⚔️ Adventure Listing

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 months, 23 days ago) by HannahBug

Adventures are a series of prompts designed to give a keke more to do and might even help with
some character development! Of course, they also give completion rewards for your time and effort

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Snakekeys must be a minimum of young to start adventuring!
🌱 Adventure art must be fully finished, meaning it must be at least fully colored, clean lined or lineless, with a background. Keke can be anywhere between a headshot and a fullbody. Shading is optional
🌱 Adventure backgrounds must have some effort put in. They cannot be just color blobs, ex a green blob for grass and a blue blob for the sky! (Art style and level will be taken into consideration)
🌱 Adventures can be written for instead of drawn. Each prompt for each adventure will have a different minimum word count
🌱 An adventure's prompts must be done in order
🌱 Multiple adventure prompts can be done in one deviation, but they must appear separate
🌱 Submit completed works to the Adventurers folder
🌱 You can have multiple adventures running at a time if you wish. They're not timed or anything, so you can start and finish them at your own pace
🌱 Adventures are intended for one keke at a time. You can bring along other keke, but you'll still only get 1 set of rewards upon completion!
🌱 Adventures can be completed more than once to get the prizes repeatedly. You can even use the same keke for them twice or more
🌱 Adventures don't expire! If you see one on the list below, you'll always be able to complete it

🌿 Available Adventures 🌿

🌷 Vague: These are written more loosely and can go (mostly) anywhere in the world

🍂 A Blink Away: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 Striker Spacers
🍂 A Curse: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 use of spine spikes, skeletal winglets, protruding skull, outside ribs, or skeletal
🍂 A Good Home: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 not-quite egg (demi MYO)
🍂 Baby's First Infiltration. 5 prompts. Reward: 1 flawless egg 🛹 Fast pass: Complete 3 times to unlock Letter from a Friend
🍂 Beneath the Water: 6 prompts. Reward: 1 alluring infant (Gribbon)
🍂 Budding Magician: 5 prompts. Reward: 1 pointy puppy (Quillrend)
🍂 Cast Asunder: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 cocooned nit (Yern Shenbie), soapy nit (Merbie) or downy nit (Riptee Shenbie)
🍂 Cowpokes: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 use of sun monster scales, feathered mane, or stompy paws
🍂 Do Not Eat: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 disguised egg (Furnan)
🍂 Forgot Something?: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 stripe egg (Looksee)
🍂 Glitterwoods: 3 prompts. Rewards: 1 curious footpath (Gamma MYO)
🍂 Guidance: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 banded egg (Exoskeletal)
🍂 Just Your Average Interaction: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 half-finished egg (any mixed keke)
🍂 Left Behind: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 lifeless egg (Stilled)
🍂 Lost It: 3 prompts. Reward: +20 paper stars
🍂 Only You: 4 prompts. Reward: +30 paper stars
🍂 Really Cool Backpack. 3 prompts. Reward: 1 tote egg (Bouncer) or 20 paper stars
🍂 Rescue Mission: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 herbal or smokey Sample Snap pet
🍂 Return trip: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 well-written manual or 1 swoop egg (Arboreal) depending on path taken
🍂 Saturday: 3 prompts. Reward: +20 paper stars  
🍂 Sugary Breakfast: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 Sugar Baby pet
🍂 Sunken Treasures. 4 prompts. Reward: 1 spoiler egg (Slugger) or +30 paper stars
🍂 The Nests: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 fossil egg (Pterrur)
🍂 Vaguely Familiar...: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 baby in a basket
🍂 Wistul Wonderland: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 terrestrial puppy (Giant Wistul), crowned puppy (Frilled Wistul), or stubby puppy (Tadpole Wistul) depending on path taken or +10 paper stars

🌻 Specific: These are written for certain towns, areas, etc...

🌾 Friends on the Outside: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 seasonal infant
🌾 Live Experimentation: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 use of pumpkin head, vine tail tip, leafy wins, or blooming antenna 🎀 Residency bonus: Uptree
🌾 Radical. 2 prompts. Reward: One watchful egg
🌾 Unspoken Contest: 3 prompts. Reward: One poof egg, one rumbling egg, or +20 paper stars depending on path taken

🌹 Locked: These are written for specific scenarios and require certain things to unlock

