⚔️ Adventure Listing

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago (Edited 5 months, 23 days ago) by HannahBug

Adventures are a series of prompts designed to give a keke more to do and might even help with
some character development! Of course, they also give completion rewards for your time and effort

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Snakekeys must be a minimum of young to start adventuring!
🌱 Adventure art must be fully finished, meaning it must be at least fully colored, clean lined or lineless, with a background. Keke can be anywhere between a headshot and a fullbody. Shading is optional
🌱 Adventure backgrounds must have some effort put in. They cannot be just color blobs, ex a green blob for grass and a blue blob for the sky! (Art style and level will be taken into consideration)
🌱 Adventures can be written for instead of drawn. Each prompt for each adventure will have a different minimum word count
🌱 An adventure's prompts must be done in order
🌱 Multiple adventure prompts can be done in one deviation, but they must appear separate
🌱 Submit completed works to the Adventurers folder
🌱 You can have multiple adventures running at a time if you wish. They're not timed or anything, so you can start and finish them at your own pace
🌱 Adventures are intended for one keke at a time. You can bring along other keke, but you'll still only get 1 set of rewards upon completion!
🌱 Adventures can be completed more than once to get the prizes repeatedly. You can even use the same keke for them twice or more
🌱 Adventures don't expire! If you see one on the list below, you'll always be able to complete it

🌿 Available Adventures 🌿

🌷 Vague: These are written more loosely and can go (mostly) anywhere in the world

🍂 A Blink Away: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 Striker Spacers
🍂 A Curse: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 use of spine spikes, skeletal winglets, protruding skull, outside ribs, or skeletal
🍂 A Good Home: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 not-quite egg (demi MYO)
🍂 Baby's First Infiltration. 5 prompts. Reward: 1 flawless egg 🛹 Fast pass: Complete 3 times to unlock Letter from a Friend
🍂 Beneath the Water: 6 prompts. Reward: 1 alluring infant (Gribbon)
🍂 Budding Magician: 5 prompts. Reward: 1 pointy puppy (Quillrend)
🍂 Cast Asunder: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 cocooned nit (Yern Shenbie), soapy nit (Merbie) or downy nit (Riptee Shenbie)
🍂 Cowpokes: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 use of sun monster scales, feathered mane, or stompy paws
🍂 Do Not Eat: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 disguised egg (Furnan)
🍂 Forgot Something?: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 stripe egg (Looksee)
🍂 Glitterwoods: 3 prompts. Rewards: 1 curious footpath (Gamma MYO)
🍂 Guidance: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 banded egg (Exoskeletal)
🍂 Just Your Average Interaction: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 half-finished egg (any mixed keke)
🍂 Left Behind: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 lifeless egg (Stilled)
🍂 Lost It: 3 prompts. Reward: +20 paper stars
🍂 Only You: 4 prompts. Reward: +30 paper stars
🍂 Really Cool Backpack. 3 prompts. Reward: 1 tote egg (Bouncer) or 20 paper stars
🍂 Rescue Mission: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 herbal or smokey Sample Snap pet
🍂 Return trip: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 well-written manual or 1 swoop egg (Arboreal) depending on path taken
🍂 Saturday: 3 prompts. Reward: +20 paper stars  
🍂 Sugary Breakfast: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 Sugar Baby pet
🍂 Sunken Treasures. 4 prompts. Reward: 1 spoiler egg (Slugger) or +30 paper stars
🍂 The Nests: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 fossil egg (Pterrur)
🍂 Vaguely Familiar...: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 baby in a basket
🍂 Wistul Wonderland: 2 prompts. Reward: 1 terrestrial puppy (Giant Wistul), crowned puppy (Frilled Wistul), or stubby puppy (Tadpole Wistul) depending on path taken or +10 paper stars

🌻 Specific: These are written for certain towns, areas, etc...

🌾 Friends on the Outside: 4 prompts. Reward: 1 seasonal infant
🌾 Live Experimentation: 3 prompts. Reward: 1 use of pumpkin head, vine tail tip, leafy wins, or blooming antenna 🎀 Residency bonus: Uptree
🌾 Radical. 2 prompts. Reward: One watchful egg
🌾 Unspoken Contest: 3 prompts. Reward: One poof egg, one rumbling egg, or +20 paper stars depending on path taken

🌹 Locked: These are written for specific scenarios and require certain things to unlock

