the longer, slicked-back hair and had visualized it a lot, but I kept second-guessing. In the end, I'm VERY glad I chose to go for it, it matches his look perfectly! And the blues I finally decided upon after doing some hue swaps when I wasn't happy with the red. I remember his shoes specifically in the initial drawing I had of him inspired his final design, basically all of his colors stemmed from the color palette of his shoes with a blue hue swap haha.

Lee Gilje jukeboxes

One day in middle school I got bored and started playing around with alliteration. At some point I got to the word 'loser' and needed a name to go with it. My brother had a friend named Lee, so I went with 'Loser Lee'. A concept for a character was born: Lee, an edgy loner-type character in high school who wore black leather jackets with his friend group and smoked cigarettes (lil' old me didn't know what a vape was yet, which would've made a lot more sense for the character). He was one of a few characters of mine that I had, all mostly separate, that eventually grew together and became the brothers we know and love today!

The character has changed a LOT since then, but here are a few of the things that have persisted from the start:

+Love for pasta (more specifically, spaghetti). To this day this character is still a very refined and respected pasta chef.
+Kind of brooding personality during high school (The main story takes place when this character is older so this detail is less relevant now)
+Norwegian (all I knew about Norwegians came from my unhealthy Eddsworld obsession; I couldn't even spell 'Norwegian' right).

This character was mostly based off of things from pre-existing media, but as I grew as a storyteller and artist he began to become more distinctive ^^ origins are fun though!

Tou mozaik

tou exists bc i needed a 0 braincell count character my dumb ass could especially relate to djdjdhdjf

Benji Olivier Dubois aidenopossum

Benji... Was originally created just so  Wiley would have a friend that wasn’t someone else’s character lmao somehow he became my main character??? And Wiley’s been pushed to the wayside lately, whoops.

Since he's mentioned in this post I might as well spill Wiley’s origin; he was originally a Don’t Starve fancharacter. I wanted to make Webber except with hounds. His name was and is a dumb reference to Wile E. Coyote.


Beckett & Tristan exist because Gabe & Brooks' serious band needed a rhythm guitarist and a drummer.


robin and ivy exist bc i had based them on a friendship of mine though theyve changed a bit since then so i dont rlly see us as them anymore

rosie was bc i wanted to add onto rob n ivy and i also wanted a goth oc but im not savvy on that way of living so shes more just dark clothing and pessimistic with dyed hair now 😭 

eve was created soley to be the antagonist of robs story but sometimes i use her to vent stuff yknow

yuko (unrelated to the latter) is a verrrry old oc that i originally created as a fandom oc for higurashi



It was boring just having 1 character running around having adventures so I created Selena at first to just be a one or two time participant but she never went away. Now She and my main are inseparable. 


I literally just wanted a Halloween themed char


I was drawing a regular sweet girl but I got frustrated trying to draw legs so.... Now she don't have any.

Thrasus Myceliummadness

I originally had a character named Tea in a horror writing community. not gonna go too deep into why I left, but I was misgendered, harassed, and gaslit. I was eventually encouraged to leave by my now best friend. I needed to reclaim the character of Tea, he was tainted by my experience there. originally I made Tea into T, a researcher in a base for the horror writing community. This didn't catch on.

my best friend told me about a writing competition on a site called The Wanderers Library. I joined, writing about another character hobbs and a young boy named T who had a similar curse to the former. it was based off the prompt "the family and the home" which is also the title. Looking back, it wasn't the best. but I'm still really proud of it and it made T who he is today. A gay space pirate who is in love with a alien and owns a pet that feeds off his soul technically.

Hue Skellum-Sketch

I wanted to create a character with plant aesethics. I really like brown and green combos, so Hue was born, haha. Now he's my most developed character.

rane muichiro

i drew gwen first and then i picked another emotion from a drawing meme and drew rane following him. his prototype design in personality was that he was gwen's side kick who sometimes got jealous over him and the attention he got. while the latter remains somewhat true on occasion, i toned down his envy and also gave him a seat on the same pedestal as gwen. now they're pretty equal, though he does sometimes get upset that gwen is overall seemingly better than him. stuff i can't express or i'll spoil everything before i even make it big! 

Ariya Lin Allyz

Such a cool thread idea! :0

I've wanted to be in the military for a while, but I don't 100% know if I'll be able to take that path when I'm old enough (I'm deciding about university still). So Ariya was kind of in concept as a sona, but the first important thing I defined about her that I remember was that she was a marine. :)

 Patroclus ($150) Ovid

It's pretty simple; I was really looking for something to represent me and who I am.

I'm pretty effeminate compared to most of the guys I know, so of course I'd choose a calico cat- they're mostly female.

I'm working on my degree in history and Greco-Roman classics, so I took a name from one of my favorite stories.

 Tiel ♫ CorvidCreatures

One day I randomly thought

“You know what would be cute? A Manokit based off a cute bird”

And so tiel was created