🏵️ A Constant Struggle. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of vine tail tip or stompy paws 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Bird with a Broken Wing: 4 prompts Reward: +8 faction and one use of Ilinook pears or beakspot 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ C'mere: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of Snap headpiece or blooming antenna 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Less Than Ideal. 2 prompts. Reward: +4 faction and one use of neck pouch 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Letter from a Friend. 2 prompts. Reward: 1 flawless egg or +10 paper stars 🔓 Must complete Baby's First Infiltration 3 separate times to unlock
🏵️ Lost and Found. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one Vyis pet 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ One Small Step for Noodle...: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of wool or bar pupils 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Relocation. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one pointy puppy (Quillrend) 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Silk Over Your Eyes: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of shoulder horns or Bubblebee wings 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ The Unthinkable. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one Warped Frogdog pet 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Tiny Stowaway. 4 prompts. Reward: +8 faction and one use of Springhop antenna or candy floss 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee


🕸️ Silk Over Your Eyes 🕸️
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be newcomers or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: While hanging around the farm, you heard a sad groaning coming from somewhere nearby. Turning to investigate, you find an upset looking Black Hole Doe. A small flock of Bubblebees flutter around it, decorating the unwilling creature with many a strand of silk. The doe appears oblivious to the fact that it could move and be free of this situation...
🌸 Wire 300 words/draw your kekin reacting to the doe. Are they going to help?

🌿 Step 2: Halfway through doing whatever you decided to do, some of the other does contained in the farm's fencing realized what was going on. Or...sort of. They know something's up because they've decided to frantically run around, making all sorts of noise. This does not help the silk-covered doe. If anything, it makes it worse. The Bubblebees, however, decide it's time they flew back to the safety of the barn's loft. The movement startles the already riled animals and they flee in the opposite direction, forming some kind of stampede...disaster...thing
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin trying to contain the situation

🌿 Step 3: Before the does can be calmed, a few of them escape the bounds of the fence, whether they mistakenly topple over or actually jumped on purpose. Now, they clumsily gallop off towards Bumpytown's streets, disturbing Snakekeys who were minding their own business. As you are the one out in the yard with all the other animals, a few of them cast glances at you like this is your job to fix... Please get on that, asap....
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin tracking down the escaped does

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one use of one of the upgrades below
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🌷 1 > Bubblebee wings: Wings that are leathery on the inside, fuzzy on the outside. Have a tattered-looking edge. May be any color. Are not large enough to enable gliding or flight
🌷 2 > Shoulder horns: Ram-like horns  protruding from the shoulder blades. Good luck lying down with these...  May be any color and size, but must only be one set


💥 Less Than Ideal 💥
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be newcomers or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: There are a few Blizzards that tend to enjoy hanging around the farm. They like the attention, so it's a good opportunity to try and properly socialize them. There's one, though, that isn't a very polite guest... It shows up with the others, but doesn't look like it wants to be here. It'll do threatening displays if Snakekeys get too close and is generally kind of a downer
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin interacting with the Blizzards or trying to get the rude one to warm up to them

🌿 Step 2: You'd been bothering the irritable Blizzard for almost a week and you thought you were making progress. It'd hesitate when it saw you and it almost dared to approach when it thought you might have treats. Today seemed like it'd be more of the same skittish temperament... until the lizard ran up to you and bit you...! After chomping down, it retreated off the farm and disappeared into the park. Well then...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin being bitten or reacting to being bitten

Reward: +4 Haveners faction and one use of neck pouch
After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!

🍃 Neck pouch: An inflatable pouch on the front side of the neck like a Blizzard's. When puffed up, it typically shows vibrant coloration. Can be bumpy or smooth


🐈 Lost and Found 🐈
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be trainees or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

Vyis.png🌿 Step 1: About a week or two ago, the guild found some Vyis heiresses (aka babies) nestled between the roots of a tree. After watching for a parent to return for some time with no luck, they took the young to a safer location: the farm. The little guys have since perked up and become good test subjects for some training methods. They seem to be grasping the concept of getting treats for doing tricks very well!
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin interacting with the Vyis babies

🌿 Step 2:  While you're trying to keep the gaggle of babies busy, a scout wanders by and stops to watch, their arms resting on the fence that rings the area. After a minute or two, they call over to you nonchalantly say, "Found a Vyis to the west recently. Looks like a tree fell on it. Thought it was dead, but it wasn't there today" After a few moments more, they meander off, supposedly to turn in their report where they're actually supposed  to

Obviously, you're kind of obligated to check this out. It could be the heiresses' parent, after all! You wave over another guild member who doesn't seem to be too busy and dump the babies on them, slithering off before they have a good chance to object. If you're lucky, the scout could have just come from this fallen tree and there could be a trail for you to follow. If not, well...you suppose you might be looking around for a while...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin following a trail or looking for a trail to follow to find the Vyis