🏵️ A Constant Struggle. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of vine tail tip or stompy paws 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Bird with a Broken Wing: 4 prompts Reward: +8 faction and one use of Ilinook pears or beakspot 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ C'mere: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of Snap headpiece or blooming antenna 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Less Than Ideal. 2 prompts. Reward: +4 faction and one use of neck pouch 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Letter from a Friend. 2 prompts. Reward: 1 flawless egg or +10 paper stars 🔓 Must complete Baby's First Infiltration 3 separate times to unlock
🏵️ Lost and Found. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one Vyis pet 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ One Small Step for Noodle...: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of wool or bar pupils 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ Relocation. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one pointy puppy (Quillrend) 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Silk Over Your Eyes: 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one use of shoulder horns or Bubblebee wings 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners newcomer
🏵️ The Unthinkable. 3 prompts. Reward: +6 faction and one Warped Frogdog pet 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee
🏵️ Tiny Stowaway. 4 prompts. Reward: +8 faction and one use of Springhop antenna or candy floss 🔓 Must be at least a Haveners trainee


🍃 Rescue Mission 🍃

🌿 Step 1: While you were out enjoying the day (or not, it's your life), you heard a shout. Looking in the direction of the sound, you saw some guy wearing a hat looking like he was trying to flag you down. Whether you wanted to listen or not, he called over that some of his Sample Snaps had decided to be very rude to the wildlife! They chased a little critter [up a very large tree / down a deep tunnel] and he feels awful about it : (( Do you think you could go and see if it's okay?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC talking to/being flagged down by the bread guy or sizing up the [tree / tunnel]

🌿 Step 2: 
🌳 Tree path: The tree is huge, but has enough branches that you shouldn't have to depend on belly scales alone. You start up, but the main problem is...where is this "little critter" you're looking for...? The guy wasn't very specific and there are a lot of leaves up here. Whatever it is, it'd better not be green. Or brown. Or tree-colored
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke/PC searching through the tree for the animal

🏞️ Tunnel path: The tunnel is a bit cramped and quickly grows dark. As you go deeper, you can see less and less, but you feel the walls start to open up a bit. Suddenly, things feel a bit too open. Stopping and feeling in front of you, you realize there's a huge crack splitting the tunnel and a chasm yawns below you. Yikes!
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC finding a way around or just finding the chasm. Do they get unlucky and fall?

dd0am1v-e04d5cfd-2f8d-46a9-bdf5-5795e661🌿 Step 3: 
🌳 Tree path: Suddenly, you hear a nasty hiss. Swinging your head around, you see a single Grabbus latching onto some branches and trying to catch the figure of a tiny creature. A moment later, the smallish predator sees you and six stages of shock flick across its face. It's alone and you've totally got this covered. The fleeing critter, a small Sample Snap, hooks onto you for safety, as it's clear who the winner will be here
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC fending off the Grabbus. Do they give it a spook or just leave?

🏞️ Tunnel path: Wherever you end up in the tunnel, you hear a small scuffling sound. You can't quite see what caused it, but feel something small latch onto you. If you squint, you think you can see the outline of a frazzled looking Sample Snap. A tiny pair of eyes look up to you for help
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke/PC with the Sample Snap, either still in the tunnel or leaving it

Reward: One herbal or smokey Sample Snap pet (read the description of the image for creation rules)
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!
The path that you take does not dictate which reward you choose


🌲 Return Trip 🌲

🌿 Step 1: While strolling through the forest, you happened to notice a flash of color. Initially, you were worried you might be attacked while out on your own, but looking up revealed only an abnormally colored leaf high overhead. The thing seems too big for the tree it's in and shivers abnormally... You call out and the "leaf" starts. The pointy nose of a golden Arboreal hatchling peaks through the foliage. After a moment of silence, she squeaks down at you "...I'm stuck..."
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke/PC helping the Arboreal hatchling

🌿 Step 2: Once the little creature is down on the ground again, she clings to you and doesn't seem eager to let go. As it seems like the next order of business, you ask her where her parents are. Instead of replying, she only stares up at you with big, sad eyes. No matter your prompting, she won't say another work... Looks like you get to pick what happens next.
🌻 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC hunting around the area for her parents (See 3A)
🌷 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC taking her to the nearest nursery (See 3B)

🌻 Step 3A: The hatchling slithers up to sit on your shoulders as you pick back up on your stroll. You peek around trunks here and there, searching for an adult somewhere. You're not having any luck, but suddenly, the small keke peeps and tugs on one of your ears. This turns your head slightly and you only just catch sight of a wooden door placed in a nearby hill. The baby flops to the ground and slithers towards it, but stops to look up at you. Since it seems to be what she wants, you lead her up to the entrance and pull open the door. She squeals happily as you reveal an underground room full of various other odd-colored Aboreals. They all sort of leap at each other in greeting. Amidst the sea of shiny scales, the baby wades to a low shelf, picks something up, and then offers it to you with a grin on her face
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC taking the hatchling home

Reward: One well-written manual. This reward can only be claimed once a month per user!
After completing step 3A, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards! Note you can only chose one end reward
per adventure run-through. If you want end 3B's reward as well, you will have to do the adventure again

