Q you wish someone would ask to/about your OC?

Posted 6 years, 1 month ago (Edited 5 months, 12 days ago) by hedgemaze

So there are a number of threads for asking questions to or about other people's characters, but do you ever have that one question you really wish someone would ask that they never do? A detail you think is particularly interesting or mysterious, or maybe just something you think would be really fun to talk about, but there isn't really a forum game that suits it? Well, here's the thread for you.

Post IC (but you don't have to write IC unless you want to) as the character in question-- or stay OOC if your question is about a group of your characters, or all of your characters. Write a question you have wished people would ask you, then let the person below you make their guess or theory as to the answer. You can edit your post later to tell them if they're right, or give the answer, or you can stay mysterious if you want to (if you don't think you're going to remember to come back and edit your post, you can just put the right answer under a spoiler cut or blackout text). Make sense? 


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All my forum games and threads

Roadie hedgemaze

I think I've mentioned the answer to this in some thread or other before, but here's an example of something that's a good question that I've never been asked:

If Roadie's new to his band, who was the bass player before?

Yep, you're totally right! Hag is very much like Ricky Wilson, which is why he isn't, initially, too thrilled about giving the new guy his job so to speak. But, well, he gets over it. ;)

 Zara Aarix

Ooh interesting thread!
You will have to forgive me if I sound like a dumbass (as I don't know anything about music) but I believeeeeee they didn't actually have a bass player before? And Haggis was playing with weird tuning to kind of make up for it?? Aaaaaah I dunno hahaha

How'd you reckon Zara died, before she was resurrected?

Oh yeah, that's it! She was killed by members of her own gang-- there was a bit of a reshuffle going on when a higher-up died-- it was commonly agreed that Zara was the real next-in-line, though there were a few who weren't so keen on that idea... They managed to kill her, but they weren't counting on those loyal to her to bring her back from beyond the veil. Needless to say the traitors did not go unpunished... even though one of Zara's besties were among them :0 ooh, drama drama

Yeli M. S. PicklePantry

Man, I'm sorry if I get this totally wrong, but I'm guessing it had something to do with a gang war? Maybe someone from a rival gang, or an enemy she made got her?

Yeli's got a big ole secret but the secret is right under your nose. I've been posting him around waiting for someone to ask if he's who/what they think he is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So... who or what do YOU think he is?   

Gonna have to say no ;w; You're close, though!


Hmm... I think he is one kille— I mean, scientist? Like, he’s tired of the persons laughing of he and him failed experiments? So he isolated himself, working alone trying to achieve success in his experiment?

(I’m in mobile rn, so Here’s the OC link)


I rlly want someone to ask... Why Inkas is one yandere? Why they loves kill the others? Hope someone claim me, I rlly love the answer QwQ

Edit: Lmao, ur right, they’re a sorta of werewolf, but him other form just appears when they is sad or when Inkas see blood.

Ivy gummy

He kind of gives me vibes that he could be a werewolf of some sort??? or some sort of shapeshifter in general.......I could be totally wrong tho who knowssssssss

I feel like Incas became yandere due to some twisted sense of humor, probably from some sort of traumatic interest he may have had in the past. Or maybe there isnt a reason, he just really loves the way killing feels

How do you think Ivy could of lost her eye? 

i forgot to edit this post, sorry ;-; Anyway youre pretty spot on! She lost it in a fight, with someone she kind of does not consider her an enemy. She does not like to tell others about it because she views it as a sign of weakness. 

Brevyn reinapepiada

I'm guessing one of her enemies took it? :O Either that or she lost it in a silly accident that she never wants to mention because it's embarrassing, but I think it's more the first one- someone she knew has it, or destroyed it.


How come Brevyn looks like a person if he's supposed to be a tree?


omg that's actually super cute, he would be so happy if that were the case! it's actually an ambigous situation; brevyn interacts with moke, who's a hybrid between tree and human. it may be because moke is a bridge between two lifeforms that he's able to see what others can't see, but it may also be the fact that as a parasitic tree, brevyn can take on the form of the trees he parasites on. if he does that to a hybrid, he might take on his form as well.

Claire "Fancy" Antilae-Minami VincentVanGoat

Their love of life! What better way to see it than be one of the dominant life forms? As for what caused his person shaped tree status, I can't quite say, maybe nature's will allowed this tree to take a new form, or some sort of magic spell? Maybe some chemicals in the ground mutated him.

A little known fact about this radical horse is she was in some movies from around the age of 20 to about 26, before she returned her focus on music. From the really lacking profile and just what vibes she gives off, What kind of movies did she like to do the best?

EDIT: Yee, good guess! They indeed were fun to film, but they were B movies so it wasn't the most well scripted and such, but hey she has martial arts skills so they lent nicely to the filming, and had her career been able to get anywhere movie wise, she'd possibly be in better films by now, but heck her music took off and that's just really radical for her~

Bane hedgemaze

She seems like such a punk/badass, so maybe action movies?

