OCs whose name/pronouns people always get wrong

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by fuelli

Show me your characters whose name and/or pronouns people always get always wrong! Because we all know that's the kind of thing that happens, be it on the website itself (esp. forum games), off-site, or even in real-life! Are some characters of yours more prone to this than others, and why/how? And how do you usually reacts when it happens?

Professor Vincent Eidolon JaegerWolfTango

sO many people have pronounced this man's surname as 'ee-doh-lone'



is his name pronounced "pow-low men-ev-ski" ?

 Paolo GoodKnight

Honestly I myself pronounced his name wrong for like a year


Iolanthe and Aithne... poor babies. I’ve been pronouncing Aithne like how I believe you would think it was said if you were just looking at it, “Ay-thnay”, but I looked it up and it’s pronounced like Edna? I like my version better though so she’s stuck like that. Iolanthe feels a bit obvious, haha. I don’t know how you say it but I’ve been going with “Io-lon-thay” (I really like making the ‘e’s at the end of names sound like ‘a’s). I love writing her name and watching the people around me fail to say it.

All my non-binary character have been called the wrong pronouns at some time or other by me, oops! I always feel really bad. My friends correct me though so that’s cool of them.

Malachiasz ToothyHounds

Malachiasz gets his named pronounced wrong all the time and Sarojini usually gets called by male pronouns. I usually correct incorrect name pronunciations, but I usually don't correct pronouns unless I'm purchasing art. 

 Aurora (retired) Skykristal

People mess up his name and pronouns. ALWAYS. And since part of his name is also in my user name (which I use everywhere) people not only write his but also my name wrong. And because I'm female people automatically assume Kristal is female too + they think he is my sona which is also getting on my nerves. I point this out pretty clearly and I still face this issue a lot. I used to be silent about this for a long time but it has gotten to a point where it bothers me badly. Even people who follow me for a long time mess it up. That makes me feels pretty ... awful if I'm honest :''') it's just nobody cares or pays attention. I wouldn't mind it that bad if it wouldn't happen 24/7. 

I mainly react pretty fun and chill tho when I reply because I don't wanna be the "bad person" while I'm literally dying inside :'')

 Chikyu Garawai

People usually use the pronoun “she” when it’s actually a male. I don’t get mad since he is a femboy and likes to look and act like a girl, so it’s razonable that people get confused (but I hate when I tell them he it’s a male but they still call him like “she/her”).

Fun fact about me related to the thread: I used to be in Furry Amino Spanish. I do not know why but people always confused me like I was a girl even when I had a super masculine photo of my old sona (I mean, bara body, beard, etc...) and it happened a lot! I was sooooo annoyed.

Stephen iceflurry

Her pronouns are she, but everyone mistakes her for male bc of her name. It's also pronounced how it's spelled, not like Steven! :"0

₀₀₂. Verity "Truth" succurox

Verity is Verity. People think he's a chick. He was forced to look like one by his family. I get it. But if someone clearly addresses him as a 'he' and another person says, 'she', then we have an issue.

Pawoai septembersugar

people love to pronounce his name like "hawaii" with a p but its "pah - wow - ee"

Syke Veritova TheLadyAnatola

Syke used to get mistaken for a girl pretty frequently when I first made him. It was only in-person encounters, since I didn’t share any of my work online back then, but yeah, if I’d be working on drawings of him in school, it was pretty common to get a comment like “oh, she’s cute” and I would just respond “thanks, but he’s a boy.” Usually the response to that would just be “oh ok” or sometimes “wait, what??” but that was about it. ^^; 

I don’t think it’s happened in a long time though, since I don’t draw in public settings like that anymore, and I suppose I don’t use him much in forum games or whatever around here. XD Syke looks a little pretty, sure, but he honestly doesn’t act particularly feminine. His voice is pretty high pitched and he acts kind of silly, but that’s mostly because he’s young. I have written a few instances in some side stories of people occasionally thinking he’s a little girl from afar or whatever just as a reference to those handful of times from school though. ^^;

Grimarye Rainbow000Pegasus

I posted Arielle here before but now here's Grim!
I, even as his creator, never pronounce his name properly in conversations.
It's too hard. I can't French-
No one else pronounces it right anyway, so-

IC only Arielle knows his name, and they were the one who named the soul-