Ask the person above OOC about their character!

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 months, 17 days ago) by Luke (CHIEF) hedgemaze

There's a thread for asking IC questions to the character above, but I am a sucker for all dem sweet, sweet character development tidbits, so if you're like me and you've ever wondered what inspired someone to make their characters, here is the thread for you.

Post IC (but don't actually write IC) as the character you want the person below you to ask you a question about, or you can let them ask about any of your characters (or a certain group of characters)! Ask any question OOC to the above character's owner, like perhaps what inspired a certain design choice, what gave them the idea for the character in the first place, what aspect of their character they struggled most in writing, or if the character has changed significantly over time. Anything you want, really (it doesn't have to be a character development question: it can be any OOC question about the character, or a group of them). Claim first if you need time to look through their characters or read their profile(s). And after you've been asked a question, edit your post with your answer.


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I'll start us off with this guy. Have fun!

Edit: my answer

So Luke and the other two terrorists were inspired by an incident when my friend and I were in high school, and running around the neighborhood like the teenage idiots we were, wearing all the Halloween costume items from my basement that we could manage: among them, a Christmas reindeer antler headband and a child's toy fireman helmet. A guy yelled out of the window of his pickup truck that terrorists like us are what America stands against... which was an insane thing to yell at teenagers in stupid costumes, but it made me think, what if I played that guy straight and he was right?

Interested in more games for character questions?

All my forum games and threads

Piggies RabbitJaguar

PSYCHOGRAM (pinging since it's been a few days lol)

What is Apepi's most valuable treasure? Is his design inspired by anything? How big is his jabberwocky form? 

Piggies was born with his power, so he's known about it his whole life. He likes his ears because he finds them ironic.



When did Piggies find out about their power? Does he sometimes dislike his ears since he dislikes pigs.

You can ask anything about anyone here. Probably more suggested to read ones with more written on their profile lol


Omg I forgot I didn't write anything for some links lol.

But basically they all have that sibling relationship where they "hate" each other but at the same time would die for each other.  

Rebirth picks on Revenge the most and they talk to each other often. I'm still conceptualizing all of their back stories but I think Revenge stood up for Rebirth whenever he was getting hurt. Rebirth leaves his older brother alone for the most part and they sometimes end up talking to each other for long periods of time. 

Revenge cares deeply about his two brothers and tries his best to protect them. He'll move mountains for them but is the most quiet of the two. He probably got it from his older brother attempting to follow in his footsteps. His brother taught him many things and Resentment is like an inspiration to him.

Resentment likes to roughhouse Revenge a little bit but it's all in good fun. He often encourages his siblings in his own special way (aka telling them to just do something unless he'll beat them up). He's also the one who get the two out of trouble while also getting himself in trouble for fighting the person they ticked off lol. The two younger siblings all take inspiration from him as they never really had a good father figure (or family at that). 

As for revenge not admitting he likes roses it's because he doesn't want to be seen as less cool or seem feminine. He knows no one will really judge but his family were pricks (no pun intended) who were heavy on gender stereotypes so they kinda lurk in his brain. He thinks of he doesn't care for consequences people will see him as cool and he wants to look brave for his brothers so they can respect him. 

Michel fuelli

Could you describe how the relationships between Resentment, Revenge and Rebirth are? I love sibling dynamics so I'd love to learn more about these three! :D Also, is there any particular reason why Revenge doesn't want to admit liking roses? His "doesn't give two fucks about consequences" side would make him look like he wouldn't care about what people think of him at first, so I'm curious hehe


These two are his most prized possessions, yes; Poupette holds a lot of sentimental value for him, and he thinks of his sword as his most important tool to carry out his mission. But besides that, he isn't really a materialistic person (due to his nature as an angel + his selfless personality), and doesn't have any other items he is particularly attached to!

[ Passion ] MechanicalArtist

What are Michel's most prized possessions? I noticed he's very fond of the sword and of Poupette, but are there any others he may be fond of as well, or perhaps likes more? Or are those two among the highest?