🌷 Step 3B: As you trek to the nearest settlement, the young Snakekey crawls on top of you and shortly after, falls asleep. By the time you arrive at a nursery, you've been forced to carry a dozing pile of scales, as she continued to slide off of you on the way. You inquire about where she belongs and the nursery workers thankfully know what to do with her. They scoop her from your arms and thank you for finding her. They can't offer much for your help, but they say you're always welcome to take your pick of their eggs that need homes
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC arriving at the nursery

Reward: One swoop egg
After completing step 3B, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards! Note you can only chose one end reward
per adventure run-through. If you want end 3A's reward as well, you will have to do the adventure again


📚 Saturday 📚

🌿 Step 1: Maybe you were sleeping in or taking a stroll through a park. Whatever the case, it was a pretty nice day and everything was right with the world. Exactly, that is, until you remembered you were supposed to show your face at school like ten minutes ago. Whether it was for a class or a meeting, you've better get yourself ever there before you're really behind!
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC hurrying to their local school building

🌿 Step 2: To your distress, the front doors seem to be locked. You could make some kind of racket to attract attention to yourself, but they're probably taking a test in there or something. Why else would the doors be locked? Crud, you didn't have a test, did you?! This building isn't gonna keep you out, you're smarter...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC attempting to get/sneak into the school

🌿 Step 3: Thanks to your noble effort, you're able to infiltrate the school. However, it's unusually quiet. After looking around in confusion for a moment, you encounter a lone keke who looks pretty startled to see you. After expressing your confusion, they mutter that it's the weekend. The school's closed...
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke/PC in the school or their reaction

Reward: +20 paper starsdelete.gif
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🥣 Sugary Breakfast 🥣

🌿 Step 1: For whatever reason, you're out in the wilderness. You may have taken a nap or something earlier, so you're not exactly sure what time it is. Morning? You're pretty sure it's morning. It's cold enough to be, anyways. It doesn't really matter. What is currently more important is that your stomach is so empty it's trying to eat itself. You need to get something in there posthaste
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC finding/preparing something to eat

dcehztg-458cc02d-5dc4-449b-8e8b-182bd698🌿 Step 2: Scrounging up what you can find in the surrounding area, you've made yourself a breakfast. "Breakfast"? Unless it really isn't morning. Either way, it's probably edible and that's what counts. Before you can get too excited, there's a flash of color and away goes your meal. After staring at where it once was in shock, you snap your gaze upwards to see a Sugar Baby running off with it!
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke and the Sugar Baby

Reward: One Sugar Baby pet (see the description of the image for creation rules)
After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🧗‍♂️ The Nests 🧗‍♂️

🌿 Step 1: Word's been going around about strange nests, abandoned, yet full of eggs. Apparently, scouts have watched for some sort of parent to return, but there's been no such luck. Of course, they could just be some dinosaur birds' eggs, but there's also the off-chance some Plumie lost their clutch. A few keke have been talking about checking it out, but you've decided to actually do it. Unfortunately, it's a ways off in a high up, rocky area. The trip might take a bit...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC traveling towards the location of a nest

🌿 Step 2: You've made good progress towards a nest. You can even see it in the distance if you stand just right. However, you've hit a bit of a road block. There are some animals hanging about the base of the cliffs and they don't seem too pleased with your presence. You're going to have to find a way past them...
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke/PC getting past the animals

🌿 Step 3: Problem now dealt with, you can focus on climbing up the rocky slopes - an easy task for those with enough belly scales. After a while, you reach the crag where the nest is perched. It's lined with freshly broken eggshells and a couple of tiny creatures still linger about. You can hardly get a good look at them before they see you and, alarmed, spread their wings and swoop off. Before you can get too disappointed about the trip being a waste of time, you notice that one of the eggs is still intact. It rocks back and forth softly every once and a while, but the creature inside seems to be a bit stuck. Maybe it needs some water...?
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke/PC with the egg

Reward: One fossil egg
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🧪 Live Experimentation 🧪
⚫ Location: Uptree, Tree House

🌿 Step 1: Upon attempting to leave your place of residence one morning, you come across a piece of paper. It's folded up neatly and has a very tiny paw print on it in red paint. Confused, you pick it up and unfold it to discover a note inside that reads "Testers wanted. Please inquire at Tree House, healers' room. Signed, Dr. Worm". There don't seem to be any more details like what kind of testing or if there's some sort of payment involved... You suppose it couldn't hurt to go check it out. You could always say 'no' when you get there
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC reading the note or heading off to Tree House