🌿 Step 3: Some time later, you come across a young Sia tree toppled on its side, having brought down a few other saplings with it. The whole thing forms a tangled mess of wood. There's a small hollow underneath a few limbs that has some freshly clawed up dirt clumped around it, leaving evidence of a struggle behind. Muddy paw prints are smudged all over the area, making it difficult to tell where the trapped creature could have gone once it was free. Before you have a chance to look into it too much, a spark catches your eye. There's a dim glow coming from beneath the fallen trees. You peer through the sticks and, sure enough, a wounded Vyis crouches beneath the shelter of the downed branches. Hurt and spooked, it hisses at you, but makes no additional hostile moves. It'd be ideal if you could get the animal to come to the farm where it could get some help, but it clearly doesn't trust you...
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin trying to gain the Vyis' trust

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one Vyis pet
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🚸 Relocation 🚸
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be trainees or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: While you're busy doing guild work, you're surprised by a large Quillrend coming up behind you. She politely huffs to try and get your attention without scaring you with variable success. She has a concerned look on her face and jerks her head to the side, motioning for you to come with her
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin reacting to the Quill

🌿 Step 2: If you don't listen to her fast enough, the Quill gently reaches forward to tug on you before letting go and prancing off a ways. Since this looks urgent, you figure you'd better save your work for later and see what's bothering her. She leads you off into the woods and, eventually, towards a slight hill in the ground. A fairly large rock has tumbled down to the hill's base, which she quickly goes over to and paws at.  There doesn't seem to be anything beneath it, so you're not sure why she's so upset...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin going with the Quill or helping her lift the stone

🌿 Step 3: The rock's just big enough that the canine can't lift it herself, but the two of you manage to move it fairly easily. Once it's out of the way, you realize it had corked up a den dug out of the hill, which is absolutely full with puppies, Quillrend and otherwise. The Quill the led you here happily rushes forwards to nuzzle the bundles of squeaking babies. After she greets them all, she scoops up a few, some of which she plops in your arms. Initially, you're a bit worried that she wants you to adopt the whole of them, but she wanders away from the burrow with a collection of pups herself. Following her results in the two of  you making a trip to the nursery, where she now likely feels they'll be safer
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin reacting to the den of puppies or helping carry the babies to the nursery

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one pointy puppy
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🍧 Tiny Stowaway 🍧
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be trainees or higher in the Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: You're awoken from sleep by a peculiar chewing sensation on your ear. You reach up a paw to groggily investigate only to find something alarming: a warm body! You yelp in surprise and tear the little thing off your head, stopping when you can see the creature you've retrieved. A Sample Snap lies in your paw, looking pretty happy with its situation. The tiny thing must have latched onto you when you were at work in the guild...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin awakening to the Snap

🌿 Step 2: You'd best get the little guy back to where it belongs. You set the Snap aside and start to get ready to disembark for the day, but by the time you've turned back around, the thing has skittered off with surprising speed! You look around a little nervously, concerned about accidentally squishing the animal beneath your treads if you go looking for it. However, it seems there's no need for your worry. You hear a small rattling and glance towards it to see the Snap clambering through some of your personal affects, perhaps looking for breakfast
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin trying to get ready while the Snap parades through their house

🌿 Step 3: You finish getting ready while keeping an eye on the perusing creature. When you're done, you collect the little guy and head out into Bumpytown. The Snap reaches for the doorframe as you go, as if it doesn't want to leave. Its arms are comically miles away from reaching its target. You wonder if you should find it a snack before heading all the way down to the farm... Snaps eat scents, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find, say, a flower or something
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin finding breakfast for the Snap

🌿 Step 4: On your quest to sate your little stowaway, you happen across a sign. On it is something familiar: a picture of the Snap! It looks like someone owns this one and it's gotten lost. No wonder it seemed so friendly! You'd best have a look around for the owner to see if you can return their small friend to them
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin seeking or finding the Snap's owner

Reward: +8 Haveners faction and one use of one of the upgrades below
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🌷 1 > Springhop antenna: Wide, paddle-like antenna that are a sort of elongated heart shape. May be any color and size, but shouldn't be much longer than shown unless upgraded otherwise (~1' tops)
🍃 2 > Candy floss: The mane looks to be made out of...cotton candy...? Can also be applied to other fluff edits if any are on the keke. Shown here includes affected head fluff


🍊 A Constant Struggle 🍊
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be trainees or higher in the Haveners guild to continue ⭕
This adventure also mentions using cheek pouch abilities and isn't suitable for PCs

🌿 Step 1: You're working on socializing a batch of kittens when the call comes in. You hear a yelp and turn to see and out-of-breath scout slithering towards the farm's outermost fence. They have that look of hopeless distress on their face that you've come to quickly recognize. You tuck the kittens away somewhere safe and hurry towards the scout with a couple of other higher-level-than-newbie guild members. Seeing you coming, they turn around and point, but you don't need to direction. You're going to the slumberfruit orchard
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin rushing into action!