(Wasn't quite sure if this was a good question, but here goes nothing lmao)


I'm currently still developing her story, as I'm not quite sure what she may have in it, but she certainly will have one!

Kaboodle PoyoboxMasterson

Have you written any sort of story for Passion that you haven't shared yet? Or is she like my Kirbysona Amaryllis where there is no real story behind her?

Her parents, mainly her father, assumed that the curse was some horrible burden she'd have to bear, and they couldn't determine what the curse was.

When she eventually returned to her kingdom 25 years later, the witch revealed that the curse was that Kaboodle would be unable to resist dancing when certain songs play because the witch was extremely petty at the time. Kaboodle doesn't really mind and the witch realized during those 25 years that it was kind of dumb.

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Opal Maritza-Skala ScheloftheSea

Was there any particular motive for Leopard becoming a sailor? Did she just simply enjoy it or was there a different reason for it, and how does she feel about being the captain of the ship :0?


She was sort of forced to learn when she got hand-picked by the world's god to be the worlds hero! Definitely was not good at it at all at first, but she was lucky enough to have his first companion be someone very proficient in combat so she just sort of observed his fighting tactics and copied after. LOTS of trial and error and getting used to, and a lot of scolding from the god too. But given that she's an outdoorsy person with a lot of hands on experience with basic survival skills she isn't terrible at it though.
And she isn't technically an actual legitimate princess^^ Princess is a class in the game he's from (sorta think like a dnd class or rpg-style class, miitopia has a lot of odd ones and princess happens to be one) so to answer, yes he does still practice even post-story! Mostly in the form of sparring matches-- but she'll occasionally keep up her old training too since she never knows when she might need it^^

Static RabbitJaguar

How did Opal learn how to fight? Does he still practice, even though he's a princess now?

Before telephones were invented, Static was just a regular low-level demon. He didn't have a lot of power back then, and he didn't have a name of his own! When telephones came around, he had the idea of possessing people through the phone, and because no one else was doing it at the time, it was an untapped power source that he took full advantage of to become as powerful as he is today. His name was given to him by Prince Bezaliel, Demon of Stealth and Secrets, after he had gained enough power to be worthy of a name.

Lucien Bernier fuelli

I picked Static! Since he is the demon of telephones and is several hundreds of years old, what was he doing before telephones were invented? Did he have a different name and job back then? (Unless I got your story timeline wrong dshggsd, but in that case, did he appear just when telephones were invented?)

His parents made him go to the cinema when he was a child and he was mesmerised-- in a "I want to do something just like that one day" way! He did complete some projects but they're... pretty rough around the edges. That doesn't stop him from proudly showing them off to friends and classmates; most adults aren't very interested though.

Roughhouse ennn

@fuelli what led to Lucien growing interested in cinematography specifically? Has he ever completed any of his own works, and if so does he keep them private to friends only or does he show them off? 


They were built as mainly for intimidation / fighting ppl off from robbing their original creator, so they were likely named that to sorta give a "hey dont mess with this guy their names literally roughhouse" impression, and even after ditching their momcreator still keeps the name bc its cool lmao. the gun-axe thing isnt too solid yet canon wise so id have to ask the other players in the campaign but i like to imagine they got into a habit of bonking ppl with a shotgun since they arent that good at actually shooting anything and likely the leader of the gang theyre a part of / a friend in the same gang upgraded it to an axe off the base gun. 

Bishop Horsefinity

Yo this character is so rad!! I adore their design!

What led to their name becoming Roughhouse? Did they make the gun-axe themself, or is there a different story behind that?


Ooh I love Bishop's sense of duty and desire to make his parents proud  of him? ;o; 

Oh yes it is absolutely both his greatest strength and weakness! It's less so his parents than his sisters though-- he would move mountains for his sisters if he could, and he wants them to think as highly of him as he does of them. He believes their fates rest on his shoulders, at least until they're married off (which is due to a very long story which boils down to an Astovian nobleman refusing to marry a woman because he was gay and getting stripped of his rank due to it, and his sister was only saved from persecution because she was already married to someone) and he very strongly wants them to have a good, happy life. He also is very aware that his kingdom is in a very precarious situation after a long history of causing problems all over, and knows that one wrong move could lead to its collapse

As a crown prince, how is he generally perceived by his  people, especially given his sass and brattiness? 