🌿 Step 2: You make your way though the cramped hall of Tree House until you reach a door with a plaque reading "Healers" in fancy letters. You push the door open into an equally cramped room stuffed to the brim with equipment, shelving, and materials. Wedged against the back wall, there is a desk and atop that desk there is a tiny Wyrm hatchling. It's Dr. Worm. He looks like he was jotting something down with a crayon, but squints up at you when you enter the room. Without a word, he points to a vial on the desk full of brightly colored liquid that bubbles lightly. Uh...
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke/PC entering the room or deciding if they should drink the vial's contents

🌿 Step 3: Dr. Worm continues staring and pointing, looking at you with narrow, judging eyes until you pick up the vial. You open it up and, feeling peer-pressured, drink it. For a moment, nothing happens. Then, you get a pins-and-needles feeling in your belly scales. It gets progressively worse for a few seconds until it reaches a somewhat alarming level before suddenly stopping. The little Wyrm begins to furiously scribble on his paper. You peek and see that he's just drawing small flowers over and over... You turn to inspect yourself and see that something isn't quite the same
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC undergoing the transformation or seeing what upgrade they got afterwards

Reward: 1 of the following upgrades for one of your keke/PCs
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!
 Residency bonus: Residents of Uptree can claim 2 upgrades per run instead of 1 and may replace claimed upgrades with +20 paper starsdelete.gifeach


🍃 1 > Vine tail tip: A curly extension of the tail that looks like a vine. Can sprout leaves, buds, or flowers, but can also appear plain
🍃 2 > Pumpkin head: Part of or the entire head turns into a pumpkin shell. Must only be pumpkin colors. Can be carved, change shape with emotion, and/or glow from inside
🍃 3 > Leafy wings: You might be able to fly with these, but they're delicate, so be careful...! Can only be shapes and colors that leaves can be. One pair of wings or a butterfly set (shown above). May be placed anywhere on the back side of a keke (head, back, tail tip, etc)


🍃 1 > Blooming antenna: Antenna that match the length of the example. These form flowers up them, ending with a bud or bloom at the tips. Can be any type of flower. May optionally heighten scent, but no other senses


🛹 Radical 🛹
⚫ Location: Desert by Fliptide/Noope (or another desert area)

🌿 Step 1: While traveling through a sandy area, you catch something dark out of the corner of your eye. You don't think much of it initially, but when you glance towards it, you're startled to see a large eye staring back at you on what looks like a rock half-buried in the sand. Before you can get a good enough look to tell if it's actually an eye or just a marking, the thing suddenly starts to move! It tears off in a seemingly random direction, casting up a fountain of sand behind it
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC seeing or chasing the eye-rock

🌿 Step 2: Before you can process the situation enough to come up with a plan of action, the weird rock zooms around in loop-de-loops, nearly crashes into a shrub, and ramps off a sand dune. This sends it flying through the air, where you can then recognize it as an egg. Beneath it is a little burrowing creature who was probably holding onto it before, but is now flailing around wildly. It's bound to hit the ground just fine and dig away, but the egg may not have the same luck...!
🌸 Write 250 words/draw your keke watching the egg's sick tricks or trying to catch the egg before it hits the ground

Reward: One watchful egg
After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🐈Unspoken Contest 🐈
⚫ Location: Savanna area near Artisan City

🌿 Step 1: You're out and about, slithering amongst the tall, yellow grass that edges around the desert. Without a settlement in the vicinity, the area's usually pretty quiet, so when you hear an indignant squeak, you're at least a little startled. You whirl towards the sound so see something strange. Two pointy rocks jut up towards the sky and atop each one is a young Snakekey. They look similar, feline-like with scruffy manes, but not quite the same. Both of them glare down at you. Who do these kids think they are...?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke/PC encountering the Pantan and Leopurr youngs

🌿 Step 2: The moment you imply you're going to speak or move, the keke leap down from their rocks almost in unison. They land heavily on the ground, but spring right back up and start off in a different direction each. The Pantan heads to your left while the Leopurr marches right. Each only gives you one glance to ensure that they don't look like they're sucking up to you or anything. Do...they want you to follow them? You can only pick one and you'd better pick fast, as they aren't waiting up for you
🦁 Write 300 words/draw you keke/PC following the Pantan (See 3A)
🐱 Write 300 words/draw your keke following the Leopurr (See 3B)
🚶‍♂️ Write 300 words/draw your keke choosing not to follow these weird kids (See 3C)

🦁 Step 3A: You decide to chase after the little Pantan. Their ears flick backwards to confirm that they were the winner of this unspoken contest and you see them do a small fist-pump nearly hidden behind their torso. Otherwise, they do not address you. You're led somewhere unfamiliar. The keke in front of you suddenly puts on a burst of speed, zooming towards a scraggly tree. They pull a puffball from beneath the roots and you realize after a moment that it's an egg. The Pann strokes the object's fluff for a moment, looking a little sad, before shaking off the un-tough emotion and slithering back to you. They hold out their arms, extending the egg towards you, and let out a raspy whisper saying "Take them somewhere nice."
🌸 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC being led off by the Pantan or receiving the egg

