The Endless Spire

1 year, 10 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 7
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

Glade: 1504 words (+15) Completed post (+7) World Specific (+1) = 23 (double for event) = 46g

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His deep weariness, his sorrow, rubbed off on her own mood, and she shuffled in place, discordant.

His words deeply concerned her. If these corruption events were happening more often than even the Witchfinders were reporting... well. That didn't bode well for anyone. She, too, could see the pressure building - like a powder keg with heaps of gunpowder simply waiting for a spark. Would a major corruption event set the entire country ablaze? Or would the pressure build as leaders continued this irritating political maneuvering? Public opinion, mage reputation, Miriam's witchfinders. When would poor souls like Percy catch a break?

She pitied the ram before her, but wouldn't insult the fellow by saying as much to his face. If nothing else, she could give him his dignity. His open candor with her certainly deserved it.

"I galloped here as soon as I'd heard. I'm not often summoned directly - my ties with the Order administration are quite loose, and if they'd bother to look deeper they would find me already where I'm needed most, I think." At least, that's what Glade had assumed. Since the Order saw fit to leave her alone to her travels, it seemed they either didn't care enough to intervene, or generally approved of her actions across the countryside. They had certainly been pleased with her involvement with the Ravenous hunt, at least.