Bishop's people don't think very highly of his father, Vitomir, at all, which does tend to carry over onto Bishop a bit. Bishop's father is an emotional loose cannon, though both Bishop and his father are very aware that nobody likes Vitomir. Bishop himself is much more contemplative and collected, and the people have seen how he has managed to reel in his father's horrible decisions a bit ever since he started helping with them. Overall, I feel like they generally think he's a pompous asshole, but they're confident in his ability to lead their country, so- very mixed feelings on him.

Also, does the fact he  is bad at maths sometimes proves itself to have an impact on his  overall studies/potential as a future king?

Not very much. He avoids doing them himself if he can, because he knows he'll somehow manage to mess it up (look at me projecting LOL). He will have a council he can rely on for those sorts of things when he becomes king, and he certainly will utilize it as much as he has likely used his father's council (in fact, he'll probably keep the same people on said council since he knows them so well and has worked with them for this long already). 

thank you for the questions <3

Michel fuelli

Ooh I love Bishop's sense of duty and desire to make his parents proud of him? ;o; As a crown prince, how is he generally perceived by his people, especially given his sass and brattiness? Also, does the fact he is bad at maths sometimes proves itself to have an impact on his overall studies/potential as a future king?

Thank you for the interesting questions! :D

With how long Michel has lived and how his primary (initial) purpose was to control weather and harvest for humans, has he ever wondered what it would be like to live a mortal life as a human? 

He did, out of random curiosity, but it's not really the kind of question that keeps him up at night either. He is happy being what he is, and while he loves humans dearly, he also thinks that there are big, fundamental differences between angels and humans. He isn't even sure he would be the same person if he was a human, as it would probably change everything about what he knows and how he would live his life.

Additionally, would amy in-universe disasters involving weather and harvest like famine, tornadoes, etc be his own doing or be from some external factors?

There are no such in-universe disasters in my lore atm, but yeah, probably, even though he really doesn't like it. Other factors can also play a part, especially if human intervention is involved somehow; he cannot control the free will of humans. Sometimes he could save them from themselves through a miracle, but that's something he will only do if Lumirel commands it.

 Archimedes Storm_Clouds

With how long Michel has lived and how his primary (initial) purpose was to control weather and harvest for humans, has he ever wondered what it would be like to live a mortal life as a human? Additionally, would amy in-universe disasters involving weather and harvest like famine, tornadoes, etc be his own doing or be from some external factors?


Since he's half-vampire, his powers do not extend as far as being able to turn others into vampires like a full vampire can. Usually he outright kills his victims, as he can take all the blood from them, plus its much less complicated then knocking them out and risking them waking up mid-feeding. He usually turns into bat form when he needs to get somewhere fast, as him flying takes about as much energy as a fast jog does. Although flying is second nature to him, he doesnt like to be in his bat form for long because of how vulnerable of a state he would be in, and how exhausting the act of moving in bat form is.

Anna Serotina

When he consumes human blood does it kill them, turn them, etc? What are the rules on that in your head? Does he often go into bat form? If he does - does he like flying?

Anna started as a name scribbled on a paper. I'd decided to make my own group and make my own adventure, since every campaign I tried to play Ir'Vothgen in fell apart (even the same group, same people I've played other campaigns with, but if she's there it always falls apart. The games without her have been going on for years). So I wrote down Anna, Arlo, Elric, Karkash, and then went and decided Arlo was a full ranger initially, Anna a paladin, Elric a barbarian, and Karkash a rogue. I had already decided Anna and Arlo were siblings, but had made them twins. They sat in a notebook for about three or four years while I tried to outline a plot and figure things out. When my partner offered to do the roleply with me, I was ecstatic. I then nixed the idea of Arlo being a ranger and instead decided I wanted Arlo and Karkash to both be rogues, and Anna got pushed around as a result.