Reward: One poof egg
After completing step 3A, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards! Note you can only chose one end reward
per adventure run-through. If you want end 3C's reward as well, you will have to do the adventure again

🐱 Step 3B:
You decide to follow the Leopurr. You catch them angling their head to get the slightest glance at you before they face forwards again. You think you see them heave a little sigh, but you can't be sure. Otherwise, they do not address you. They lead you nearer to the mountains, though the two of you remain in the savanna. After a while, the Leo speeds up, taking a strange and winding path around some...bones...? The pale white shapes litter the ground, but you don't have too much time to think about them as the young keke retrieves an egg from its place hidden in the grass. They swifty approach you, holding out their arms and offering the egg to you. In a forced-tough sort of voice they say "They need some parents."
🌸 Draw/write 300 words about your keke/PC being led off by the Leopurr or receiving the egg

Reward: One rumbling egg
After completing step 3B, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards! Note you can only chose one end reward
per adventure run-through. If you want end 3C's reward as well, you will have to do the adventure again

🚶‍♂️ Step 3C: You weren't raised to just follow strangers off into nowhere land. Marking this down as a bad and/or stupid idea, you ignore (or lose) the two kids and continue on with what you were doing before you encountered them. Soon enough, the sound of them slithering about the dry grass fades into the distance and you get the feeling that you're alone again. As you couldn't see it beneath the foliage, you almost stumble into a small ditch. After regaining your bearings, you realize that someone seems to have lost some paper stars here
🌸 Write 300 words/draw you keke/PC ditching the kids or discovering the stars

Reward: +20 paper starsdelete.gif
After completing step 3C, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards! Note you can only chose one end reward
per adventure run-through. If you want end 3A's reward as well, you will have to do the adventure again


🐦 Bird With a Broken Wing 🐦
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be newcomers or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: You were heading up to the farm, planning to do some animal training today, but you caught sight of something that made you pause. Coraline is off to the side, coiled in the grass at the base of a tall tree. Xe seems to be looking very closely at something, but you're not sure what that could be... Curious, you make your way over. The other Snakekey seems startled by your presence, but moves aside slightly, allowing you to see the form of a small Ilinook on the ground. The creature looks fine except for the fact that both its wings are twisted at odd angles and do not move...
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke/PC's reaction

🌿 Step 2: It's pretty obvious that the bird needs help. It isn't likely to survive on its own like this. However, when you go to scoop it into your paws it snaps at you with its sharp beak! Coraline shakes xyr head gravely, implying xe tried the same thing. You're sure there's some way to get the little guy inside without roughing it up any more than it already is...
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke/PC trying to move the Ilinook to the safety of the guild's office

🌿 Step 3: With a bit of work, you're able to transfer the animal from outside to inside. Embert sees you enter (since this is like...his office) and slithers up a desk to try and offer his assistance, allowing Coraline to quickly and quietly leave. The Ilinook needs a bit of medical help involving splints and bandages, but it also needs to not rip your paws to shreds while you fix it up
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke helping the Ilinook. What do they do to calm it down?

🌿 Step 4: Once its wings are set to heal, the bird can be moved to a small, soft nest where it will hopefully be as comfortable as it can be. It still seems pretty grumpy, but it at least has stopped snapping at you for the most part. Figuring it's had enough of you, you turn to leave it be, but a shrill beep makes you freeze. Confused, you look back to see the Ilinook glaring right at you. It beeps again, loud and with purpose. One of its tiny legs stretches over the edge of the nest and grabs at the air as it begins to squeak over and over again. Not sure what to do, you hesitantly reach towards it to try and push it back into the nest before it falls out. To your surprise, it lightly butts your paw with its head. It...likes you...??
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke petting or otherwise befriending the Ilinook 

Reward: +8 Haveners guild faction plus one use of one of the upgrades listed below
After completing step 4, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🌷 1 > Ilinook pearls: Three teardrop-shaped beads on the chest area like an Ilinook. They don't have to be two on top, one on bottom - arrangement can vary.  However, they should point inwards to a central point on the chest like an Ilinook's do! Pearls may be any color and size
🌷 2 > Beakspot: A circle of beak material going over the mouth, but probably not covering all of it. Maybe any color


🦎 Wistul Wonderland 🦎
⭕ Note that this adventure gives bonus rewards if completed by Wistul-type PCs ⭕

