Ask a Simple Question to the OC Above You

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by RadiantRaindragon

Hello and welcome!

This is a question game for those who don't like writing too much, don't want to analyse long bios, or just don't want to worry about breaking any rules regarding the length of their post.

I love learning all the tidbits that make up who a character is, no matter how 'unimportant' - the origin of a nickname, their favourite season, how they got their pet, why they like a certain game. Please read the rules before posting!

Format example:

Person 1's post: What are Ethereal's hobbies? Edit: Crowley likes thunderstorms the most!

Person 2's post: What is Crowley's favourite weather? Edit: Lucifer likes racing and platformer games most, especially Mario games.

Person 3's post: What videogames does Lucifer play?

You can post IC if you want the next person to question a specific character, or you can post OOC and let them pick for themselves.


1. Try to avoid asking questions that are already answered on the character's profile. That being said, don't get angry at someone if they do this - it's easy to miss things!
2. Detailed questions are still allowed! But you might not get a question of equal effort. That is the risk of the game.
3. Don't post characters who are marked 18+ or feature highly disturbing themes - let's try to keep it so everyone can enjoy the game.
4. Don't be rude, insulting, or passive-aggressive towards other people or their OCs in any way.
5. Wait for at least 3 people to post before you go again (unless over 12 hours have passed since the last post, then it's fair game for anyone).
6. Real questions only, please. This is not a place for memes or shitposts.
7. Don't skip people. Even if the above user has blocked you, that is not valid reason for skipping them.

If you break rules: Depending on the severity of the situation, I may either PM you with a warning or immediately ban you from the game. Regardless of severity, you can be banned if you repeatedly break rules.

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freya pixiekinz

oops uhhh what kind of tree did he turn into?

she would also like hard cheese and dark chocolate!

Haruka VincentVanGoat

So, she dislikes most human foods, and there's mention of raw meats being the exception. Are there any other human foods that she would like, or is it just the meats?

Ah, she was around 12 years old, and well, she had school, worries about general life stuff at that age, and it had her overthinking everything, unable to focus. So her mother stepped in and began teaching her Martial Arts to help clear her mind! It worked wonders and she kept with it all her life since then, as well yeah, it's still a great help for her. She's even gone her own way with them to stand out herself!~

Jill hedgemaze

How did Claire get into martial arts? Oh, this is an interesting question.

At first I was thinking it would be some slow, lugubrious song, but I was trying to figure out why she'd sing something she hates, so then I thought about songs you're required to sing, and (like me) she's a Catholic school survivor, so that was the answer. It's gotta be one of the more tedious hymns, like "On Eagles' Wings" (it's so slow and unending) or "Here I am, Lord" (because it's so ubiquitous and annoyingly catchy), and no, she hates to hear them, too.

Glidera Model 76 Almondlover

What's Jill's least favorite song to sing? Does she still enjoy hearing it?

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 Solanaceae "Sol" muwi

Doesn't it hurt your cheek muscles to smile so much all the time?

A looooong time. If he wasn't making swords then he was playing around with them. It took him a while to be able to lift one, but after he got better at that he just needed to learn how to endure handling more. It sort of feels like carrying a weight but not with your hands.

(Seriously in the beginning he couldn't lift the weapon up from the tip side, so it was just scraping the floor whenever he tried, and he cried bc it ruined the edge)

Maybe a thousand >w>

probably not that many but in the high hundreds for sure. If they were all gathered in the same area he can control them all, yes. Since they're so highly coveted and scattered, that's rarely the case these days.

Alistair McLain AlleycatIrony

that telekinetic sword manipulation ability is pretty neat - how long did it take him to perfect that ability? did he have trouble w/ it to begin w/? how many swords can he use at once is it really a thousand 👀


he actually had a passing interest in scrapbooking when he was a kid! he found out thru that how much he enjoyed photography (as he had to take his own photos) and in turn - how bad he was at scrapbooking lmao 

he kept up the hobby and was the main photogropher for the highschool yearbook back in his final year and now pursues it professionally!

King Eldritch RadiantRaindragon

When did he get interested in photography? Was it something that started when he was quite young?

I wanted his colour palette to reflect the fact that he uses ice and water magic! Blue and white hair is common for his race, and blue is also considered to be a royal colour, so he wears mostly blue clothing to symbolise his rank as King of his people.

At least, that the in-universe explanation. Mostly, I just wanted to make him those colours.


Why is he mostly blue?


Anyone is fine.


It's because he didn't want his hair to block his eyes, and if he doesn't make his hair straight up, then he would be unable to see.

Sparrow Sleepy-Thunder

How does Ben get his hair to stand up and floof so well?

Boiii you have just given me so many ideas. Sparrow is a current WIP so I definitley was gonna go with some cons for his pros and I might borrow a few. >.>

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Does the whole 'removed heart' ability have any side effects on the mind or body? (For example, low blood pressure, paler skin than before, unstable emotions or a cool big ass tattoo on his chest where his heart once was?)


(Geahsgshe, He would if he hadn't any commitment issues )

Ros moved from Starbeq to Krettwick when he was 33 y/o! Before that, he had never been bothered to learn Kretts (besides some words he used in his show but you can't really order a loaf of bread by saying 'And for my next trick/I'm the great and powerful Roswell butcher ;V) so he had to adapt and quick. Paperback books are cheap, easy to get and the best way to learn a foreign language. Ros bought the first one with the first coins he had stolen lmao what a nerd. His favorite is 'Loved on Sea'. The main character in that one is a lost Starbeqian nobleman (and Ros likes to pretend that HE a lost Starbeqian Nobleman himself, is the MC And does indeed quote this book a lot), who's also a doctor, trapped on a luxury boat on Sea and is forced to marry a Krett noblewoman, but is actually in love with her maid. oh no the drama. He quotes it a lot and Leika and Graak know where he got those cheesy one-liners from. They know man.

At some point in this novel I'm writing (haha help), Sal gets wounded and ends up living in Ros his apartment to recover. He's bored out of his mind and starts too read the paperback novels spread around this dude apartment... Sal hates them, but he has to do something you know. (besides practicing the card trick that ros showed him)

Jackson Rivers PicklePantry

"Will you marry me?"

Plz tell me all about how Roswell got into cheesy romance novels. What's his favorite one? Does he quote lines when he thinks no one will notice? Has Salvador stumbled upon his secret stash of romance novels?

The rings don't hold any meaning. I'm more than sure he stole them and liked how they looked on him.
As for Smiley, when Jackson broke into a house to sleep in he found Smiley already there having just killed a family. Smiley hunted Jackson down in the house, and to get him to stop running off he pinned Jackson to a wall by stabbing a knife through his hand.

 Aleu GeckoSauce

Do his two rings have any meaning? I also read he got the scar of smiley, but what happened? 

Aleu lives in the uk, and well hoodies are pretty much always bearable all year round. He will take them off but only if really necessary. 

As for designs, he likes simple pastel kinds of designs. Also, anything snow or winter related he loves.

Yaobiku muwi

Why hoodies and not shirts? Wouldn't it get hot?

Also what kind of designs does Aleu like most?

There was that time he met the leader of the country outside of the palace in disguise, completely disregarded the fact that she had bodyguards and insulted her to her face. He practically fell to his knees when he met her in an actual formal setting and was introduced to her. Thankfully, she's quite forgiving.