Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q51. what kind of pasta would your ocs be Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?

ayyyy we got a spaghetti noodle over here ayyyy I TRY TO MAKE JOKE CHARACTERS but inevitably they end up like... sad. Why does this keep happening?? But for now, I'll focus on characters who I haven't ruined with sad backstories yet... Some of my new characters! (It's why they don't have sad backstories sigh) So we have Xun here who is this tiny torment. He goes around coaxing monsters into attacking villages, causing strife and so on and his whole Thing is that he just has a hell of a time being bad. Is that comic relief...? Kind of?? He meets a monster who's a complete pacifist and who is all "nah I'm good" when Xun tries to get him to be evil and from then on just... dedicates himself to trying to turn him evil.

Valentine and Sohgi are my other ones. Sohgi's an opportunist and a money-grubber and he's always coming up with one get rich scheme or another... and Valentine just blithely goes along with it without really saying anything productive. They're bumbling...


Q51. what kind of pasta would your ocs be Do you have any joke characters, or at least any characters who primarily serve as comic relief?

I... sadly don't really have any joke characters. It's so sad. ;_; Even the most light-hearted characters have deep and serious backstories.

My most light-hearted baby is probably Kazea. If at all familiar with WoW's goblins, you'll know that they're just always zany, goofy characters who hardly take anything seriously and are all about money and gadgets. When I first came up with her, she was supposed to fit into that--an ambitious entrepreneur who made a fortune and then lost it in a series of nearly-comical unfortunate events, and is now trying to rebuild her reptuation and find her way in the world. However, I later decided I wanted to write a full-length fanfiction based on the story my husband and I came up with while RPing in and out of game, and it ended up becoming a very in-depth story. I found I wanted to delve past the goofy goblin facade and play around with the serious emotions underneath, and eventually developed a really detailed backstory for her and the characters around her. As a result? She's honestly one of my favorite characters to RP and work with.

Still, that doesn't take away from the fact that she's still really silly, and has crazy ideas, and is just so much fun to play as. Writing her fanfic is some of the most fun I've ever had, because I don't feel like I'm working hard. I just write whatever comes to mind, and it works for her. Also, it's going to sound really weird, but my husband and I used to RP via messaging all the time when we were still in a long-distance relationship. Nowadays, we live together and have our computers side-by-side. We still like to RP our characters every so often, so in the case of Kazea and my husband's character, we'll RP out loud to each other, in-character, while playing the game together. It's goofy and I love it. x)

She's also totally rotini because wheeee springs!


oh my god how many times is this network going to kick me off before it'll actually let this post go through, i'm too lazy to keep retyping all of the responses and junk that i made so tl;dr thank you for noodling and it's time for seven deadly sins week but not really bc i've already asked about most of the sins whoops!

(note to self: paste things in wordpad before you hit post)

Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?


Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?


My main demons at the moment are all made for sex, they are the few kinds of demons that can have sex, mainly Ishra and Iskalon though. Ishra is a succubus and in my universe of demons, they are the only kind that reproduce sexually, so it is in her nature to be lustful so that reproduction can happen. Iskalon, however, is a demon made to suduce humans in order to steal their soul, but he found himself enjoying sleeping around as well and will attempt to get in your pants at first.

Carter is also lustful due to his boarderline addiction to sex, but unlike Iskalon and Ishra, he only lusts after women and tends to have a surplus of sex more to try to forget his paint, he's one angsty person.


Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?