🌿 Step 1: You happen across a trail of carefully laid out stepping stones leading off into the distance. It seems like someone has put an awful lot of effort into making them look pretty and you can't help but feel a bit curious... Try as you might, you can't tell where they go without following them! The path leads you towards a rolling bundle of hills decorated with local flora and more stone trails deviating off into all directions. Regardless of which path you ultimately follow, you eventually come across an opening in the hills. If not for the guiding stones, you likely wouldn't have found it nestled beneath its covering of shrubbery. The dirt hollow seems to be made for smaller creatures, but it looks like more than a simple burrow. It gets dark quick, but you can see stairs descending into the earth...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your character finding, inspecting, or following the stepping stone path, exploring the hills, or finding the entrance

🌿 Step 2: The shadowy staircase soon opens into an expansive cavern (er...maybe not so expansive if you're tall). To your surprise, everything is furnished and polished - it's like a little kingdom down here! All around, Wistuls of types you both do and don't recognize tap around on the shiny floor, cheerily going about their business. They don't seem bothered by your presence... some even offer you a gift or a hello if you stand there too long!
  🍍 Glass castle: The main room of the cavern is covered in glass tiles and crystal lanterns. Against the back wall, there's what seems to be a beautiful castle shaped from naturally occurring crystals. Either side of the castle is winged by much smaller crystal huts and market stalls. There are all types of Wistuls all over who seem to be going in and out of whichever buildings they like 🎁 Rewards: 1 terrestrial puppy
  🍍 Tiny gardens: Down a side path, the ground changes from glass tiles to carefully placed stones. This new road leads you down a cozy tunnel with close-cropped grass and hedges against each wall. After a small slither, it opens up into a beautiful chamber where Wistuls seem to be gardening to their hearts' content! There are hedge mazes, tiny benches, bundles and bundles of flowers... even some mini trees and little statues 🎁 Rewards: 1 crowned puppy
  🍍 Marshland: You see some Wistuls coming out of a certain tunnel sopping wet. Intrigued, you pass them to see where they came from. Initially, the floor is made up of multi-colored concrete to sop up the excess water. Once you're out of a high traffic area, it falls away into tall, swaying reeds. You find yourself in a large, but low-ceilinged chamber that seems to contain a fully functioning swamp of impressive size...! All over, Wistuls lounge and enjoy playing in the murky water 🎁 Rewards: 1 stubby puppy
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your character exploring one of the places described above

Reward: Varies depending on the location you choose to explore! See items marked with present
 emojis (🎁) above. Note that any reward can be exchanged for +10 paper stars for any one of your
 keke/PCs. After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!

⭕ If any type of Wistul PC was used for this adventure, you can claim 2 rewards instead of 1!
The secondary reward does not have to be the same as your first reward


🌳 Friends on the Outside 🌳
⚫ Location: A breach in the Valley Effect or the Out Valley

🌿 Step 1: Scouting parties in the Out Valley have noticed that they're not alone lately... There's something in the undergrowth, getting especially close when darkness falls. It's smart, too. It doesn't make excess noise, it holds still when kekin try to pin down its location... This is cause for concern
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin looking for this unseen watcher or being spied upon by someone mysterious...!

🌿 Step 2: The scouts were mounting an effort to do... something about this eerie presence when something peculiar happened. When the sun came up, they found a small basket woven from grass. It contained some flowers, a few pieces of fruit and a note written in a strange, but not illegible dialect. The message claimed to come from "a friend" and offered to meet with the scouts in the following days at a nearby location. It could very well be a trap, but... how interesting...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekein discovering the basket, reading the note, or doing something about this strange discovery

🌿 Step 3: The nights before the meeting, the surrounding area was quiet. No one stalked through the bushes, but the silence put kekin ill at ease. A party was assembled to attend the meeting with backup hidden nearby in case of emergency. The group arrived at the directed location and nervously waited for something to happen...
🌸 Write 300 words/ draw your kekin joining either the emergency backup party or the meeting party

🌿 Step 4: After some minutes of tense silence, there was the sound of someone arriving - then another and another. A trio creatures emerged from the underbrush, looking a little uncertain themselves. They greeted the unfamiliar kekin in the same odd dialect as the note and came bearing more baskets of gifts. These contained somewhat more intricate items such as woven bracelets, books, and even articles of clothing. They didn't know where the kekin had appeared from all of the sudden, but they wanted to be friends, please!
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke reacting to the welcoming party

Reward: 1 seasonal infant
After completing step 4, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


💢 A Blink Away 💢

Striker_Spacer.png🌿 Step 1: You're outside enjoying the day when you notice something - and it's certainly already noticed you. A Striker Spacer stands a distance away, looking at you with its eyeless face. Upon attracting its attention, it chitters its teeth, sending a message you don't understand. You're quite lucky to spot one of these things on the ground...! Perhaps you could befriend it...?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke facing off with the Striker