Everyone in this tag could be said to be homeless since they're all squatters, but Bane is the only one I specifically describe as "homeless." Why?

Both are great guesses, but the second one is right. Bane was kicked out of the house a few years ago and isn't welcome back; neither does anyone in his family speak to him except one of his sisters. He's in the squat because Kaji found him in a bad way and wanted to help him, and if Kaji hadn't, he'd still be living on the streets or worse by the time the comic starts. This isn't how Bane intends to spend his life, and although he loves the other guys and is unendingly grateful that they helped him, his goal is ultimately to be able to support himself in a stable way, the kind that doesn't involve sleeping bags, hot plates, and hiding from the police.

Heto ran away from a bad home life, but squatting is a life he chose and it's what suits him: he's not much of an indoor pet. Luke and Kaji have complicated pasts and operate in a way that's mostly outside of mainstream society, but they're adults who started the squat together for reasons of sociopolitical conviction. I don't talk about Lance much, but he has the most options out of all of them and isn't even poor; he's just a hippie or whatever the modern equivalent is.

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 Sandy Doe sardine

callilux Hmmm, from what I've see of your characters, perhaps his friendship with Cam? Or, maybe in a more personal sense, his ability to keep going and toughing it out despite having a really, REALLY crappy time? I mean, damn. Sorry this isn't a good answer, I really am unsure, but those two things are what I assumed would be his reason for being OP!

Okay, other than being able to take a human form, what makes Sandy here different from other Ironfangs, do you reckon?

That's partially it, and now I'm kicking myself for not expanding on what I meant properly! Most Ironfangs have a very bland personality. They tend to have a monotonous pattern of speech and don't offer their opinions on things, but Sandy definitely does! The opinions are just parroted from what other people he knows, and his cheeriness is largely a mask, but he is at least capable of mimicking it and taking it on to a certain extent, unlike other Ironfangs.

Piperine reinapepiada

By his profile I can only infer that he's different from them because he has a relationship with divine entities which makes him ominous or at least mysterious? 


What do you think it takes to outsmart Piperine, or if it's even possible?


HAHA Piperine's attitude plays a big role on whether people can outsmart her or not- she's admittedly incredibly observant and the same trick won't work twice on her. She was once outsmarted by very carefully leading herself in her own trap, which made her basically powerless. She then ended up like this, long and disproportionate, in order to gain that power back.

So nowadays that won't work, but you need a similar mindset in order to outsmart her, in the sense that you have to understand her and plan accordingly. A plan that can't ever show itself as a plan, and you can't under any circumstances appear smarter than her, because she'll immediately put her guard up- which you really don't want to. Catching her with her guard down, in a way it's a hardcore social maneuver, and it's technically possible but boy it's so much work!

She's not much of a threat so you really won't win much by outsmarting her, it's more likely that her friends might try to outsmart her out of playfulness (even if it doesn't seem like that at first. witch stuff)

Claude Lovelace Caine

reinapepiada Aaahh hmmm maybe by bringing emotions or hardcore socializing into the situation somehow? I honestly couldn't really imagine how but she came across as someone who might not necessarily be in the best position if there are a lot of people involved or something. Now I'm SUPER curious to know the right answer tho!!

Claude has two siblings, a younger sister (by a year) and an older brother (by at least 5 years). What do you think his relationship to them is now?

Claude has a somewhat distant relationship to his older brother because of the age gap + clear differences in both interests and personality: Lawrence is serious but soft natured, Claude in turn is fickle but also very brutal compared to him. Their relationship is not particularly bad though, more like they just give each other a respectful distance since it's clear their age gap in particular makes it hard for them to have shared interests or much in common in terms of life situation. 

To his sister Rosa Claude actually has an odd but ultimately a very good relationship with! It used to be Claude bullying her in the past but now it's usually the other way around, Rosa being stronger than Claude is. Claude might win her in a verbal fight, but when things get physical it's more often than not Rosa who triumphs as the winner haha. They are kind of bratty with each other, to the point seeing Claude interacting with his sister seems almost uncharacteristic of him & he appears more like a boy his age, bickering and fighting over the dumbest things like who gets to use the bathroom mirror first. They care about each other a lot though and have that #gaysolidarity going on, and they're more than willing to help each other when push comes to shove. 

That being said though Claude is very independent and not only does he spend little time at home because of his school & social life but also he yearns to spread out his wings already and tear himself out of the familiar home life and explore new things.  

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ASTROBOT hedgemaze


I think he might be the child/pup of a werewolf and a dog?

Any guesses what ASTROBOT and Dag Dag are from/used in?

Nope (ASTROBOT's design is based on a different early '80s robot show), but both he and Dag Dag are used as NPCs in the same game...

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