Most Likely To... [Game!]

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Blossomfall

Hi everyone! I've been playing this game with my friends, but I realized it can very easily be adapted for OC purposes, so here we are!  The idea is that you ask a question that begins with 'Most likely to..." to the person below you, and then they reply with one of their OCs and pose a question to the person below them and so on, like this:

Example of How to Play:
Person A: Most likely to listen to classical music?
Person B (as their oc): My OC ____!  They love to play on the violin, so I can see this happening.
Most likely to hoard cat memes on their computer?
Person C (as their oc): My OC ___ fits the bill!  They love kittens!
Most likely to... (etc.)

The length of your reasoning is entirely up to you!  Feel free to PM me should any concerns come up, and most importantly, have fun!  c:

Most likely to win a hot dog eating competition?

Vetitum Armis Lilina

Most definitely Vetitum, since he's a ghost, and glass has no effect on him. Also, he doesn't give a heck about glass.

Most likely to walk on snow without proper equipment (i.e. boots)?

 Cornelius colorful

Netto only wears the same gd suit all year round because temperature, especially low, doesn't affect him considering he's a living corpse. He can casually do everything normally at winter and he could even go out in winter as if he's on a beach at summer. In fact, winter is the time of the year he's mostly active!

Most likely to not give up on something they're so bad at?

Halia Huxley dogstarlite

Halia for sure. After all, being bad at something is just the first step to being good at it! And the more you try, the better the results are gonna be!

Most likely to lose their wallet?

Jessie AeroHail

Jessie! He's got anxiety so he'd probably be having a panic and forget it somewhere or not notice it drop out his pocket. He'd notice quite quickly though! He checks his pockets a bunch!

Most likely to know how to solve a rubiks cube?

Hong Yi circlejourney

A combo of being extremely good at remembering solving algorithms and watching too many YouTube videos in his spare time makes Hong Yi the most likely by far. Actually, I bet he actually does know how to solve a rubik's cube.

Most likely to spend a large amount of money on the spur of the moment?

Milkfather Milkman

He laughs out loud. 

"Money is never a problem with me, I could spend my paycheck on buying out the whole zoo and replacing all the animals with cows. Wouldn't that be fantastic?"


Most likely to drink soymilk and get strangled by me.

Smiley PicklePantry

"Soy milk is delicious. :) You should really start carrying it more often. :)"

Most likely to get excited for something others would find boring?

lumi nati lordsatin

"i guess i get over excited sometimes but everything is really cool!! like that one machine in the break room that makes bread hotter! and! then! it! jumps! out!"

who's the most likely to fall down the stairs

Lily/King Swissy

It doesnt know how to climb or go down a stair properly. :( help this clumsy spider pls

Most likely to go around childrens to tell them santa isn't real?

Raina Soul-Heart

Sadly, that's gotta be Raina. She's more logical than imaginative and probably more likely to unintentionally destroy kids dreams.

Most likely to get caught speeding?


(bump! wish I could answer but I have like 1 OC who drives...)

 *Shetra Ka'ris* Fokron

They may be driving a hovercraft or spaceship instead of a car, but boy golly they're sure gonna speed either way. Everyone hates when Shetra drives. 


Most likely to stay up all night reading instead of sleeping (or if 6hrs pass, most likely to stay up all night doing whatever lol)

Titanio circlejourney

Me Realistically, probably Tanio. I have a few bookworms but most of them are either too disciplined or keep to strict schedules. Tanio, however, is an adult who does whatever he wants, and one thing he definitely wants to do, from time to time, is stay up all night reading frivolously.

Most likely to attempt to take on a large predator with their bare hands?


He gonna die, He not that  smart,,,

Most likely to fall asleep at the movies

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Not really the movies.. But the opera he paid a shit ton of money to see it.. :) gosh darnit Ros

Most likely to eat an entire pizza by themselves (i respect them, and salute them)