Opposite characters!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 months, 18 days ago) by Izzy hedgemaze

I thought this would be fun-- like the Similar OCs game, this is the opposite!

Look at the character above you, and post IC as a character who is their opposite! Maybe the character above is outgoing, and yours is shy; they're a tiny fairy and yours is a hulking brute; they're a succubus and yours is an angel; they love pineapple pizza and yours thinks it's an abomination-- have fun with whatever differences you can find!


  • It's fine to post characters who have no description (and let the person below compare only by appearance), but try to pick a character you think someone can find something to respond to.
  • It's ok to do comparisons like "Bob is male and Jenny is female" or "Spirit is a wolf and Craig is a human," but try to add in more comparisons than just those, if you can!
  • You can post as little as one simple comparison, but it's fun if you can think of several, or if you can think of something a little in-depth (comparing personalities or backstories, etc.)!
  • Let at least two people post before going again. Try to vary the OCs you post, if you can.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

I'll start with this guy. How is your OC unlike him?

Want to play more games about character similarities?

All my forum games and threads

Chesria Waltz

Doc is charming but rather unsettling and intimidating, whereas Chesria may as well be a fluffy ball of sunshine, and has never frightened anyone in his life!

ASTROBOT hedgemaze

Chesria is a small, frail, blind golem who is cheerful, friendly, and joking; he has a meister, he works with books, and his design is natural and warm in tone. 

ASTROBOT is a huge, powerful robot who takes himself too seriously and lasers anyone who ticks him off; he's also very independent, and serves no one; he works in sports, and his design is all metal and primary colors, mostly blue.

This user's account has been closed.
Prince Wormwood baensurgery

Matthew is shy, awkward, anxious, and intelligent, while Wormwood is outgoing, charismatic, overconfident, and (frankly) a total idiot. Their attitudes towards discomfort or their feelings are opposites as well: Matthew doesn't like to advocate for himself or open up, while Wormwood is intent on getting what he wants.

 Billy ShinyM36

I see Prince Wormwood Likes sweets , drawing and Garden . Billy Hates all these things . He would rather eat flowers then plant them , He draws like a toddler and Sweets YUCK

Shen Goldenqilin

Well, Billy dislikes sweet things, but Shen likes them (Fruits in particular). Billy has a stocky build while Shen is very slim. Also, Billy is rather young compared to Shen.

SiLk Marclyn

Shen is ancient and wise and speaks very little. SiLk is naive, young and a huge talker, quite the "chatty creature". Shen is all about the nature and organics. SiLk is about the tech and specs. Shen speaks of politics gives advice. SiLk ignores politics and rules and laughs at people's misfortune. Shen is reserved and SiLk is not ashamed to express his feelings very openly. Shen is powerful and almighty. SiLk is very weak. Shen is special, SiLk is just your regular run of the mill human. I think they share almost everything opposite! HAHA, the only thing similar is that their names starts with an "S".

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

SiLK is a good smooth talker who's funny and charismatic, while Sal has no charisma. SiLK is good with tech, a real-life hackerman, while Sal lives in a world, where electricity is just a thing. Also SiLK is a long noodle and Sal is a small macaroni

Soul CherryRoll

Sal has some sort of high intelligence, Soul, on the other hand, definitely does not hold any smarts (She's a big ol dum dum!). Sal is a lone wolf and lacks social skills, Soul absolutely LOVES socializing and will never ever shut up. Sal always thinks he's right, Soul is just so oblivious and curious that she would believe pretty much anything that is told to her (ESPECIALLY from humans). Sal seems to be a serious and stubborn man, Soul is just a big dumb goofball shaped like a friend!

Mrs. Petersen hedgemaze

Soul is a mischievous, upbeat prankster who wants everyone to enjoy themselves, and hates being told to act her age or how she should live. Mrs. Petersen would be the one telling her how to live; she's a grouchy, jaded woman who thinks there are lots of things wrong with the world today, and unlike Soul, she is not very fond of other people. Soul is also a vampire, and Mrs. P is a god-fearing human.

 Lacey Fey fleshmother

Lacey is a tiny fairy that is out-going, clingy, and doesn't like to be held down by the rules of life. Where the Mrs. thinks that there is so much wrong in the world today, Lacey has no experience of the world besides from his colony and thus thinks the world is an amazing place with lots of opportunities. Lacey loves to explore and loves people, especially his friends which includes a vampire and a human.

Damien Lacy zoryanny

Damien is definitely a more independent type of guy and though he's outspoken, he isn't outgoing like Lacey. He's been to quite a few places and is wise about the world around him. He is very distrusting of most people, especially humans. He's actually quite the homebody when his life allows it, avoiding traveling and civilisation unless he has to. He doesn't know any vampires either since his universe doesn't include them. He's a dragon, which tends to be quite the opposite of the flippant and whimsical fae because of their stoic yet aggressive behaviour.

Also opposite because his last name is Lacy which is pretty dang close to your boy's first name!!

Grimarye Rainbow000Pegasus

Ah, invalid character selected-

Grim is an opposite, I guess, since while he doesn't trust anyone, he will talk to them, and use them. He won't avoid people, and when he came to, he knows nothing. He is dependant on others in this state of his. He also yearns a dragon's power.

Next user, Grim has a human form!

Otter hedgemaze

Grimarye is a powerful, crafty, dangerous sorcerer; Otter is just an innocent little human kid.

Elegant Stitch ducclord

El is total opposite of Otter cuz she's an old, cranky gandma cat cleric. She's also probably not as innocent as a human kid due to her, uhh, medical background. Otter's a hyped kid too, which El is not because "ACK MY BACK!" One last thing is El is more skeptical to things.