Well, for my story that involves people actually afflicted with the deadly sins, Lloyd and Leila are both afflicted with lust. Both have always been rather promiscuous throughout their lives and not very interested in long term relationships, however both ended up finding stability with someone, Eileen and Walter respectively. However upon going to college and becoming afflicted with lust, they've gone back to their old ways and are basically shamelessly cheating on their partners, usually gravitating toward each other but also sleeping around with whoever catches their eye. Lloyd seems to legitimately not be interested in Eileen anymore, and Eileen blames it on his frat corrupting him and turning him into an asshole. Leila however just is kind of an airhead and is just easily enchanted by others, and she doesn't really think about the consequences of her actions. She doesn't seem to understand how much it's actually hurting Walter, because she has kind of a polyamorous mindset and just feels Walter is free to see other people too. But Walter is obviously not interested in anyone else. Even if Leila insists that he's boring and she needs more excitement in her life, she still ends up falling for him all over again... and then cheating all over again. That poor boy just needs to cut it off while he can... it's not doing well with his depression.


too lazy to answer the previous questions so

Q52. Which OC of yours is the most lustful?

fml i got no ocs who exactly fit under this category... i gotta work on them a bit but I guess Lapis would kind of fit this since they want to have fun?? They'd be attracted to so many people but wouldn't really want to be involved in a romantic relationship gg

this doesn't exactly answer the question but Alexandre was attracted to so many people in Seviele, but it never got past occasions where he got a chance to flirt with them a bit, mostly because he needed to be careful for reasons. Of course, Coye was basically the only person he was nervous around from the start, but hey they're dating now! god they're so gay. sometimes he says things in a lustful tone because he thinks Coye's reaction is adorable  Tbh now that I think about it he'd probably have a couple of kinks. Someone kinkshame Alexandre for me please

although if you want to apply this to just behavior in general, the en2rety version of Missingno would fit this perfectly, even if he only ever hit on Iso's 2cro constantly (: gg never forget the headcanons. i just realized everyone else will be confused by this but idc :colbert:


ninthform augh i know it's so weird because when you first make a profile, the short description box has spellcheck but the actual profile editor and the forum post box doesn't?? it kills me, i gotta keep typing words into my search bar to see if they're right. technology has spoiled me ;_;7

Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others?

Also, I'm going to be working on making a pastebin file that has the actual questions next to the question numbers! That'll be right above the question links, so that way people who weren't here from the start/people who missed some questions can look through it and pick out questions they'd like to answer without having to open 50 tabs! It'll also help me stay organized, seeing as I keep hesitating to ask some questions because I'm like "wait, did I ask this question already?" That'll probably be done in a couple hours, maybe sooner if I can hurry and get it done before class starts!


Q53. Which OC of yours is the most envious of others?

Collin probably, he is full of envy and has trouble containing the fact he constantly wants what others have. He grew up in a low income family and never had great things and he would always look at what other kids had and would have loved to have new skateboards and stuff like that. He never really had nice things but wanted them and wanted other kid's lives with a less broken family and such.

what a little angst, wow


Q54. Which OC of yours is the most greedy?

the question list is up! i'll make a pastebin account later so i can actually edit it whoops

man i gotta catch up on qs


Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?
The first one I made a true profile for was Apollyon. o v o Apollyon is one of my all time favorite ocs, so its easy to write about him. He has a whole story that I'm writing about him. As for the first one I apperntly put up, it was Zephyr. Mainly because I was going backwards in the alphabet and he was first in the list at the time.
Q2. How do your OCs feel about the internet?
It depends. I have some like Breccan who are very much in love with it than you have others like Duat that just don't understand it at all. All of Breccans friends are online so he is always on it. He is incredibly shy normally so its the only way he comes out of his shell. Duat on the ther hand was first born in ancient egypt and has a very har time grasping modern technology at all. It was attempted to show him the internet by one of his friends at one point but it ended with him giving up trying.
Q3. Which of your OCs sleeps the most? Who's the hardest to wake up, if it's not the same person?
Sugar sleeps the most. He likes to cur up in blankets an loves pillows and stuffed animals. Sleeping is the only time he really feels at peace so he doe it all the time. However, hes a pretty light sleeper. The hardest to wake up would be Lace. He had to share a bed with Fluff for so long that he learned to seep through just about anything. Additionally, he can fall asleep just about anywhere.