🌿 Step 2: Bumpytown has a slumber fruit orchard. Slumber fruit is infamously a favorite food of the Snoreosaur. As such, Bumpytown is constantly fending the things off. Technically, it's the Guardian's job to deal with them, but, with their newfound recognition, the Haveners have started getting contacted about "attacks" as well. Now, you approach the field of little trees and can see the lumbering silhouette of the hungry dinosaur. She's trying to take bites out of the foliage, but Guardians and scouts are throwing blunt weapons at her to fend her off. It's only kind of working. Let's see if you can't sort this out...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin arriving at the scene of the crime

🌿 Step 3: Focusing, you reach out with your mind and search for the Snoreosaurs, your cheek pouches lighting up instantly with castoff. The further you are, the more difficult it is to reach, but you manage to find what you're looking for, lingering high in the air. Dang, these things are tall... Trying to keep your inner-voice clear and calm, you ask the Snoreosaur politely to leave. Instead of responding in understandable terms, she chooses to erupt into a dinosaurian screech that makes your ears ring and your head spin. You try again. Slower this time....
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin trying to talk this out with the Snoreosaur

Eventually, the persuasion of the guild members and the assault from the Guardians is enough to make the Snoreosaur turn and leave, though not without a bundle of branches in her mouth. Ah well, you got her out of there before she did any extensive damage. No trees were killed today. Time to go celebrate the not unsignificant victory... and get back to those kittens!

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one use of one of the upgrades below
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!

🍃 1 > Vine tail tip: A curly extension of the tail that looks like a vine. Can sprout leaves, buds, or flowers, but can also appear plain
🍃 2 > Stompy paws: Change the paws into elephant-like clompers: a larger base with three rounded toes/nails. Main paw pad can not be removed


🥩 The Unthinkable 🥩
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be trainees or higher in the Haveners guild to continue ⭕

Bigfoot-Minor-and-Warped-Frogdog.png🌿 Step 1The guild got word of a stranded, wounded animal outside of town. You've been sent on a mission to look into it, a kit of first aid supplies in paw. You're not totally sure what you're looking for other than it being "small" and "sad", as described by the witness. This does not make things easy on you... Along with that, you feel like you're running out of forest before you get too close to Uptree territory...!

Just when you're starting to think you should turn back and regroup, you see signs of a struggle. Following a trail of trodden grass, you see it. A Warped Frogdog lies on the ground, looking battered and bloodied. It breathes shallowly, facing away from you
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin tracking down the Frogdog or finding it

🌿 Step 2: Both relieved you've found your target and alarmed at the state of it, you rush towards the downed animal. It moves its head vaguely towards the sound and emits a pathetic noise, but doesn't move. You quickly get to work on rifling through your first aid kit for the most helpful materials when you pause. There's something... strange. The woods have gone quiet and you think... You think you feel watched... Your spine prickling, you turn slowly to see a Veianrora not far off, hunkered between the trunks. Its eyes are trained on you and it slowly creeps forward. You are in massive trouble.
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin being stalked by the Veianrora

🌿 Step 3: Before the predator pounces on the two of you, you frantically spot an abnormal patch of darkness in a nearby hillside. It's small and it might be a rock, not a hole, but it's your only chance. You scoop up the Frogdog, abandon your kit, and dive for the shadow. Thankfully, it is a burrow of some kind. You go shooting inside with the Veianrora on your tail, snapping and slashing at the air. You curl deeper into the hole as it pauses to sniff at the entrance. You hope it goes away soon... You glance down at the Frogdog, appreciative at its lack of struggle, and give it a quick evaluation. You think it's going to be okay, if not... quite confused as to what's going on
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin being forced into the burrow or fleeing the Veianrora

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one Warped Frogdog pet
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🧺 Vaguely Familiar... 🧺

🌿 Step 1: You're in the shady neck of the woods. It wasn't supposed to be long - just a quick shortcut is all - but you're already regretting your choice. You keep hearing strange noises... Predatory noises. Sure, this is a fishy area to slither through, but this much activity seems... abnormal...
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin traversing a shady area, surrounded my mysterious sounds. Are they confident or trying to hide?