So I thought I'd make her as a side character. But then as I built Arlo I started adding more bits to her. She's 5 years younger, they're only half siblings, I decided she loves flowers because I wanted Irrie to be allergic to flowers. I thought if the group ever had to go to Arlo's mom's Irrie sneezing and coughing and having to sit outside would be funny. Then she just kept experiencing scope creep until she was her own fully-fledged character once again. And at that point ,I needed a fifth character. I decided to smash Anna back into the quint. Now there's technically two tanks and two healers in the party, what with Elric being a barbarian and Irrie being a cleric. But neither Irrie nor Anna specialize in healing, so they're only half-healers so it works out! And Anna is more the tank for projectiles (Shield of Missile Attraction) while Elric would be right in front punching the thing. So it all worked out!

When I had decided to replace Anna I was going to go with a tabaxi bard. But it ended up working out for the best that Anna's in the group. Because she's the only one who isn't neutral at best, so while the rest of the party has no qualms about theft she tries to keep them under control. Another bit that changed: I wanted to have their mom's place be more of a meeting place for the group, and Anna lurking and listening in for any crimes she could chastise them about sounded fun. But actually the group didn't really have a meeting place. Arlo's always at the Bag of Folding gambling, Irrie's at the library or temple of the twins, Anna's on duty or volunteering, Elric is at work as a bouncer, and Karkash is who-knows-where at any moment. They never really settled on a central meeting point due to not everyone knowing each other at the start of the campaign.

Originally, on paper, everyone knew each other. However, in the process of making them individuals who were forced together by fate, some things changed. Anna knows Arlo, Karkash, Irrie. Irrie knows everyone except Arlo (she's seen him with Anna and Karkash but hasn't spoken to him, does that count?). Arlo knows Karkash and Anna. Karkash knows everyone. Elric knows Karkash, Anna, and Irrie. So they didn't all know everyone, and as the game progressed those connections between people grew. Anna introduced Karkash to Irrie, who introduced her to Elric, etc.

Anna was supposed to be stand-offish originally, an apathetic person whose only joy was fighting. But Elric took on the 'love of fighting' bit, as I made him a gladiator in his free time. Anna grew into a more balanced individual. She's much more serious than the three goofballs -and I imagine her and Elric just watching the shenanigans go down with a sigh- but she's now a lot more loose. She'll drink, she'll dance, she'll have fun. She's not always quite as serious anymore, unlike how I originally envisioned her. Now - after the fall of Central City she gets much more serious. But honestly, everyone is going through changes. Arlo's drinking to excess, Irrie's going more feral, Karkash can't sleep, Elric is rambling, everyone's bound to be messed up after a cult traps everyone you know and love inside a dome. She'll be doing better soon. Just gotta sprinkle some angst on the group.

Some things she retained: She's a paladin. She's Arlo's sister. She's more serious than the others. She has a tendency to overwork herself. She's a bit of a neat freak. Doesn't like animals. She's still super big on the temple of the twins, still a paladin of Order.

Spectre Void_Lizard

How has Anna changed since you first made her? Additionally/If she hasn't changed much, what was the first thing you started with when making her?

My character inspirations are largely myth and video game related. Several are characters I play in things like Fallout, Team Fortress 2, or one-off games. Otherwise, it's things related to spirits, undeath, ghosts, and cryptids or monsters.

As for Salamander, he didn't have a great time growing up. His parents are both narcissists and his father always insisted Salamander needed to be perfect, just like he saw himself. The expectations for him as a kid were impossible high and it kinda fucked him up never being good enough for his father. Both his parents were influential rich people in Paris, so he just left France entirely. He kinda has daddy issues now and hates talking about his shitty childhood. Salamander got another dose of trauma during a war but he's doing better since moving to the archipelago the story takes place in.