The Endless Spire

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

Glade: 1504 words (+15) Completed post (+7) World Specific (+1) = 23 (double for event) = 46g

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Percy's worry softened, then melted a bit at the familiarity in her voice. 

That was... somewhat reassuring.

He let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding, and a smile smoothed over his features, his wrinkled brow smoothing. 

"Oh no. Well. Yes. It's a bit complicated. But I no longer study or work there. Kind of. I go back every now and again, to get books from the library or add books to the library, turn in some of my notes, do my usual, but otherwise no." He let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head a little bit as he tentatively took another step forwards. "I have been well. Though I grow weary. My most recent attempts to go back to Namarast have met endless difficulties." He almost laughed, though in the end just let out a heavy sigh. "First that thing and now whatever in all the halls of Fate and Fortune this is." He nodded towards the tower and stomped at it with a hoof.

Percy paused for a moment, his ears tilting back his head tipping to one side as a hint of concern wormed its way into his thoughts. "You look weary, Glade. I hope the time we were apart has not been unkind to you?" He couldn't help but to worry, eyebrows furrowing once more and drawing together, making the lil circle on his forehead look more like a scrunchie. "In any case, I pray that the gods are kind to you as time continues down its current track."