🌿 Step 2The noises are ominous, but you've started to think you might actually make it through unscathed. That is, until the bushes nearby start rustling. Something is coming and fast...! You glance around frantically for a place to hide, but it's too late...!

A black Superior young bursts from the undergrowth and lets out a cry of alarm, seemingly as surprised to see you as you are to see xir. After realizing you're not a predator yourself, xe lets out a heavy huff of air and thumps a paw to xir chest in relief. Or rather... thumps a stump to xir chest. Xir paw seems to be missing.

"You scared the living daylights out of me, you did!" Xe exclaims breathlessly, but not in bad humor. "You know what? You are in exactly the right place at the right time." Xe shifts xir weight. You realize xe has a basket tucked under one cloaked arm, the contents covered with a blanket. You think you see movement below...? But the keke shifts again and it's impossible to tell. "Would you like this here basket? Free to a good home!" Xe grins at you widely, but the smile falters as a distant screech echoes through the forest. Something else is coming. Quickly.

"Make up your mind right quick, eh?"
🌸 Write 350 words/draw your kekin encountering the strange Soup. Do they take the basket?

Reward: One baby in a basket
After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🎇 Glitterwoods 🎇

🌿 Step 1: It's night. You're out for a short stroll in the cool air. It's peaceful and, thus far, you've been pleasantly enjoying yourself. The insects are singing, the stars are twinkling, and everything is right with the world
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin out for a nighttime slither

🌿 Step 2You're just starting to think that this is a good halfway point for your wind when something catches your eye. It's small and you only see it for a brief second. You have to lean back the way you came to get a proper look. There seems to be... a pile of dust on the ground...? It twinkles with magical light, glowing of its own accord. You slither towards it, curious. As you do, you realize there's more of the stuff. It forms a sparse trail that leads away from home. It goes over a bend, so you can't quite see where it ends up. Who could have left this here and why...?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin investigating or following the strange trail of glowing dust

🌿 Step 3Intrigued, you follow the trail of glitter. It leads you over a few slight rises, a bit further from home than you were planning on going. You sort of wonder if you should turn around... Before you can really consider the thought enough to act on it, the dust comes to a stop up ahead of you. It forms a small circle in the dirt. The light of the dust hides it for a moment, but you realize there's a tiny figure within the loop when it shifts slightly. You can't see it well at all, but its eyes illuminate when it turns to look at you. It looks like... a baby? What's it doing out here by itself...?
🌸 Write 350 words/draw your kekin encountering an infant gamma

Reward: One curious footpath (gamma MYO item)
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🍀 A Good Home 🍀

🌿 Step 1You've received a letter. Okay, well... not really. You found a note posted up in town. Its message was strange, so you found yourself taking it home to ponder. It's drawn with beautiful, elegant strokes in a deep black ink that sparkles if you hold it up to the light just right. It reads: Looking for a good home. If interested, please arrive at the pond by midnight.
🌸 Write 350 words/draw your kekin reading, finding, or pondering the peculiar note

🌿 Step 2You're not exactly sure what pond the message is referring to... There's more than one answer as to what it could be. But still... you have a guess. And your curiosity burns bright. A good home? A good home for what? ...You suppose there's only one way to find out.

Come moonrise, you find yourself winding towards the pond you're pretty sure the note is referring to. You wonder if you're wrong... What will you do if you're right...?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin traveling to or waiting at the pond come night

🌿 Step 3You're early. You wait around impatiently for the note-writer to appear. You fidget a little. Are you at the wrong place...? Just as your doubts are growing to an undeniable size, you hear someone coming. You jerk your head towards the sound, perhaps a little too aggressively. At first, you don't see anything at all. Then, you realize that you're looking at a figure, they're just black on black. A young Soup in a cloak is coming towards you. Xe raises a paw in greeting and you realize xe has no paw - xir arm ends at the wrist.

In a few heartbeats, xe's drawn near enough to speak. "'Ello," xe says pleasantly, albeit with a salesman-like quirk to xir voice. "Glad to see someone 'ere. Been trying for three nights, I have!" Xe shuffles and you realize xe's pulling something from a bag beneath xir cloak. It's pale in the moonlight and strangely warped, but... you're pretty sure it's an egg. A Snakekey egg, mostlike, judging by the size. "Can I interest you in this? No charge for the first-timer." Xe grins and you think you see xir teeth gleam in the low light. You hesitate. The Superior cocks an ear and spares a glance behind xirself. "Yes or no, if you please. I don't have awful long."
🌸 Write 350 words/draw your kekin encountering the peculiar Superior. Do they take the egg?

Reward: One not-quite egg (demi MYO item)
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!