What role would the above OC play in a video game?

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 5 years, 2 months ago) by Xhat

Just as the title says, this is a game where you take a look at the oc above your post and come up with the role they might play in a video game!

Here are a few things to remember while you're playing:

  • I shouldn't have to say this more than once, but please be respectful of one another.
  • Put some effort into what you're going to say. I'm sure that the other person will appreciate it!
  • If you're going to write something rather long, you may want to claim the post above you, just in case.
  • You can post once for every other three posts. If the thread hasn't moved in 24 hours, you may post before this.
  • NEW ** As of February 27th, please be sure to write more than one sentence. We want to see your imagination run!
  • NEW ** Also as of February 27th, make sure to give the character's profile a read - it helps in forming your assumption of their role! It also shows that you've thought about your answer, and everyone appreciates it. If there isn't anything to their profile and they merely have visuals, disregard this. :)

But how do I play?

  • Though this game might seem somewhat difficult, it's actually quite the opposite! 
  • All you have to do is look at the above oc and come up with their role in a video game.
  • Here are some questions you might want to ask yourself if you're stumped: "Are they a protagonist, antagonist, NPC, boss, party member, etc? What genre of video game might they belong in? Do they have any particular movesets? Do they serve a special purpose? Do they do something special in-game?"

Here's an example:

  • Person 1: What kind of video game character would characterA be?
  • Person 2: They look really buff and strong-willed, so they might be the protagonist! I could see them in some fantasy setting, like a noble knight trying to save a princess or something? They look like they could carry around really heavy weapons, and can pack a punch, so I'd say they're the heavy-hitter of the team.


Pendragon Xhat

I'll start us off! Since there's nobody above me, I'll do the character below me.

You run into Dann while trying to complete a mission. If you've gone down the wrong route, you might spring one of his traps, and your mission is delayed further. While watching you fumble about, he begins to laugh hysterically. After successfully escaping his traps a few times, you'll be able to approach him to buy some of his contraptions.

 Dann Foster IndecisiveAdvocate

((Gotta say first that I absolutely love this idea~))

Pendragon seems to be a character that would appear to be the main antagonist at first until about halfway through game when the real one shows up. I'd also say that he would probably end up being that one that joins the team only briefly to find out what is going on before going off on his own with his own plans in mind.

✞ Casey Trolluminati

A party member. Something like a magician or something

Alex Raneri Lonestarcelt

DPS. More so one that pulls aggro and has all the enemies chase after. 

Feng Wu Pahoehoe Bum_Bear

 Sporty love interest in a dating sims.


Eccentric hacker friend character in a variety of games that a hacker would be useful in. 

 ⚓ Blythe Pepperly

Might be the slight Quina vibes I'm getting from the design, but something akin to a Final Fantasy Blue Mage where they're able to mimic monster attacks and have them in their movepool. I could see them being a boosting-type party member too, like a Dancer/Bard but with tricks.


One of those merchant NPCs who sell you things, in his case, maps! He appears every few floors, as if by magic.

Rune CaRune Lemonburgers

Perhaps an optional boss you meet in a special zone! You can't really beat her (due the powerful electric magic) unless if you have a rare item to weaken her. She gives out a lot of EXP and the room before you go in before facing her brings a deeper lore to the story. 

 Cato de Vitis Whiona

Rune would definitely be a party member - more specifically a rogue! He knows he's fated to fight crime, and when the party comes along looking to usurp the Evil Dark Lord or whoever, he'd be eager to help them out. Maybe he has a companion quest where you learn a shocking secret about his family history.

Cato is one of my few OCs who isn't already in a game lmao

oo, I really like that! <3

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Confetti Geburtstag Mochagatari

Poidexter definitely looks like a party member, but he'd be a kind of party member that you take along for the entirety of your journey, and maybe you even get to play as him for certain parts of the story! He may seem silly but he's actually pretty essential!

Vardah Lasout Lonestarcelt

For some reason I'm getting a early level boss from either a side scroller or a bullet hell game.

 🦴: ouna ☆ (pending) PurpleAsters

That one NPC that you have to get slightly useless information from in the shops.

 Emily Dickinson Dolce

Abi strikes me as a well-intentioned NPC for a fantasy RPG that guides the player throughout the game - like the one you can go to when you're stuck and don't know how to progress in a main story - due to her tendency to help others! She'd probably know more than she lets on since she's a spirit. maybe the player would have to bribe her with candy before she gives any info to them