The Endless Spire

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

Glade: 1504 words (+15) Completed post (+7) World Specific (+1) = 23 (double for event) = 46g

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Glade stood, aghast. So the rumors were true? She'd given her all to fight the Ravenous Beast, and now... this?

A massive, spiraling tower rose before her at the jungle's edge. It reeked of wild, uncontrolled magic, and she felt an uncommon anger begin to boil within her. All that effort, the sweat and tears, the fleeing villagers - and for what? The structure seemed almost mocking, its form shimmering when she turned her head to peer up towards its peak. The outer visage hinted at an ethereal mess of doors within, and she'd heard fleeting rumors of mages being teleported here, even against their will.

If was borne of Ravenous... that made it dangerous. Corrosive. This shouldn't BE here.

She stamped towards the largest central door, determined. An order guard trotted over, waving his head somewhat nervously to get her attention.

"Ah - is it... Glade, yes? Are you... here to assist with the tower?" She nodded curtly, and the mage seemed briefly relieved. Had she met him before? Perhaps back at Namarast. "Yes! Good. We could use the extra hooves - the first wave of guards are overdue for a break. Would you guard the main door, for a time? The other side is covered, of course, and there are witchfinders further out," he looked about furtively. "But. Well. You can't be too careful. We need the place locked up tight. It seems mages from all over are crawling out of the woodwork for this one."

Glade made a loose gesture with her withers in affirmation. She didn't care who was pulling the strings, this time. She'd stand guard and keep the unsuspecting - or unprepared - from wandering into what was very likely a magical tomb for their own good. What use were riches when you were dead? What good was fame and glory when such renown came from terrible deeds? She stamped resolutely, and the former guard trotted away with a small regiment, back towards the town. 

She took up post just beside the door, and settled in for a time. It was quiet... for now. Perhaps she was one of the first to hear of the tower, having still been nearby from the recent battle. She did hope no hothead young mage would attempt entry, but, well... Glade didn't have terribly high expectations.