🌿 Step 2: You make a subtle move towards the creature. It lashes its starkly colored tail and is off in a flash. At first, you're disappointed, but then you realize that the animal didn't leave as swiftly as it could have. No, it ran away very slowly for its kind, allowing you to see it disappear. Perhaps it wants you to follow it?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke seeing the Striker run off or chasing the animal

🌿 Step 3: Sure enough, after hurrying towards where you last saw the Striker, you're able to spot it again. It stands there... just waiting. Once it detects you round the bend, a grin forms across its narrow face. It shoots off again, but you're quick to be after it this time! The only thing is... you neglect to notice the hole in the ground between you and it. You tumble into a dark cave system. It's not a long fall, but it's going to be really difficult climbing back up by using belly scales on the wall... You'd do better to look for another way out
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke falling into the cave system or working their way out of it

🌿 Step 4After stumbling around for a while in the caves, you enter a large chamber. It's lit from above by a hole in the ceiling where light shines down elegantly into a small pool in the floor. The occasional drop of water falls into it, filling the cave with little plinking sounds. You begin to ponder this new opening, wondering if you could get out through it. Just as you're electing the ceiling is uncomfortably high and rounded, a face peeks in through the bright light. The Spacer you were chasing peers down at you, head tilted at an angle. Delicately, they slip in through the hole and float down towards the pool, their pointy legs stopping just before the water. What is this supposed to mean...?
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke in the big chamber or watching the Striker do its thing. What's going on?

Reward: 1 Striker Spacer
After completing step 4, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


💣 Cast Asunder 💣
⭕ Note that this adventure gives bonus rewards if completed by Shenbie-type PCs ⭕

🌿 Step 1: Fluffy is a vast, alien planet with green skies, floating cities, and fuzzy vegetation. While visiting the very verdant planet, slithering through the teddy bear grass, you encounter a peculiar series of trails. They appear to start as one, but then branch off in many, spiraling directions. It looks very strange cutting through the green as it does
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke visiting Fluffy or encountering the strange paths

🌿 Step 2: Before you can get anywhere, a colorful Shenbie spirals out of a nearby wooded area, arms laden with tiny nits. He looks quite overwhelmed. Before you can think to say anything, he notices you and starts to swim through the air towards you. "G'day, friend," He begins, rather out of breath, "got a bit of a dilemma. Some sort of magical explosion, y'see? It hit right next to a nursery, it did. Scattered the eggs from here to next week." He lifts his arms, gesturing to his burden. "Could really use the help roundin' 'em all back up, if you've got the time? Just follow one 'a these trails." He nods, like you've come to some sort of agreement despite you not providing any input. And, just like that, he's off
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke encountering the unfamiliar Shenbie

🌿 Step 3: You cast another glance at the winding paths, now wondering which one would be the best to take...
  🍍 Forested trail: Deciding there looked like there were plenty of nits that needed collecting the way the colorful Shenbie had come, you elect to take the path he left behind. To your surprise, the fuzzy forest closes in on you rather quickly, blocking out the view of the trailhead within only a few minutes. The path swerves around many trunks and you begin to get a little huffy with it, wondering why it wasn't made a little straighter (because the option is totally there, they just didn't do it). Before you can get too cross, you encounter an especially massive tree in the dead center of the slitherway. The path almost seems to... go up its thick, slanting trunk? You glance up, blocking the sun from your eyes with a paw, to see many colorful dots among the trees branches. What you initially think to be fruits or flowers is, upon second glance, actually nits...! They're suspended in the leaves haphazardly. You'd best get to collecting them quickly! 🎁 Rewards: 1 cocooned nit
  🍍 Soggy trail: You turn towards the west where the ground starts to look a bit damp. It's not wet due to how absorbent all the plants are, but you can tell as you go deeper that they're struggling to keep up with the water content. Eventually, it all pools together in a large, peaceful pond partly tucked away beneath the dappled shade of a small grove. Some bright, sparkling things float gently on the surface of the water, mixed in with the towel lilies. As you look closer, you realize that these are nits! They're floating in little bubble nests that almost blend in with the large lotus flowers. 🎁 Rewards: 1 soapy nit
  🍍 Dappled trail: You take a pathway dotted with shade from the soft leaves overhead. Beams of light shine through their fuzzy outline, making for a pretty and peaceful slither. You're starting to enjoy the scenery when you hear a small, thin noise. Angling your ears towards it, you think it sounds like... buzzing? It's not constant - it goes in and out. Curious, you briefly wonder if you should veer off the trail towards the sound, but there's no need. As if it senses your intentions, the road slowly curves in the direction of the buzzing. The forest gets a little bit darker and you start seeing hollows beneath the exposed roots of the trees. You stop in surprise when you see a flash of color in one of the tiny caves. It's a nit! It also looks to be the source of the sound as it intermittently buzzes in distress. 🎁 Rewards: 1 downy nit
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your keke taking one of the paths described above

Reward: Varies depending on the location you choose to explore! See items marked with present
 emojis (🎁) above. Note that any reward can be exchanged for +20 paper stars for any one of your
 keke/PCs. After completing step 2, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!

