The Endless Spire

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
13 3484

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Prompt 1: "Join up with those affiliated with the Order to prevent people from harming the Spire or entering through the doors."

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He was tired.

Percy felt about as worn down as he could without actually falling down.

It'd all started (seemingly) with Harlan stealing his books, and then being reacquainted with Ivory, and then the monsters and now... this. 

A tower.

He'd just been on his way back to Namarast. And then there'd been yet another stone pitched into his path. Not literally of course, it was figurative, a lot of what he thought about was. But that didn't change the fact he was all of a sudden just... standing where the monster had laid slain, very near to where he'd stood to fight, ohh, not even a full month ago. He just wanted a break. But officially he was still under the Order's jurisdiction and the Order wanted to poke at the big tall shiny tower and try to figure out what on earth it was and how it got here. 

Personally he thought it reeked of magic. And even just standing outside it staring upwards that only felt to be more the case.

It was so... tall.

He squinted a touch and tipped his head to one side, flower petals gently floating down from around his horns in a subtle breeze. The area sure was lively, even the forest seemed curious about the strange structure, and he honestly didn't blame them. If he'd had at least an hour more of sleep and a glass (or three) of wine, he'd be in there with the best of them poking at things he probably shouldn't. For now he was lingering outside and just... staring. Watching people go hither and thither, staring nervously at each passing witchfinder and chuckling at a youth who or two who went nyooming into a briefly unguarded door. It was quite the scene to watch.

And as most things did, it made him wonder how his own adopted kids were doing.

He hoped they were well, and far from this hive of shenaniganary. 

He heaved a sight and plodded forwards, shaking his head. Who knew, maybe he'd find something inside, a little trinket or a gold coin to give to each of them. Asha might even be happy with a pretty bit of stone if he could find something interesting. He hummed a bit then paused, eyes settling on a familiar face. A smile cracked his expression and he blinked the exhaustion from his eyes, approaching slowly, the expression fading as he spotted look on her face.

"It's been a while, friend!" He couldn't help but tentatively bleat out, not quite knowing if they stood on similar sides in this. It was so hard to tell these days. And with all that he had been doing, he never could tell if even those he had called friend would look upon him and smile. He took a breath and tried to force the warm expression back onto his face. If he weren't so tired, his nerves wouldn't be so brazenly fried, he bet silently with himself.