⭕ If any type of Shenbie PC was used for this adventure, you can claim 2 rewards instead of 1!
The secondary reward does not have to be the same as your first reward


💮 C'mere 💮
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be newcomers or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕
The Haveners' symbol

🌿 Step 1: Today you're going to work on something tough... you feel like a challenge! You're going to teach an animal a trick! You'd like to learn how to make animals come to you, as it seems like it'd be helpful. That in mind, you locate a small Sample Snap crawling around on the farm, scoop it up and take it to a nice, open patch of ground - the perfect place where you can see it and it can see you.  The creature is looking at you a bit weird, though, and doesn't seem to get what you're trying to do here... It was kind of busy crawling around aimlessly and is sort of tempted to leave and continue doing that despite what you request of it
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your character hunting down the snap or trying to teach it to come on command

🌿 Step 2: Regretfully, no matter how many times you pick the snap up and put it back down in the starting place, it turns to try and crawl off somewhere else. You make all sorts of motions and signals and calls, trying your best to persuade it to come closer towards you. It is simply not interested. Feeling somewhat defeated, you lean back and happen to brush against a small cluster of flowers. Suddenly, you see the leaving snap turn its head, seemingly attracted by the smell of the flora. Your spirits raise a small bit
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin trying to lure the snap closer with a scent it seems to like

🌿 Step 3: Deciding it's hungry, the little animal squirms towards your scented offering "on command". You allow it a small bit of what it wants, but then put it back in the starting position. The snap looks displeased. You repeat this process several times, not really getting to practice telling the animal what to do as it creeps forward before you can tell it to do anything. Eventually, though, it gets tired of this. Snaps only have so much energy, after all. It sits dejectedly in the starting position, staring at you somewhat forlornly. You give it one last go and command it to come. To your delight, it does! Excitedly, you reward the animal and try your luck once more. This time, it curls up and falls  asleep... Oh well...progress was still made!
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin during the training process or celebrating their success!

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one use of one of the upgrades below
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🍃 1 > Snap headpiece: A small bauble on either one side of or both sides of the head like a Sample Snap. Must correspond to an existing snap flavor. Can be any color
🍃 2 > Blooming antenna: Antenna that match the length of the example. These form flowers up them, ending with a bud or bloom at the tips. Can be any type of flower. May optionally heighten scent, but no other senses


🏇 One Small Step for Noodle... 🏇
⭕ This adventure is locked! Characters must be newcomers or higher in Haveners guild to continue ⭕

🌿 Step 1: A stray Whinoodle has been sighted wandering around the woods near Bumpytown. The guild members are excited about the discovery and have urged one another to attempt something pretty daring, but nobody has taken up the challenge yet. The challenge is to get on the creature's back and convince it to allow this... maybe even get it to walk around on command. Whinoodles are incredibly stubborn, though... It'd be an easier task to attempt with another creature, but you get what you get. And it happens to be a Whinoodle wandering around outside of town
🌸 Write 400 words/draw your kekin looking for the Whinoodle in the woods

🌿 Step 2: Thankfully, the creature isn't easily spooked when you find it. In fact, it doesn't seem to care about you slithering around at all, looking at you boredly. It might be wise to attempt to gain its favor before taking on the challenge of trying to hop on its back... Or maybe it'd be better to just jump on and get it over with...?
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your kekin preparing to ride the Whinoodle. What's their plan?

🌿 Step 3: Getting atop the creature is a bit of a challenge in itself. It doesn't feel natural and you're not quite sure where to put your weight...or the rest of your naga tail, for that matter. And that's not even taking the animal's reaction into consideration...
🌸 Write 300 words/draw your keke trying to ride the Whinoodle. Does it buck them off? Do they manage to steer it? Can they even...sit on it...?

Reward: +6 Haveners faction and one use of one of the upgrades below
After completing step 3, you will have finished this adventure and can collect the rewards!


🍃 1 > Wool: Dense, wavy wool that can go anywhere on the body in any amount. Length should not exceed four inches. The tips of the wool can be colored, but otherwise, this doesn't change colors!
🍃 2 > Bar pupils: Rectangular pupils like those of a goat. Can be a plain rectangle or have a circle on each end. May be any color, but both eyes must match unless upgraded otherwise